“We all know the cultural importance of the phrase ‘location, location, location.’ Well, at church, the equally important phrase to remember is ‘signs, signs, signs’!
Signs are the single best way to ensure that your guests can easily find what they need. Make sure you have clear signs pointing the way to:
- the restroom
- the children’s area
And if your front door isn’t easily discernable from the parking lot, put a sign in place for it as well.”
– Nelson Searcy and Jennifer Dykes Henson
The above quote is from p. 59 of Fusion: Turning First-Time Guests Into Fully Engaged Members of Your Church.
This revised and expanded 10th Anniversary Edition of Fusion offers a biblically grounded, proven plan for establishing a relationship with newcomers that ultimately prompts them to become fully developing members of our congregations. This innovative, practical guide is full of step-by-step how-to information, testimonials from the recently assimilated and from participating church leaders, examples of the assimilation materials used, and checkpoints to make sure you’re on track.
P.S. – Click here to grab your copy from Amazon today!
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