Last week I shared the first four systems of a healthy church. As a reminder, a S.Y.S.T.E.M. is any ongoing process that Saves You Stress, Time, Energy and Money, and continues to produce results.
Here are the remaining four systems:
- Strategy: How we constantly evaluate and improve our church
- Small Groups: How we fill and reproduce small groups at our church
- Leadership: How we develop leaders at all levels of our church
- Worship Planning: How we plan, implement and evaluate our services
All churches are made up of the same exact systems, even though we may view and utilize them in slightly different ways based on our individual calls to ministry. The question isn’t whether or not these systems are in place, but whether or not they’re being maximized.
There are simple ways to foster the full potential of your systems — and thereby the full redemptive potential of your church — no matter what stage each one is currently in. Whether your church is like a brand-new baby, just starting the journey of growth, or like a robust adult in the prime of life, its eight systems are in place, waiting to be maximized for life-changing results.
Click here to read Part 1 of this series.
Click here to read Part 2 of this series.
Your partner in ministry,
P.S. – If you want to learn more about the systems of a church, and receive practical teaching that you can use in your ministry, meet me in Orlando on July 25th for our annual three-day Church Systems Check-up and Bootcamp. Hurry though, this event is almost sold out! Can’t attend the event? Click here to check out my Systems Seminar resource.
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