Today’s guest blog comes to us from Ron Edmonson, church leader, planter, and pastor at Immanuel Baptist Church in Lexington, Kentucky. In addition to his role as pastor, Ron specializes in organizational leadership where he consults with church and ministry leaders.
What’s the greatest killer of motivation?
We often think it is a lack of vision.
But, you can have the greatest vision ever and still see motivation dwindle and momentum die.
The fact is, we have an amazing ability to get bored with good things over time.
In fact, TIME is the greatest killer of momentum.
It doesn’t matter how much we love something, time can cause us to lose interest.
All of us can think of something we once loved, but now it’s old news. We have the sad ability of tiring of wonderful things.
If we aren’t careful, we’ll do it in our relationships too.
One of the biggest obstacles in many marriages is boredom. We quit dating – we quit courting – we quit surprising each other. Over time, we get bored in the relationship. Time kills the momentum the couple once had for each other.
That feeling of boredom comes into the church also.
Greeting at the front door was great at first. We met lots of new people and genuinely felt we were making a difference. Now we know everyone and the job has become old. I’m bored.
Time killed my motivation.
Going to small group? Working with students? Playing in the band? Fun at first, but time has made me bored.
If time is a killer of motivation, what’s the solution?
Keep retelling the vision.
Remind yourself and others of why you are doing what you are doing. If your mission is to reach people for Christ, then get excited about it again. Renew your passion for others – for lost, hurting people. Restore your first love.
Keep practicing the vision.
Sometimes we get so busy with doing “stuff” we don’t really do what we were called to do. We are notorious at this in churches. Meetings to talk about doing missions take more of our time than doing missions. If you want to restore your motivation – do the things you’re motivated to do. If reaching broken, hurting people for Christ was the original passion God called you to do, then step away from the routines and busyness of life to start winning a few broken, hurting people for Christ again. Drop the mundane and follow the heart. Renew your personal passion by doing living the vision.
Keep sharing the impact of the vision with others…
To read the entire article, click here.
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