I mean, we all wrestle with a little pride when it comes to our preaching skills and the impact they have each week.We adopt the “If it isn’t broken, don’t fix it,” mindset when in reality we are ALL works in progress and have gaps and bad habits in our preaching that we’re often blind to.
But if we take off our rose-colored glasses, the reality is there is always room for improvement. Without an intentional effort to improve your preaching, you run the risk of spending week after week preparing and delivering messages that could easily be forgotten.
In fact, numerous studies over the years have shown that people forget the majority of the information they hear from a communicator within 24 hours!
But we aren’t delivering your average message, are we? We do what we do week in and week out to cooperate with God in creating transformed lives.
So how can we rise to this challenge more effectively?
There are specific steps you and I can take to literally double (and even triple or quadruple) the effectiveness of our preaching. And I’d like to share them with you today in my new e-book, How to Double the Effectiveness of Your Preaching ($29.95 value) – Yours FREE!
So don’t put this off – you can start implementing the 9 steps outlined in this e-book THIS WEEK and see improvement as soon as this Sunday!
Click here for your FREE download now!
I hope you’ll take advantage of this practical help to grow as a communicator and impact even more lives for the Kingdom.
Your partner in ministry,
P.S. – Go even further in your preaching preparation – when you download this e-book you’ll also receive a special invitation for my BRAND NEW 90-minute Planning Your 2015 Preaching Calendar webinar.
In this webinar, I will walk you, month-by-month, through the specifics of the 2015 calendar, and help you plan what you’re going to preach next year. PLUS, when you show up, you will receive FOUR BONUS RESOURCES including my actual 2015 Preaching Calendar from The Journey Church!
Hurry – this FREE Preaching e-book with bonus webinar opportunity ends this Friday, October 24th!
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