Fusion Book Summary – Get your FREE Copy

The great folks over at Leaders Book Summaries Inc just recently did an 8 page summary of my bestselling leadership book “Fusion: Turning First Time Guests into Fully Engaged Members of Your Church.”

They did a great summary of the important areas of the assimilation system and key points of the book – its a true unbiased summary that gives you meat – not just a review of what is good/bad but a point by point leaders summary.

You definitely want this summary for your library and to use in your church or with your staff or volunteers.

So, I purchased the rights to offer the summary as a one time download to the Church Leader Insights family til Friday. FREE for you to download and use as you like.

Grab your FREE 8-page summary of “Fusion” go here:


Here’s five ways you can use this summary in the next month:

1- Read it personally for your own review and benefit.

2- Read it with your staff or volunteer team (yes, if you download it from the link above, you can copy it for ‘local church’ use)

3- Use it to decide if you want to purchase the book (I suggest you read the book as a team).

4- Impress your friends at Starbucks by leaving it on top of your Mac (OK, so maybe not)

5- Take the summary and teach it to your first impressions team on Sunday.

and I’m sure you can think of other uses.

The point is to grab it ASAP because I can only make this summary available for free til Friday. Let me know if you have any questions.

Your partner in ministry,


P.S. If you find this summary helpful (or think you will), please post the link above on your Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+ or blog – as long as your friends get it thru my link, its free!

P.P.S. In conjunction with this free download, I’ve decided to add a series of free webinars on Assimilation after the 4th, called “The Top 3 Assimilation Mistakes” – you can register for those when you download the summary. Nothing impacts the growth and health of your church quicker than improvements to your assimilation system.

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About Nelson Searcy

Nelson Searcy is an experienced church growth strategist, pastor, church planter and coach, consulting with churches around the world. As founder of Church Leader Insights and the Renegade Pastors Network, he has personally trained more than 3,500 church leaders in over 45 denominations through live events, seminars and monthly coaching. Nelson is also the Founding and Lead Pastor of The Journey Church, with locations across New York City and in Boca Raton, FL. Nelson and his church routinely appear on lists such as “The 50 Most Influential Churches” and “The 25 Most Innovative Leaders.” He is the author of over 100 church growth resources and 18+ books, including The Renegade Pastor: Abandoning Average in Your Life, Ministry and The Difference Maker: Using Your Everyday Life for Eternal Impact, and At the Cross with the People Who Were There. He and his wife, Kelley, have one son, Alexander.

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