A Closer Look at the 3-Step Process of Biblical Forgiveness

Once you understand what forgiveness is not, forgiving becomes easier. But how exactly do you go about it? You can begin by working through the three-step process of biblical forgiveness: Remember How Much You Have Been Forgiven Release the Person Who Hurt You Reestablish the Relationship, as Much as Possible Let’s take a closer look at each of the three … Read More

Nelson SearcyLeadership, Ministry

Roy Fish on Evangelism

“Evangelizing in the church is like fishing in a bathtub: it’s terribly convenient, but you don’t catch much.” — Roy Fish (February 7, 1930 – September 10, 2012) was an American preacher who is best known as a longtime professor of evangelism at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (SWBTS) in Fort Worth, Texas. He was known for his passion for personal … Read More

Nelson SearcyLeadership, Ministry

Saving for Eternity: Where is Your Money Going?

Understanding God’s ultimate ownership means that we also recognize our role as conduits of his resources. We were not put on this earth to amass treasures for ourselves but to let treasure pass through us and back to a greater purpose. The “get all we can while we can” mind-set that most of us live with is what has driven … Read More

Nelson SearcyLeadership, Ministry, Stewardship

Get a Grip: Managing Your Emotional Health

Emotional health isn’t quite as easy to pin down as physical health. There are no numbers to measure just how emotionally fit you are. Psychologists define emotional health as overall psychological well-being. It is a combination of the way you feel about yourself, the quality of your relationships, and your ability to manage your feelings and deal with difficulty. People … Read More

Nelson SearcyHealth, Leadership

Wagner on Knowing Your Gifts

“Just as important as knowing what gift God has given you is knowing which gifts He hasn’t given you. Many Christians try for years to function with gifts they never had in the first place, and this doesn’t do the Lord’s work much good. It’s like trying to hear something with your knee or throw a ball with your nose. … Read More

Nelson SearcyLeadership, Ministry

The Well of Wellness: How Water Promotes Weight Loss

When there is enough of it, water accomplishes some amazing things in your body. Water gives you energy; regulates digestion by breaking down and flushing waste; helps stabilize blood pressure; clears toxins from your body; reduces the chance of kidney stones; helps maintain your body’s proper acid and alkaline balance; improves focus and mental acuity; and hydrates your skin and … Read More

Nelson SearcyHealth, Leadership

Notoriously Late? Here’s How to Develop a 10-Minutes-Early Habit

Leaders who are consistently late are viewed as weaker and less effective. So being on time should be the standard for every renegade pastor. But we would encourage you to take it a step further and make it your practice to be ten minutes early everywhere you go. Adopting this habit is surprisingly easy. With some simple changes to your … Read More

Nelson SearcyLeadership