God Sets Leaders Apart

“I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations.” —Jeremiah 1:5 (NLT)

Nelson SearcyLeadership, Ministry, Preaching

Dr. Michael Green On Connecting With People

“Evangelism is never proclamation in a vacuum, but always to people, and the message must be given in terms that make sense to them.”  – Dr. Michael Green (August 20, 1930 – February 6, 2018) was widely influential as an author, evangelism scholar and defender of the Christian faith. Green’s humorous, engaging style of writing and speaking made him highly … Read More

Nelson SearcyLeadership

Staying Organized: The Cost of a Cluttered Desk

The desk struggle is real for pastors. It doesn’t take long for it to get out of control. You may have even resigned yourself to the fact that you will always have a cluttered desk. It’s just a part of the job, right? Wrong. Average pastors may consider a cluttered desk to be a necessary evil–but not so with renegade … Read More

Nelson SearcyLeadership, Ministry

Knowing How to Fight: One Day at a Time

“Don’t worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” –Matthew 6:34 In this verse, Jesus encourages His followers not to worry about the future. He says, “Each day has enough trouble of its own.” In other words, you can fight against stress and frustrations only one day at a time. Tomorrow … Read More

Nelson SearcyLeadership

Green on the Task of Evangelism

“Unless there is a transformation of contemporary church life so that once again the task of evangelism is something which is seen as incumbent on every baptized Christian, and is backed up by a quality of living which outshines the best that unbelief can muster, we are unlikely to make much headway through techniques of evangelism.”  – Dr. Michael Green … Read More

Nelson SearcyLeadership

The Essence of Faith for Pastors Too: Keep a Positive Outlook

The below excerpt is from my book The Renegade Pastor’s Guide to Managing the Stress of Ministry. As pastors, we can’t allow negative, anxious thoughts to overwhelm us–at least not for long. After all, we serve a big, amazing God who is greater than all our troubles. When we focus on everything that’s wrong around us, we can become defeated. But … Read More

Nelson SearcyLeadership

Do Life Together: Taking a Closer Look at Your Personal Relationships

Do you have people in your life who encourage you to be your best? Do you have friends who are there for you when life is hard? Do you support other people when they need you and share in their happiness when things are going well? Studies show that, despite our overly connected world, the number of true confidants people … Read More

Nelson SearcyLeadership

He Is Risen

“He isn’t here! He is risen from the dead, just as he said would happen. Come, see where his body was lying.” —Matthew 28:6 (NLT)

Nelson SearcyLeadership, Ministry, Preaching