Friday is a great day to step back and take stock of your life… to look back over what you’ve accomplished during the week and evaluate some things… to think a little more deeply and ask yourself questions like, “Am I in the right place? Doing the right thing? Am I serving with joy?” Or how about this question that I recently stumbled across on another blog (paraphrasing):
How much money would it take for you to walk away from your current ministry position?
Think about it. If a multi-millionaire appeared in front of you right now and said, “Here’s a blank check. How much money will it take for me to get you to leave your ministry,” what would you say? How high would that number be? Would it be high at all?
Your answer to this question is more revealing than you may realize. It can give you great insight into your fit for your current ministry, your passion for the work God is doing where you are and your fulfillment of your calling. If you know that you are exactly where God wants you, no amount of money should be able to tempt you away. If you are passionate about the work that God is doing through your ministry, that multi-millionaire couldn’t write a big enough check. (Unless, of course, he was writing it as an offering!)
Some of you may be surprised that you have a hard time answering this question. If that’s the case, let this exercise prompt you to do some soul-searching. Maybe you need to re-evaluate the way you have been spending your days. If you can admit that you would walk away from what you are doing for more money, spend some time thinking and praying about whether or not you are truly following God’s call on your life.
When you know that you are fulfilling God’s purpose, no amount of money can come close to equaling what God is doing through you and your church!
– Nelson
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