Up to 86% OFF for Dr. Elmer Towns 86th Birthday - Ends Wednesday, Oct. 24th! Six Powerful Resources Celebrating Elmer Towns – As Low as $25!
Towns Birthday Sale: 6 Powerful Resources Up to 86% Off - Grow Your Church & Grow as a Leader!
Celebrate the birthday of a Church Growth Champion! Grow your ministry through six practical resources from Dr. Elmer Towns and Nelson Searcy — at the lowest rates ever offered! All six of these resources will inspire and encourage you as a pastor — whether it’s your church growth, spiritual life as a leader, writing process, evangelism efforts and more!
Hurry - Save 86% - Two Days Only! Exclusive Opportunity Expires Wednesday, Oct. 24th! After Wednesday, Your Investment Will Increase to Full Retail Rate!
Special Resource Opportunity #1:
Experience Exponential Growth with The Ten Most Influential Churches from Dr. Elmer Towns
Just $39 (Regularly $299.95) — You Save 86%!

Dr. Elmer Towns has a challenge for you – to become an influential pastor.
As a church leader, you need to understand the past in order to shape the future. And as an expert in historical church growth, Dr. Towns has NEW insights and applications for you from an impressive study of the ten most influential churches in recent history.
You may not know many of these churches and church leaders – but you will soon discover their great impact on your ministry today.
Based on his 200th book of the same name, Dr. Towns recorded this workshop live at a Nelson Searcy coaching event. As Nelson’s friend and mentor, Dr. Towns has shared exclusive content with this resource that is NOT in the book and is focused on practical applications for you and your own church growth.
This resource explores the ten churches that have had the greatest influence on Christianity worldwide in the past 100 years. Their influence spans across culture and across time.
History has shown that great leaders have the ability to reach beyond the walls of their churches to influence cultures for Christ. You’ll learn from leaders who prevailed against insurmountable odds, with limited resources, in difficult circumstances, all to glorify God. These were average people whom God used in above-average ways.
So with the most unlikely people at the helm, some of the most influential churches emerged in the most unlikely places. These are not just large churches. Not necessarily famous churches. Many are in countries where there is the strongest opposition to the Gospel.
You’ll hear the stories and case studies from Dr. Towns who has been an eyewitness to history. From the Pentecostal/Charismatic movement, to the explosive growth of house churches in Communist China to the expansion of the Southern Baptist Convention and the worldwide rise of praise and worship music led by Hillsong Church – you’ll discover their innovative strategies and how you too can experience exponential growth in your church!
Understanding the history of these 10 churches, you can compare your own experiences to these trends. You’ll have new insight into what to change – and what NOT to change.
Dr. Towns wants you to know that the great things God has done in the past can be done today! With the deeper sense of church history and its applications found in his new resource, YOU too can become influential and fulfill your calling in new and exciting ways.

