My friend and co-author, Steve Reynolds, is traveling the country to celebrate the launch of our new book, The Healthy Renegade Pastor. Just last week he was leading free launch parties in the Western Ohio, Chicago and Madison, Wisconsin areas. All three events were hosted by members of my Advanced Coaching Netowrk. Yesterday I shared photos from the first two events – below is an update from Wisconsin, including part of Lead Pastor Stan Pegram’s personal story featured in the book.
Pastors who attended all received free copies of the book of course but, even better, they got a crash course from Steve on what it means to be a Healthy Renegade Pastor and how to stop sacrificing their health and well-being on the altar of ministry.
As a pastor and coach to over 2,000 pastors worldwide, I understand the demands of ministry that can threaten to derail your health. Steve helped me get on track and lose 70 pounds – and has helped my coaching alumni as well; in fact, several of these pastors are featured in the book!
Stan was one of those pastors who shared his story of dropping 40 lbs and encouragement for others in ministry.

Stan was one of those pastors who shared his story of dropping 40 lbs and encouragement for others in ministry.
“The biggest struggle I have when trying to stay healthy is the crazy schedule and stress of being a lead pastor for eight worship sites. It is hard to eat right when you are always on the run – and by run, I do not mean actually running. I mean getting in the car, eating fast food and hurrying to the next meeting. In our churches, and probably in most churches, there is always food at our meetings. We call it hospitality. If I’m disciplined, this can be great. If I’m not disciplined, it is trouble!
Remember that ministry is not a sprint, and it is not a marathon. Rather, it is a series of sprints all connected together. In order to be ready for those very busy, heavy times in ministry, do everything you can to make sure it is not your physical body that lets you down. Just as you work out spiritually by Bible reading, worship, prayer, stewardship and service, do not forget to work out physically. God wants you healthy in this temporary body, so take small steps into an accelerated program for fitness.
Stan’s Advice: Seek God, because if you truly seek God then you will have a better understanding of the need for physical health.”
Steve and I wrote this book together to help pastors like Stan say NO to average and embrace a life full of vitality that God has called us to. Check out the P.S. below for details on how you can pick up your own copy of The Healthy Renegade Pastor today.
Your partner in ministry,
P.S. Get your own copy of our new book The Healthy Renegade Pastor for just $1.00 ($19.95 value) with free shipping! Start discovering the secrets to wellness that every pastor should know. As church leaders, too many of us sacrifice our health and well-being on the altar of ministry, but your present doesn’t have to equal your future. Click here to request your copy today plus get two free months in my private Renegade Pastors Network – a group focused on abandoning average in all areas of your life and ministry!
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