Q: How important is it, in your opinion, that churches work together to serve their communities? What do you think causes some to not want to work together?
A: Nelson – thanks for taking the time to participate in the tour. You’re a huge blessing to the Church we both love so much. Thank you for all you do.
I believe that there’s nothing that compares to churches working together to serve their community. There’s so much more that can get done. The Bible even teaches that what one can do alone, ten times that can get accomplished with two working together.
I think when I really decided how important it is to work together with others came one day when I had a thought – I won’t say it was a vision, but it was close – more of a daydream that turned really vivid. The picture was of me decked out in mountain-climbing gear, standing atop Mt. Everest. I had just reached the summit, and I was exhilarated. But then I turned to give someone a hi-5. No one was there. Suddenly I was bummed. The thrill of it all emptied out quickly because I had no one to celebrate with.
As humans, we are built to enjoy each other, and when we go after life alone, we miss out on a lot of joy God offers us. In reality, we will reach far more mountaintops as a team than we would alone. And when we do, we’ll have someone to hi-5.
Honestly, Nelson, I can’t think why anyone would want to go alone in this. Not once you’ve tasted the joy of serving together. It’s just so much more effective and fun. Maybe it’s because they just haven’t experienced it yet.
P.S. Have you considered bringing a mission team to New York City this summer? If so, check out this post from a while back about The Journey’s One in a Million project.
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