I had the privilege of connecting with incredible group of Renegade Pastors this week.
Here in Orlando, I’ve been honored to spend three days leading the Renegade Pastors Conference, with over 250 pastors from every area of the country and even outside the US. And what have we been focusing on?
Ways to abandon average in life and ministry — from facing your fear of criticism head-on to taking time to replenish your own soul.
Just some of the content shared in 3 packed days of training and fellowship:
– I delivered new leadership talks on two of the toughest issues facing pastors today — how to increase your influence, and how to handle criticism.
– Church growth expert Dr. Thom Rainer, CEO of LifeWay shared some incredible insights on leading successful change in the church.
– Replenish author Lance Witt led a powerful mini-retreat focused on a pastor’s own soul care and reminded us that self care is not selfish!
We are blessed to have a full conference – I hope you can make it to the next one as a Renegade Pastor (see PS for details on how to join and see what it means to abandon average! ).
Your partner in ministry,
P.S. Right now is the perfect time to go renegade and join the Renegade Pastors Network. You can test drive the network for just $1.00 for the first 60 days. And I’ll give you a heads-up – there are more events including a few free opportunities that you’ll be able to take advantage of in the next 60 days during your trial membership!
Plus, you’ll get $813.20 in free bonuses that you access immediately in your own Renegade Pastors hub. And you’ll get a FREE copy of my book, The Renegade Pastor: Abandoning Average in Your Life and Ministry.
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