“None of us is in the business of creating transformation in people. God is the only one who can do that. Our job is to create an environment where the transformation can happen and intentionally invite our listeners into God’s truth. If people aren’t seeing their lives transformed by the reality of Jesus Christ, we may not be doing our part to make sure the worship service is having the effect God wants it to have.”
– Nelson Searcy and Jason Hatley
The above quote is from p. 36 of Engage: A Guide to Creating Life-Transforming Worship Services.
Engage is your step-by-step, stress-free guide to planning creative worship services that allow for true life change. Comprehensive in scope, Engage provides teaching pastors, worship leaders, and volunteers with the tools they need to work together to develop and implement a worship planning system that improves communication, enhances creativity, and honors Jesus every week.
Click here to grab your copy for just $1.00 (shipping included!)
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