You'll receive 4 hours of in-depth, practical church growth training that Dr. Towns shared in Nelson’s private coaching network.
PLUS – CD purchases come with FREE immediate download!
In this in-depth examination of these 10 churches and what made them influential, you will discover:
- How a small church on Azusa Street in Los Angeles captured the explosive movement of the Holy Spirit and spread its influence around the world.
- How to break through and redefine your “box” of influence.
- 10 methods of influential churches – and how to focus on your primary method
- What Jesus thought about culture – a surprising analysis
- The six styles of churches and the dominant spiritual gift for each (which one is yours?)
- The power of the “un-seen” churches in a part of the world where Christianity is persecuted.
- The story of a “non-violent” revolution of a church in Atlanta, Georgia that became the platform of Martin Luther King, Jr.
- Five principles of “cell” growth and how the largest church in the world built its ministry this way.
- The five pockets of stewardship – and how to raise money (lessons from one of the most influential church leaders in history)
- A Case Study in growth through age-graded Sunday School classes.
- Characteristics of a “seeker” church and how it provides the unchurched with a safe, non-threatening environment
- Five problems with the “traditional” church (and how to fix them)
- Six ways to make worship a true Christian experience (as shared from the leading church in praise-worship music).
- How one of the largest churches in American was built through marketing, advertising and media (and what methods you can borrow)
- 7 traits of great leaders from the most influential churches (and one is NOT being perfect)
- Life cycles of the church - what you can AND can’t control
- The ONE principle you should remember to shape your influence as a church (it’s not what you think)
- And much more!
So are you ready to respond to Dr. Towns’ challenge – and reach your true growth potential for the Kingdom? No matter what challenges you may be facing in your ministry, you’ll be motivated by these historical leaders to be the most influential person for God that you can be!
Four Hours of Training broken down into 4 easy-to-manage one-hour segments on 4 MP3 files. You can transfer these to your iTunes, MP3 player or listen online.
CD buyers - You will also get a FREE download version so you can listen immediately! -
Complete Transcript of the four-hour training that you can save onto your computer or tablet and read in more depth after going through the audio training.
Student Guide with fill-in-the-blank notes in a convenient PDF format that you can print and use to follow along, or simply view on your computer or tablet for easy reference.
A Complete Leader’s Guide so that you can take this workshop and train other pastors and key leaders on your team. You’ll have everything you need to lead this workshop in your church!
- Plus All the PowerPoint slides from Dr. Towns’ presentation – including extra content not shared in the audio teaching.
Elmer Towns Equipping Interview – A $49.95 Value – Yours FREE!
The perfect accompaniment to the resource, Nelson Searcy interviews Dr. Elmer Towns about this 200th book, The Ten Most Influential Churches of the Past Century and other church history books like The Ten Largest Sunday Schools. Dr. Town expounds on why it is important that pastors know church history and the research process he went through in narrowing down the Top Ten Churches.
Special Resource Opportunity #2:
Better Fulfill Your Mission with The Spiritual Life of a Pastor from Dr. Elmer Towns
Just $39 (Regularly $299.95) — You Save 86%!

As a pastor you’re called to connect others to Christ – you guide others in their spiritual walk.
So you cannot ignore your own.
There is no greater calling, no greater mission – to build the church and reach more people for Christ. But to lead your people, you must continue to strengthen your own spiritual life.
As pastors we wage spiritual warfare on a daily basis and the enemy doesn’t sleep. You have the tools to combat those forces and fulfill your mission – faith, prayer and fasting – but you must sharpen them daily.
Join Dr. Elmer Towns on an in-depth examination of all facets of developing your spiritual life. You have never heard “faith” and “prayer” discussed, dissected and explained with such passion, humor and deep understanding as shared by Dr. Towns.
And of course, with wonderful, humorous anecdotes and stories from his life in ministry!
This is an exclusive teaching that Dr. Towns gave during a private four-hour talk for Nelson Searcy’s Titanium Coaching Network (his most advanced coaching).
This is a spiritual awakening for pastors – through the teachings of Dr. Towns you will be inspired and reinvigorated for your life in ministry!
Why is developing The Spiritual Life of a Pastor so critical? You must continue to strengthen your faith so that you can be:
- A better leader
- A better pastor
- A better spouse
- A better person of God
Through this new resource, with an introduction from Nelson Searcy, you will discover:
- The true definition of prayer
- Six different approaches to prayer
- What prayer is NOT about
- Lessons from great men of faith taught through Dr. Towns’ personal experiences – including Dr. Jerry Falwell and Dr. Bill Bright
- How and why to find a prayer partner – and a prayer team
- How to recruit prayer partners – especially different partners with different challenges (plus who is Dr. Towns’ prayer partner)
- Understanding the essence of faith
- Six ways to express your faith
- How faith is measured – and the one way it is definitely NOT
- The power of “Two-Pray”
- What it truly means to “pray the scriptures”
- Specific examples and ways to immediately start praying the scriptures
- The true definition of faith
- Five ways to grow your faith today
- Three views on the gift of faith (including observations on interventional faith)
- Biblical examples of those tested with “a long, cold dark winter’s night”
The foundation for building a great church is faith – your faith in God. You can never stop developing it. Recharge your spiritual life with these teachings from Dr. Towns. Your ministry will be stronger for it.
Four Hours of Training broken down into 4 easy-to-manage one-hour segments on 4 MP3 files. You can transfer these to your iTunes, MP3 player or listen online.
CD buyers - You will also get a FREE download version so you can listen immediately!Complete Transcript of the four-hour training that you can save onto your computer or tablet and read in more depth after going through the audio training.
Student Guide with fill-in-the-blank notes in a convenient PDF format that you can print and use to follow along, or simply view on your computer or tablet for easy reference.
A Complete Leader’s Guide so that you can take this workshop and train other pastors and key leaders on your team. You’ll have everything you need to lead this workshop in your church!
Fasting for Spiritual Breakthrough – A $39.95 Value – Yours FREE!
The perfect accompaniment to Dr. Towns’ discussion on fasting. Fasting is one of our most powerful spiritual activities, so why is it so rarely practiced? Learn the misconceptions of fasting and how to do it effectively with Nelson Searcy. Includes the primary purpose of fasting, guidelines for beginning a fast, and the nuts and bolts of fasting.
Special Bonus – Includes a Study Guide from Dr. Elmer Towns on a Guide to Nine Biblical Fasts – $29.95 value alone!
Special Resource Opportunity #3:
Harness the Power of a Big Day to Create Immediate Growth in The Ignite Seminar by Nelson Searcy
Just $25 (Regularly $299.95) — You Save 92%!

