The following is an excerpt from Preparing For Change Reaction: How to Introduce Change in Your Church by my good friend Dr. Bob Whitesel. Bob serves as Professor of Christian Ministry and Missional Leadership for Wesley Seminary and holds two doctorates from Fuller Theological Seminary. He currently serves as president of the Great Commission Research Network as well as a board member for The Society of Church Consulting.
The word strategy comes from the Greek word for a military general: strategoi. The generals of ancient Athens, led by the forward-thinking Pericles, undertook a grand building project to make Athens the cultural and political center of Greece. The Athenian generals’ strategy paid off, with beautiful buildings such as the Parthenon, making Athens the Greek capital.
In the military, the word “strategic” refers to the bigger-picture planning that is done before a before a battle begins. Strategic leaders see the big picture, and envision outcomes before the battle commences.
Let’s look at some typical characteristics that distinguish leaders in the church. In my consultative work I have routinely witnessed that pastors can be drawn into the ministry by two competing roles:
- The shepherd. Many pastors enter the ministry due to a desire to help fellow humankind with a hands-on, relational, personal and mentoring type of leadership style.
- The visionary. Pastors in this category have an overriding desire to make a significant impact for Christ and His kingdom. Pastors drawn by this leadership role usually become strategic leaders.
Often, pastors and church leaders have a mixture of the two roles, and may fluctuate between them. However, it’s important to note the dissimilar nature of these roles. One seeks to build interpersonal camaraderie and intimacy, the other seeks to attain a physical forward-looking goal.
Strategic leadership is “future directed.” Strategic leaders often want people to move forward, and thus they’re the first to start moving in new directions.
What direction are you heading in?
Your partner in ministry,
P.S. – Dr. Whitesel is the foremost scholar on John Wesley and has a new resource on the life and leadership lessons of Wesley. In The Church Growth Principles of John Wesley, Whitesel will engage you with colorful narratives of his travels across England studying original Wesley writings in the actual locations where Wesley wrote them!
Plus you’ll hear about growing churches today that have recaptured Wesley’s biblical principles and are growing exponentially.
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