Sunday Scripture: Pray for Harvesters

“The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.” – Luke 10:2 (NLT)

Nelson SearcyEvangelism

Billy Graham on Life’s Greatest Purpose

“My one purpose in life is to help people find a personal relationship with God, which, I believe, comes through knowing Christ.” – Rev. Billy Graham, Greatest Evangelist of the 20th Century

Nelson SearcyEvangelism

Edwards on the Power of Conversion

“There is no one thing that I know of, that God has made such a means of promoting his work amongst us, as the news of others’ conversion.” -Jonathan Edwards, America’s First and Most Pre-eminent Pastor-Theologian (1703 – 1758)

Nelson SearcyEvangelism

Remembering Billy Graham (Free Report)

We all heard the news last week of the passing of Billy Graham at age 99. I look forward to a long conversation with him one day in heaven. Like you, he impacted me in profound ways. In 1989, his book Peace with God was an instrument God used to bring me to Christ. On my bookshelf is a copy … Read More

Nelson SearcyEvangelism

Billy Graham on the Promise of Eternity

“Heaven is real and Hell is real, and eternity is but a breath away.” – Rev. Billy Graham, Greatest Evangelist of the 20th Century November 7, 1918 – February 21, 2018

Nelson SearcyEvangelism

McIntosh on Defining Your Evangelistic Target

“‘Everyone Welcome’ is often seen on signs in front of churches. However, churches that try to reach everyone often end up reaching no one, or at least very few for Christ. In contrast, churches that are effectively reaching people for Christ have a well-defined target group.” – Gary McIntosh, Professor of Church Growth and Leadership

Nelson SearcyEvangelism

Wimber on Reaching the Lost

“If you want to reach the lost, get outside the walls of the Church. Evangelism is at its best when everyday Christians take the risk to share their story, as well as His.” – John Wimber, American pastor and driving force of the Vineyard movement

Nelson SearcyEvangelism

Donald McGavran on the Purpose of Evangelism

“Christian mission is bringing people to repent of their sins, accept Jesus Christ as Savior, belong to His Body the Church, do as He commands, go out and spread the Good News, and multiply churches.” -Donald McGavran, father of the Modern-Day Church Growth Movement

Nelson SearcyEvangelism