Question #3 – Do guests have to hand their Connection Cards in to someone in exchange for the free gift?
We don’t ask guests to do anything that would make them uncomfortable – that includes handing their Connection Cards directly to someone in order to get the free gift we offer them. Instead we ask everyone, including guests, to put their Connection Cards in the offering buckets as they are passed at the end of the service. And we let them know that if they do that, they can pick up their free gift (currently, the book One Month To Live by Kerry Shook) on their way out.
We keep the books stacked on a table by the exit. No one hands them out. The guest can simply grab one as they walk by. (You may want to have a volunteer stand off to the side to restock the table or answer any questions, if approached.)
Why do we operate this way? Experience has shown us that if you allow guests to remain comfortable and anonymous, they will be more likely to do what you ask and they will be more likely to return. They don’t want to be the ones not turning their cards into the offering bucket when everyone else is. They don’t want to have to talk to anyone to get the free gift. If you require them to speak to someone, or to hand a card directly to a staff person or volunteer to get their gift, you will have far fewer Connection Cards turned in. Guaranteed.
Keep it simple, keep them comfortable and you’ll keep them coming back.
– Nelson
P.S. Check back tomorrow for more on assimilating your newcomers! And, if you haven’t already, don’t forget to take a look at my Assimilation Seminar and my new book on assimilation, Fusion.
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