We’re looking for just the right “A” player to fill a key pastoral position here at The Journey Church in Boca Raton, FL.
We’re looking for a Pastor of Worship Arts to join our team – Don’t apply unless you love reaching the unchurched, leading a healthy and growing ministry (not just songs onstage) and have read Nelson Searcy and Jason Hatley’s books “Engage” and “Revolve”!
However, if you’re passionate about reaching the lost are willing to devote yourself to “giving the people of South Florida the best opportunity to become fully developing followers of Jesus,” you may be just the right fit!
Here’s the official position description:
Pastor of Worship Arts @ The Journey Church in Boca Raton:
The Journey is a contemporary 12-year old church with campuses in New York City, Queens, NY and Boca Raton, FL.
Evangelism and Worship are the heart of our church. Over the last 14 years we have seen thousands of people make decisions to follow Christ in our church and over 2,000 people baptized.
The position of full-time Pastor of Worship Arts is currently available at our newest location in Boca Raton.
The Journey – Boca Raton began weekly services in February 2011, and since then has seen over 300 people baptized and averages 300 people in attendance each week.
The position of Pastor of Worship Arts is full-time and reports directly to Lead Pastor Jason Hatley, while working in harmony with the other pastors of the Boca Raton staff.
This pastor position would give leadership to our established and growing Worship Arts Team (music, technical, stage, and creative), give leadership to the creative and design elements of our worship services, be responsible for music selection and worship order design, and serve as a member of the executive leadership team. Salary and benefits are competitive and the position is available immediately (although we’re patient in order to find the right person).
This is a great opportunity for someone to join a great and growing team in a beautiful, although highly unchurched, part of the country.
So, are you called to serve in South Florida?
Are you passionate about raising up musicians and volunteer leaders, and leading a proven music and worship planning system? Can you help lead and grow our worship services and our church to the next level?
Are you interested in expanding an already healthy volunteer structure of over 30 volunteers to over 60 volunteers?
Can you lead worship at a very high level, and bring musical excellence to the stage, to worship planning, and to the highly experienced musicians who serve on our Worship Arts Team?
Are you interested in helping a growing church continue to grow?
Do you have a high view of ‘serving as part of discipleship’ and do you have a strong desire to reach unchurched families?
This is not a pastoral care position, but an equipping position to make a difference with the best and the brightest from around the world that make up the Journey Church in Boca Raton, FL.
- Leadership, growth and innovation of The Journey’s Worship Planning System.
- Hands-on direction for our Worship Arts Team and Worship Services. Not just “the song leader” – the overall service leader!
- Requires the ability to lead teams effectively and to raise up new leaders at a rapid rate.
- Organizational and administrative skills are an absolute must.
- The ability to teach and contribute to The Journey’s teaching team as well as the ability to work well with and lead staff.
- Must be extremely hard-working and have had leadership experience on a large or growing church staff.
Other desired characteristics include strong interpersonal skills; growing leader; team builder; sense of humor; risk-taker (seminary not required).
- A Solid Calling to serve as a supporting pastor
- The ability to manage a large and growing Music Team System
- A passion for the Bible and innovation
- A high level understanding of music and music direction in a contemporary / rock context
- Ability to lead worship while playing guitar necessary
- Ability to read and write music notation and Nashville Number charts a must
- Bachelor or Masters Degree or ‘ministry experience’ equivalent in music and worship leading
- A positive attitude
- A team player
- A familiarity with The Purpose Driven Church Model
- A passion for worship and the arts
- A passion and drive for evangelism and reaching the unchurched
- A high commitment to the local church
- Comfortable in a non-Charismatic worship environment
- Experience in a church of 500 or more is a bonus
- Must be willing to work up to 60 hours a week when necessary
Only resumes accompanied with a COVER LETTER will be considered.
The cover letter should be personalized for this position and should answer 4 questions:
(1) Why you are interested in this position?
(2) Have you read the books ““Engage: A Guide to Creating Life-Transforming Worship Services ” and “Connect: How to Double Your Number of Volunteers” by Nelson Searcy and Jason Hatley?
(3) Why you would feel comfortable relocating to South Florida?
(4) And what about you makes you stand out from other candidates for this position?
*Please include recent video/audio of you leading worship at a worship service (large or small) – please include that along with your resume and cover letter.
Please send cover letters and resumes to jason@journeymetro.com.
Sorry, but contacting the church in other ways shows that you can’t follow instructions and thus you won’t be considered – ha (but true!).
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