What are you doing to identify and encourage people in your church who may feel God calling them to ministry? How would you help someone who is being led to be a pastor move forward? This is one area where the church has dropped the ball in recent decades. Think about it.
When was the last time you heard someone preach on the call to ministry? Or even teach a sliver of a message on the topic? When was the last time you personally invited people in your church to answer the call to ministry? To say that the church’s traditional emphasis on helping young leaders discern a potential call and then setting them on the right path has dwindled is an understatement. It’s time for a fresh mindset and a new imperative when it comes to challenging and equipping new leaders to do God’s work.
Think of the call to ministry as the highest level of service your people can attain. Click To TweetPart of your role in shepherding your flock well is to connect your people in service. At the most supreme level possible, that means raising up those leaders who are called into full-time ministry work. Think of the call to ministry as the highest level of service your people can attain. It’s not a level they can aspire to based on their own will, but rather one that God has invited them to.
If you see people eagerly scaling the levels of lay leadership in your church, especially young people, don’t shy away from introducing a conversation about the call to ministry and helping them articulate the prompting they may be feeling deep down. If you aren’t walking in awareness of how you can help the budding ministers or missionaries around you, you’ll do both them and the Kingdom a disservice. On the other hand, as you are open to raising them up, you will be taking an active role in expanding God’s work beyond your doors.
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