Sidestepping Stress: The Stress-Health Connection

Walking in the fullness of the new you goes beyond eating well, exercising, and getting enough rest. To achieve and maintain true health, you also have to learn to handle the stress in your life. Otherwise, it will derail your other efforts, keeping you overweight, sick, emotionally bound, and quite possibly taking you to an early grave. When you begin … Read More

Nelson SearcyHealth, Leadership

The Importance of Sleep to Fulfill Your Calling

Your body was crafted for sleep. When God knit you together, he fashioned your systems in such a way that they need deep rest in order to function properly. Without sleep, breakdown begins. Don’t take it from us; with every passing year, more and more scientific evidence emerges to underscore the importance of quality sleep. Study after study shows that … Read More

Nelson SearcyHealth, Leadership

The Bottom Line for Good Health

Healthy living is something easy to overlook, especially when you are young. The sooner you decide to live a healthy life, the better off you will be and the more effective your ministry will be. All the books you can read about healthy living boil down to two essential keys: exercise and a healthy diet. If you decide that you will … Read More

Nelson SearcyHealth, Leadership, Uncategorized

How to Strengthen Your Personal and Spiritual Foundation

When you’re feeling out of sorts, you may need to strengthen your personal and spiritual foundation. There are two main categories to consider when doing this: public activities and private disciplines. When you are feeling emotionally drained, anxious, or depressed, lean even harder on both. Make sure to be intentional about the following: Your connection with your church. Stay connected … Read More

Nelson SearcyHealth, Leadership, Ministry

Good Stress vs. Bad Stress: Understanding the Difference

Yes, there is such a thing as good stress. Small amounts of good stress keep you focused and motivated. You grow through certain levels of stress. The stress gravity exerts on you makes your bones denser and your muscles stronger. When you exercise, your endurance rises as a result of the stress you impose on yourself. When you decide to … Read More

Nelson SearcyHealth, Leadership, Ministry

How Are You Sleeping? 5 Questions to Ask Yourself

Even when you understand the importance of prioritizing sleep, gauging whether we are getting enough can still be difficult. We are so conditioned to get by on too little sleep that we are not always the best judges of whether our needs are being met. To begin determining if you are getting enough sleep, ask yourself these questions: How much … Read More

Nelson SearcyHealth, Leadership, Ministry