This is the week I’ve been eagerly anticipating for months! My new Senior Pastor Tele-Coaching Network begins THIS THURSDAY and I’m excited about the quality of pastors who are signed up. This is a great group of Senior Pastors.
I just want to give you a heads-up though – I only have room for a few more Senior Pastors, and you must Apply Now for consideration.
One of the reasons I’m so passionate about the network and adamant about you prayerfully considering it is because I get to see and hear first-hand how God uses the network to grow churches, reach more people for Christ and re-energize pastors!
For example – here’s an update I received from Ed Trinkle (a Coaching Alum and Pastor of Life Church in Aston, Pennsylvania) about his experience and results in the network:
The month we started our first coaching lesson we averaged for the month 280, this month we averaged 360, and that does not include Easter Sunday in which we had 480. I have been to great meetings where I was motivated to come home and grow our people and our church,. This network, for me feels like I am learning how to be a quarterback on a Super Bowl team, not from a loud emotional, motivated coach, but from a successful NFL quarterback.
– Ed Trinkle, Life Church, Aston, PA
Thanks for sharing Ed – it’s great to see what God is doing at Life Church!
How about you? Are you ready to grow personally and lead your church to grow?
Let me help you do everything you can to make the next year of ministry your BEST year of ministry?
My new Senior Pastor Tele-Coaching Network starts in just two days – THIS Thursday, February 23 – and there’s just a few more spaces available for pastors like you.
For more information and to Apply Now, visit:
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