It’s always exciting to hear stories of how God is making a difference in the churches that I get the privilege of partnering with. I recently received an email from Ryan Heller from the Edge Church in Aurora, Colorado.
God is doing some amazing things there but I will let Ryan tell his story:
Sunday morning I showed up early to make sure everything was ready for a great day of baptisms. As we were setting up our 25 pound portable baptistry I noticed the frame was seriously bent and broken. I asked one of our staff members what happened.
He replied, “We have baptized so many people it has broken the baptistry.”
I am so happy that the weight of all the people we have baptized has broken the baptistry. What a great problem to have! We did figure out a way to baptize 4 more people on Sunday (even with a bent frame).
One of the young men we baptized was a guy named Johnny. When he first started attending The Edge he was lost, and skeptical not having grown up going to church. On Easter of 2011 he decided to cross the line of faith. A short time ago he shared with me how Jesus was changing his life and how he wanted to follow Him in baptism. Now he is engaged to a Christian girl, who also attends The Edge. They will be married next month. I am so excited about what God is going to do in the lives of this Christian couple.
Baptisms at The Edge Church represent lives changed. I am so thrilled to have baptized 100 people because every number is a person and every person matters to God. It is easy to check on a card that someone wants to follow Jesus but when people get baptized it shows they are serious about following Jesus. I’m convinced that the number of people being baptized at any church tells the real stories of spiritual transformation. I’m ready to break the baptistry again!
Thanks Ryan for sharing the great things that are happening at the Edge!
P.S. – Ryan is a part of my Senior Pastors Tele-Coaching Network. If you are interested in taking your church to the next level (and maybe wearing out a baptistry in the process!) you need to sign up today.
I am already taking applications for my next Tele-Coaching Network that begins in August. This network WILL fill up and I recommend applying early. Plus to reward you for quick action, if you register before June 30th, I will extend the special Super Early Bird Rate and BONUSES worth over $1245.00.
Visit TODAY for more information.
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