Free Live Webcast – 6 Secrets for Leading Through and Beyond Covid

This Thursday you’re invited to join me on a brand new webinar just for Senior Pastors. I’m limiting spots to just the first 100 though — so I encourage you to go ahead and save yours now. This free Zoom training will focus on equipping you to lead during what I consider a dangerous time. The next few months of … Read More

Sandra OlivieriChurch Growth, Church Systems, Leadership, Ministry, Strategy, Stress Management, Uncategorized

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Saving for Eternity: Where is Your Money Going?

Understanding God’s ultimate ownership means that we also recognize our role as conduits of his resources. We were not put on this earth to amass treasures for ourselves but to let treasure pass through us and back to a greater purpose. The “get all we can while we can” mind-set that most of us live with is what has driven … Read More

Nelson SearcyLeadership, Stewardship

Wagner on Thinking Big for Conversion

“If individuals can be born again, why can’t cities, made up of many individuals, be born again?” – C. Peter Wagner, theologian, missionary, writer, teacher, and church growth specialist

Nelson SearcyLeadership

Notoriously Late? Here’s How to Develop a 10-Minutes-Early Habit

Leaders who are consistently late are viewed as weaker and less effective. So being on time should be the standard for every renegade pastor. But we would encourage you to take it a step further and make it your practice to be ten minutes early everywhere you go. Adopting this habit is surprisingly easy. With some simple changes to your … Read More

Nelson SearcyLeadership

Fulfilling Your Calling: Slack Leads to Lack

Fulfilling your calling inherently means rising to the highest level of potential God has put in you. In order to reach your potential, you need a coach. Why shouldn’t you? The greatest business leaders, entertainers and athletes the world has ever known have had coaches to guide them to the top of their game. As part of your personal growth … Read More

Nelson SearcyLeadership

Let It Go: How to Decompress After a Stressful Day

If we don’t develop the habit of decompressing after every stressful day, and even during each day, we will carry that stress with us everywhere. And the effects will devastate our ministries and our family lives. In order to decompress effectively, take these opportunities to decompress during each day: Alternate between high-stress and low-stress activities. Whenever possible, schedule activities you … Read More

Nelson SearcyHealth, Leadership