Today’s guest post comes to us from Will Graham for
In the midst of all the commotion surrounding the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, for those wanting to get to grips with Martin Luther’s theological worldview, there is perhaps no better place to start than with his acclaimed ‘Table Talk’ (first published in English way back in 1646).
The book is unique in that is a compilation of the German reformer’s spontaneous sayings whilst at home with his students and friends. Not only is it a great piece of doctrinal and practical divinity, but it is also exceptionally easy to follow divided up into forty-five distinct themes.
This week, I have put together some of his quotes from the first chapter of the book – ‘Of God’s Word’- to give you all a flavour of the tome and to get a sense of Luther’s burning passion for the blessed Word of God.
May it prove to be a blessing!
Click here to read the quotes and full article.
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