This is Kerrick Thomas – and for the last 12 years I’ve served alongside of Nelson Searcy as Executive Pastor of The Journey Church. Today we continue our discussion of the power of meetings – are you familiar with these important types of meetings?
There are three reasons why pastors avoid meetings. Do any of these sound familiar?
- “I’m too busy and my team is too busy.”
- “I’ve had bad experiences in the past.”
- “I don’t want to micromanage my team.”
If you’re too busy, you’re just not having the right kind of meetings – the ones that get you on the same page as your staff Meetings can save you time.
(To review the first 3 types of meetings listed in Part 1, click here.)
- Stand-Up Meetings
These are quick check-in meetings. At The Journey we have two types:
- Thursday stand-up meeting: about 3:00pm
We check in with each team to make sure everything’s ready for Sunday. We have a “Thursday Midnight Rule:” everything for Sunday service has to be completed by end of day Thursday.
- Direct reports stand-up meeting: 9:00am every morning
At this meeting, we run through the list for the day.
- Brainstorming Meetings
In this type of meeting, you have an issue or goal you set (like baptizing 50 people this year). The mission of the meeting is to get as many ideas or solutions on the board as you can (think 50–100).
Break these up into shorter meetings, about 15 to 20 minutes focused on one department or area, so the right people are in the room. Always have a specific agenda for each meeting.
- Confrontational Meetings
This isn’t an easy meeting to have (as pastors, most of us are people-pleasers by nature), but the more you put off addressing an issue in this kind of meeting, the worse it gets. Schedule this type of meeting as early in the day as possible.
– Kerrick

Pick up my brand new resource Planning and Leading Effective Meetings and save 89% this week only – through Friday, July 17th!
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