What would it look like if you had a fully resourced church this Fall?
How many of your people — current members and first-time guests — would you like to grow spiritually through biblical stewardship?
You can’t grow your people or your church without addressing the money issue head on. I learned this long ago — that Stewardship is Discipleship — and there is a proven way that you can cultivate giving in your church.
You CAN still maximize your church’s level of giving this Fall but the time to ramp up is now.
I’d like to help you with my step-by-step, biblical and practical Stewardship System designed to cultivate givers in your church.
Because this is the perfect time to start growing your stewardship system, you can now pick up your copy of this best-selling resource for just $25 (regularly $299.95)!
But hurry – this opportunity ends Friday – click the link below to secure your copy now:
I can’t wait to hear your own Stewardship success story this Fall! God bless you and I pray this resource will benefit you in one of the most important areas of church leadership.
Your partner in ministry,
© Nelson Searcy. All Rights Reserved.
About Nelson Searcy