Hey, This is Kerrick Thomas, the Executive Pastor at The Journey with a few thoughts on leading your staff.
I’ve served on staff at The Journey with Nelson for the last 10 years (since our church launched). Can you believe that? I deserve some kind of award for patience…and humility!
In those 10 years the BEST GIFT that Nelson has given me is the opportunity to receive hands-on coaching from him and also from some of the very best pastors around (those who were already doing what I was learning to do).
Wouldn’t you like to give your Executive/Associate Pastor or your Small Groups Pastor that kind of gift in 2012? The COACHING they need to grow professionally and to help grow your church?
Listen…THIS MONTH I’m kicking-off 2 brand new tele-coaching networks…and I want to encourage you to invest in the growth of your staff by getting them plugged in!
Here they are:
– Executive/Associate Pastor Tele-Coaching Network – kicks off on Thursday, January 26 (10 monthly calls on Thursdays from 1-3pm EST).
Think about your Executive or Associate Pastor for a moment…I believe being in this coaching network will help take them to the NEXT LEVEL as a leader and would make them infinitely more valuable to you?
Here are some of the benefits of your staff being in this coaching network with me:
– Increased weekly offerings so you can be a fully funded church in 2012
– Practical tools for leading staff so that your team is happier and more productive
– A more focused job description so your XP doesn’t feel as overwhelmed
– Improved communication with YOU (the Senior Pastor)
– Improved expertise in and management of the 8 systems of the church
– Resources and learnings that are relevant to the Executive/Associate Pastor role.
– A clear path that leads to professional growth and increased job fulfillment?
Click the link for more details:
– Small Groups Coaching Network – kicks off on Thursday, January 19 (8 monthly calls on Thursdays from 1-3pm EST). Click the link for more details:
Now…think about your Small Groups Pastor/Director. What if by them joining this network made it possible for you to see 100% of your church signed up for small groups in 2012 and ignite spiritual growth in your church? We’ve seen it happen!
Here are some of the benefits of your staff being in this coaching network with me:
(1) Through the Small Groups Coaching network your staff person will have the opportunity to connect with me and other Small Group Pastors/Directors from around the country once a month from January – August 2012 for a two-hour phone call (1-3pm EST).
(2) During the network I will walk you step-by-step and month-by-month through 2 entire semesters of the Activate Semester-Based Small Group System so you can see incredible participation and growth in your church as well (last network we saw several churches go from 30% participation in small groups to over 80% in just 1 semester)!
(3) We will focus on building short-term semester based small groups. These are the life-changing small groups that I wrote about in “Activate: An Entirely New Approach to Small Groups.”
Click the link for more details:
The truth is…I am so grateful that Nelson has invested in me over the last decade. My hope is that you will invest in your staff in the same way by getting them connected in a coaching relationship that takes their leadership and your church to the NEXT LEVEL in 2012!
God bless your ministry in 2012!
Kerrick Thomas
Executive Pastor – The Journey Church
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