FREE E-book for Pastors from Nelson Searcy — Revised & Updated!
Discover the Secrets to Making a Great First-Time Guest Impression — So Your Guests Return Again and Again
FREE E-book for Pastors — Grab Your Copy Now!

Get your FREE download of The How to Make a Great First-Time Guest Impression E-Book by Nelson Searcy – all about turning first time guests into fully-developed members of your church.

Seven minutes is all the time you have to make a positive first impression on the first-time guests who walk through your doors. In the first seven minutes of their experience with your church, your guests will decide whether or not they’re going to come back.

When God entrusts you with first-time guests, you face an incredible responsibility. Creating an environment that makes your first-time guests feel both welcomed and respected is key to winning a return visit and beginning the process of assimilating them well. In this revised and updated e-book, you will learn exactly what goes into an impactful pre-service – and you’ll see how seven minutes is all you need to show your guests just how much you care about them and want them back!

In this 29-page revised & updated downloadable e-book, you will learn:

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Go Deeper on the Eight Systems for Your Church Growth and Health!

Nelson Invites You to Learn More and Join His Brand New Senior Pastor Coaching Network

This BRAND NEW live coaching network is led monthly by Nelson Searcy, with a focus on implementing the Eight Systems of a Healthy Church®. Nelson will be teaching LIVE via Zoom for a select number of pastors interested in accelerating growth in their church. Our 90-minute live sessions run on Tuesdays at 2pm ET — and you can jump in any time. Recordings will always be available. You will also receive thousands of dollars in systems resources for FREE each month, plus sign-up bonuses including FREE event passes and TWO FREE sermon series of your choice!

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Meet Dr. Nelson Searcy

Nelson Searcy is the Founding and Lead Pastor of The Journey Church, with locations across New York City and in Boca Raton, FL. By God’s grace, he identified and developed the Eight Systems of a Healthy Church® that he has used to coach over 3,500 churches in the US and around the world to adapt those eight systems to their unique ministry fields, resulting in great health and growth.

Nelson regularly coaches pastors online and in-person through the Church Leader Insights and Renegade Pastors Network ministries that he founded. He also leads several annual pastor in-person conferences and online training events. In ministry for more than 25 years, Nelson and his church routinely appear on lists such as “The 50 Most Influential Churches” and “The 25 Most Innovative Leaders.”

He is the author of over 100 church growth resources and 20+ books, including The Renegade Pastor: Abandoning Average in Your Life and Ministry, The Difference Maker: Using Your Everyday Life for Eternal Impact, and Fusion: Turning First-Time Guests Into Fully-Engaged Members of Your Church. Nelson is the recipient of the prestigious Donald A. McGavran Award for Outstanding Leadership in Great Commission Research.

He is a longtime student of church history, especially mastering the areas of evangelism and church growth. He divides his time between NYC and South Florida. He battled Stage 4 cancer and has been cancer-free since 2018, praise God! He has an amazing wife, Kelley, and a teenage son, Alexander, who continues to grow in so many ways.