Ends Friday, July 14: FREE Donald McGavran Church Growth Bundle for Pastors
Remembering Dr. Donald A. McGavran, Author, Missiologist and Founder of the Modern Church Growth Movement: Download your FREE Resources from Nelson Searcy
"Accept the fact that God wants His lost children found, brought into the fold and fed." — Donald McGavran (1834 - 1892)

July 10 marks the 33rd anniversary of the death of Donald McGavran — one of the premier missiologists of the 20th century and the father of the Modern-Day Church Growth Movement. Nelson Searcy calls him, “the single most influential thinker on how we do ministry today.”
No other person so impacted the growth of the church in North America and around the world. His life was dedicated to identifying and overcoming barriers to evangelism. He also established the Institute of Church Growth in 1957 as well as the School of World Mission at Fuller Theological Seminary in 1965 — where he eventually trained thousands of church leaders.
His life’s work is the foundation of what we as pastors know about growing healthy, impactful churches. If you have worked to grow a ministry and reach people for Jesus, you have been influenced by McGavran.
All of us who are called by God into the essential work of fulfilling the Great Commission benefit from his influence in immeasurable ways. Without his dedication to identifying and overcoming the barriers that stand in the way of Christian conversion, we wouldn't be leading our churches the way we do. We wouldn't be interacting with our communities as productively. Arguably, we wouldn't be reaching the world for Christ nearly as effectively as we are able to today.
When it comes to applicable truths concerning the growth of the Christian church, Donald McGavran's life and teachings can impart critical insights that many of us have been missing for far too long.
With this powerful Donald McGavran bundle, you'll receive:
Your FREE Church Growth Champions report PDF dives into details of McGavran’s life, legacy and his contribution to the church growth movement.
In this report you will discover:
- McGavran’s impact on evangelism and world missions
- His background, influence and some fun facts that may surprise you
- Notable Quotes from McGavran that will inspire your own evangelism mission
- Photos from the archives of Fuller Theological Seminary, which McGavran founded in 1965
Your FREE 16-page book summary PDF of McGavran’s classic, Understanding Church Growth, summarizes all the key points from this powerful book plus includes:
- An easy-to-read, yet detailed summary of all the key points from this powerful book
- An introduction from Nelson Searcy on “Why Donald McGavran Still Matters Today”
- Key takeaways and applications for pastors from a professor and former Titanium coaching member
Your FREE Church Growth Classics Article by McGavran — "7 Markers of Revival that Lead to Church Growth" features:
- McGavran's wisdom on revival that offers deep insight into the subject
- The dynamic of revival and 7 basic ways revival bears on church growth
- An opportunity to ignite your heart for revival!
Scroll down to secure your free gifts now!

FREE Donald McGavran Church Growth Bundle