Don’t avoid clichés. They are clichés because they work George Lucas
Consult not your fears – A Saturday Quote
Consult not your fears but your hopes and dreams.Think not about your frustrations, but unfulfilled potential. Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in, but with what is still possible for you to do. Pope John XXIII
My NEW “Leadership Skills For A Growing Church” Seminar is coming to the West Coast!
Come meet me out on the West Coast! We already have a great group of pastors registered for this brand new seminar. I would love to add you on that list and be able to meet you personally so register while there is still space available. Over the last two decades, I have been mentored by and learned from some … Read More
Dream to make a difference – A Saturday Quote
Your dream is the difference you want to make before you die. Bobb Biehl
What lies within? – A Saturday Quote
“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared with what lies within us.” Oliver Wendell Holmes
Three Upcoming Live Event Dates: Leadership Skills For a Growing Church
The final touches are done on my upcoming LIVE event that is about to hit three states – New York, Oregon and California. I will teach the Six Secret Skills All Senior Pastors Must Develop. Over the last two decades, I have been mentored by and learned from some of the most effective church leaders in America. During my interaction, … Read More
Clarified Vision – A Saturday Quote
“Don’t let yourself wake up in three years and say, ‘I’m three years older, and I just happened to get here.’ Clarify your vision, so that you can grow into it” Terri Lonier, nationally recognized authority on entrepreneurship and microbusiness
Tender is the Night – A Saturday Quote
‘The change came a long way back – but at first it didn’t show. The manner remains intact for some time after the morale cracks.’ F Scott Fitzgerald, ‘Tender is the Night’
Did you miss it? FREE Year End Conference Call Replay
Yesterday over 350 Senior Pastors called in for my 2011 Wrap Up and Ramp Up Conference Call where I shared the year-end questions that I’ve compiled and developed (and personally use each year) to “wrap-up” one year and “ramp-up” for the next. This has historically been a session reserved ONLY for my coaching network participants – and I’ve received a great … Read More
Can you call me TOMORROW? FREE Year End Conference Call for Senior Pastors
Can you join me TOMORROW at 2pm Eastern for a 60-minute conference call? It’s a brand new, Senior Pastors-only training called the “2011 Wrap-up and Ramp-up Call,” where I’ll lead you through the year-end questions that I personally use to “wrap-up” one year and “ramp-up” for the next. In the past, I’ve only offered these questions to those in my coaching … Read More