In preparing for my next Senior Pastor Tele-Coaching Network to get started (in almost exactly one month – August 19), I’ve been taking the opportunity to tell you a little about just a few of my recent alumni.
Today, however, I wanted to share a recent email I received from Kenneth Sesley, Pastor of Kingdom Advancers Church in the Los Angeles area – it pretty much speaks for itself.
So, with Kenneth’s permission, here’s his email:
I hope that you are having a fantastic day! I thank God for you and Nelson and CLI, and all of the hard work that you guys do to advance the kingdom of God.
I would like to share this testimonial about what has happened in the last 11 months since we’ve been in the Tele-Coaching Network.
I had pastored successfully in another city for a number of years prior to launching a new church in another city. The launch started off well, however initially due to remodeling of the school that we were in we had to move to a less desirable location for the summer.
After that, we began to grow in reverse throughout the summer, and we could no longer afford to move back to the school or to any other more desirable location for that matter.
We finally reached a point where we were no longer losing anyone, but for two years we were at a plateau. We worked hard at evangelism with little results. We even began a small group ministry hoping to reach people in the neighborhoods since we couldn’t seem to get them to come to the park.
I had purchased a series by Nelson on Growth Barriers. I don’t know if that is why they contacted me about the network, but out of the blue I was contacted. Honestly I couldn’t afford the network, but with the money back offer, I decided to go for it.
Since that time:
* Our Adult attendance has doubled
* Our Children’s ministry has exploded, causing our overall attendance to triple
* Our finances have doubled, allowing us to add a paid minister of music, which has really enhanced our worship services
* Our assimilation process constantly get rave reviews both through our internet surveys, (and our phone calls), so our regular attenders are coming back and working their way through our process
* Our morale is at an all time high. My staff and my creativity is soaring
* Our first times guest attendance has gone from 0 to 10 a month
* We will be baptizing at least 10 people on a special July 4th baptismal
* We have moved from a undesirable park to the Double Tree Hotel, which is an increase in expense, yet we have an abundance to cover the costs
* We did a tithe challenge and got a 95% response
* We have set a goal to double again in attendance before 2010 is over, and everyone believes that we can do it!
I have come to realize that most pastors who have a vision from God and a big vision to reach their city and the world for Christ will never be able to do it. The reason for it is not their preaching in most cases. Neither is it their hearts, or the lifestyles.
Most (99%) of all pastors that I know spend their times loving God, loving their families and their congregations and living simple, clean lives. They believe in the inerrancy of Scripture and many are committed to the Great Commandments, the Great Commission and the Great Compassion. But they don’t even know that they need systems to run their churches properly.
I had always noticed that pastors who had either come out of executive positions in the business world, or pastors that had had officer training in the military were successful 90% of the time. These people just instinctively understand leadership and systems. But most pastors who go in the ministry through seminary, or bible colleges don’t get this taught to them.
So I would say that any pastor or church that is struggling to break the 65, 125 or 250 barrier or even the 500 barrier (which I’m nowhere near yet, but I have my sights on it), should definitely join the network.
If your attendance is under 100 and you think that you may not be able to afford the network, let me say this: “You can’t afford not to join the network”!!!!!
By the time we made the changes in our offering envelope, website and the Christmas Offering we had paid for the cost of the network for the year many times over. In addition to that, our offering have more than doubled, and they are even going up through the beginning of the summer with people already going on vacations.
So I enthusiastically recommend this network to anyone who is interested. In fact, I have rejoined the network for the next 12 months.
I plan to stay in it until I have reached the level of CLI trainer, so that I can help other pastors experience the same benefits that I have received through the
network here on the West Coast through in person coaching networks.Feel free to use this testimonial in any way that you choose.
Pastor Kenneth Sesley, Senior Pastor
Kingdom Advancers Family Church
Carson, CA
What an encouraging email! And it’s results like these that have me so pumped about this next network, starting August 19.
If Kenneth’s story resonates with you, I hope you’ll apply for my Tele-Coaching Network for Senior Pastors – but hurry, it’s almost full already!
For more information and to apply now, visit:
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