Thanks for joining us on the 7 Ways to Increase Baptisms Online Training — be sure to check your email for more exclusive opportunities.
Now scroll down to access these specials from Nelson plus your webinar bonus!
For Senior Pastors Only:
Test Drive the Renegade Pastors Network for Only $1 — Complete Access for a Full 60 Days
($198 value + you'll receive over $895.45 in free resources)
The Renegade Pastors Network is a monthly coaching network led by Nelson Searcy that will help you abandon average in your ministry. Normally $99 per month — you can give it a try for JUST $1 for the first 60 days!
Your monthly coaching membership helps you:
Achieve personal growth
Find ministry-life balance
Lead your church to growth and health
Accomplish great things for God’s Kingdom
What’s Included in Your Coaching?
Monthly Training Calls
Monthly Training Packages in your Mailbox
A Private Online Membership Website
Email access to Nelson and the CLI team
Renegade Pastor Discounts on Resources and Live Events
Renegade Pastors Monthly Group Coaching
Your don’t-miss Zoom call with Nelson includes new leadership lessons and practical teachings each month plus LIVE Q&A and prayer requests.
Next Coaching Zoom Date — Mark Your Calendar
(All times are 2:00pm – 3:00pm ET)
Wednesday, October 9
Can’t make the Zoom live? Recordings will be in your member hub within 48 hours.
If you are a Senior Pastor, we invite you to sign up for this 60-day full-access membership for only $1.
Click Here to Learn More About this 60-day Renegade Pastors Test Drive for Only $1
The Maximizing Baptism Seminar by Nelson Searcy
Just $17 ($299.95 value)
Go deeper than today's training with the full 3-hour seminar resource on Maximizing Baptism! There are several common reasons why people aren't taking the step of obedience to be baptized in your church. Once you know these reasons and put a system in place to educate and encourage people, you'll immediately begin baptizing more of them.
In this seminar, Nelson has developed a valuable five-step system that will equip you to PROMOTE, PREPARE, PREACH, PRESENT and PRESERVE every baptism in your church.
Includes: Three hours of audio training, fill-in-the-blank listener’s guide, checklist, sample emails, letters, promo materials and more!
Updated & Expanded: The Evangelism Seminar + Team Training
Download Just $69 - Normally $599.95 | CD Set Just $99 - Normally $699.95 | DVD/CD Set Just $119 - Normally $899.95
Bringing together EVERY key strategy and tool — Nelson Searcy presents his most powerful evangelism resource to date — Completely UPDATED and EXPANDED! This Proven, Step-by-Step Resource contains EVERYTHING you need to maximize the Evangelism System in YOUR church!
No matter what your church size or location, by making just a few small steps you can dramatically increase the number of unchurched you reach in your community.
Recorded LIVE with Nelson Searcy, this 3-hour seminar discusses practical steps that will help you draw first-time guests through your doors by creating a church-wide climate of evangelism and outreach.
- Updated with the latest learnings and strategies that have worked in Nelson's church and over 2,000 other churches across all sizes and denominations. And, as the clever resource subtitle above implies, this seminar covers BOTH aspects of an evangelism system:
How to attract a crowd to your worship service — particularly the unchurched
And how to mobilize your congregation to share their faith
- Organized for team training with six powerful sessions that you can go through at your own pace — easily one per week or even one per month!
- Designed for easy implementation with your team. Everything is laid out for you in a logical step-by-step fashion to make it easy to get up and running quickly! Including all the editable Evangelism documents used at The Journey Church and over 2,000 of Nelson's Coaching Alumni churches.
- AND FOR THE FIRST TIME – you have a Team Training DVD Option! Train your staff and key leaders — Nelson will be right there on screen walking you through each of the six sessions of training.
Includes: Six sessions of audio training, fill-in-the-blank listener’s guide, leader’s guide, complete transcript, new believer follow-up letter and email samples, plus templates for newspaper ads and inserts, invite cards and additional promo materials and evangelism documents!
Organized for team training with six powerful sessions that you can go through at your own pace. Each of these six sessions will have specific action steps for you from Nelson:
Add the download
to my order below For Just $69
Add the Boxed CDs
to my order below For Just $99
Add the Boxed DVDs
to my order below For Just $119
BEST VALUE EVER: The Systems Seminar Package — All 8 Core Systems
Just $449 (Over $3,799.95 value) - You Save 88%
A healthy church depends on eight systems operating at maximum performance. Build the critical processes you need to reach and disciple more people.
You'll save over 80% on all 8 resources in this high-value package. Includes the updated and expanded Assimilation, Evangelism and Stewardship Seminars!
You'll get all 8 systems seminars:
- The Updated & Expanded Assimilation Seminar — Turn first-time guests into full-engaged members of your church
- The Updated & Expanded Stewardship Seminar — Discover how to grow first-time givers into extravagant givers
- The Updated & Expanded Evangelism Seminar — Reach more people in your community!
- The Ministry Seminar — Double and grow your volunteer team
- The Worship Planning Seminar — Plan, implement and evaluate life-transforming worship services every week
- The Small Groups Seminar — Learn how to get 100% participation in your small groups
- Leadership Skills for a Growing Church — Develop your leadership skills
- The Strategy Seminar — Discover the steps that move you from where you are to where God wants you to be!
Each resource includes: Hours of audio training, fill-in-the-blank listener’s guide, complete leader’s guide, samples and documents plus surprise bonuses!
FREE Sermon Series: Ignite — One Life Can Change the World
This 4-part sermon series will help you teach your people that “one life can change the world” as they learn to share their faith with others. The resource is a great tool to challenge your people toward a “Big Day.” Includes message MP3s, transcripts, notes, graphics and documents.