Relationships are powerful tools that have tremendous influence. In the church world, we often fail to realize just how powerful. We have a vague desire for our people to invite their friends to church, but we don’t tap into the true potential of the idea.
At the churches I have pastored or coached, I’ve found that 60-80% of first-time guests in a growing church come because a friend invited them. 60-80%!
So as church leaders if we want to really grow, we must mobilize our people for evangelism and equip them for the mission.
So how do we do that?
It takes work to get your people ready for the work of evangelism. You’ll have to invest time and effort, but if you put certain elements in place, you can ensure a heightened level of effectiveness. You just have to put what I call the Personal Evangelism Formula to work for you. It follows the form of x = a + b + c, where “x” equals high levels of personal evangelism.
Here’s the breakdown of the formula:
a = Tools: People are more likely to do what you ask of them if you give them tools that will make things easier.
b = Training: They will respond even more favorably if you provide some training so they feel confident in what they are doing.
c = Timeliness: Give them a reason to do it now; provide a sense of urgency.
High Levels of Personal Evangelism = Tools + Training + Timeliness.
This is the true formula for personal evangelism. If you give people the tools they need, train them in how to use those tools, and give them a period of time in which they need to carry out their task, you will send your evangelistic temperature soaring.
Stay tuned for the rest of the series, to discover ways to put this personal evangelism formula to work.
Your partner in ministry,
P.S. Pastor to pastor, I’ve developed a powerful resource to help you mobilize your church and DOUBLE your attendance!
Pick up The Ignite Seminar to learn how to implement a proven, step-by-step system that will help you raise the evangelistic temperature of your church, equip your people to reach their family and friends and double your attendance.
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