“You can’t cooperate with God to help the people he has entrusted to you become more like his Son without a strong, grounded plan for your teaching.
Since the message is so important, I strongly encourage you to do a message run-through every week. In the same way that the worship team rehearses every week, so should you.
You have to pay the price for a good message, and part of that price is taking your teaching for a test-drive before you stand in front of your people on Sunday.”
– Nelson Searcy and Jason Hatley
The above quote is from p. 117 of Engage: A Guide to Creating Life-Transforming Worship Services.
Engage is your step-by-step, stress-free guide to planning creative worship services that allow for true life change. Comprehensive in scope, Engage provides teaching pastors, worship leaders, and volunteers with the tools they need to work together to develop and implement a worship planning system that improves communication, enhances creativity, and honors Jesus every week.
Click here to grab your copy for just $1.00 (shipping included!)
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