Elmer Towns is a church growth legend. Now you can harness the power of a Big Day to create immediate growth in your church!
Nelson walks you through this step-by-step, proven system to mobilize your church and DOUBLE your attendance.
The Ignite Seminar is the ultimate how-to training for church leaders who want to reach more people for Jesus Christ. In this three-hour seminar, Nelson Searcy will provide practical, inventive guidelines for bringing first-time guests through the doors.
His seminar sets forth a step-by-step, biblically grounded, proven plan for creating immediate church growth by utilizing a "Big Day" to mobilize your church for evangelism.
In this best-selling resource, you will discover:
- How to DOUBLE your church in a day (it can be done!)
- How to immediately raise the evangelism effectiveness of your church
- How to mobilize your congregation to reach their friends
- How to spark growth in a stalled church
- How to keep momentum year after year in a growing church
- How to excite your people, even if they've not been motivated in the past
- How to influence your leaders to reach out to the community
- How to plan and implement a proven BIG DAY process
- Plus much more!
Includes: Three hours of audio training, fill-in-the-blank listener’s guide, 17-page Servant Evangelism Strategy used at the Journey, sample emails and promotional materials, and more!
Special Resource Opportunity #4:
Discover 7 Lasting Principles to Maximize Your Ministry Today with Church Growth Then and Now by Nelson Searcy
Just $59 (Regularly $299.95) — You Save 80%!

Elmer is a church growth legend — and his impact and principles are taught by Nelson in this in-depth training on 7 lasting principles to maximize your ministry. You'll discover the best tactics, strategies and ideas from the Church Growth Movement that you can apply TODAY to your church!
From the conversation and controversy surrounding the church growth movement, church growth strategist Nelson Searcy extracts seven lasting principles that you can immediately apply to your church.
Join Nelson in an examination of the history of church growth and go in-depth into the most innovative and inspiring aspects of church growth with specific tactics that you can start using right now to maximize your ministry.
You’ll fully engage with this three-hour seminar as Nelson provides you with concrete applications to your church with each principle, consistently asking the question and challenging you to think about - “How do we apply that principle today?”
In this powerful, easy-to-implement resource you will discover:
- Why growth should be the norm, not the exception for your church
- The 9 church diseases afflicting churches of all sizes and how to recognize them in your church
- The consequences of getting serious about church growth (hint: you will have detractors)
- Where should you start in your evangelism efforts (ask this question first)
- How to overcome inertia and avoid the laziness that can kill your ministry
- Practical ways to help your members double your church
- The five factors that affect the growth of the church (and which ones you can control)
- The 3 things a pastor must be willing to pay the price for in order to grow
- The surprising Assimilation statistic you should know and measure (and why your member’s friendships matter)
- The key service measurement you need to do now (because you may be severely hindering your church growth and not even realize it)
- The 6 must-haves for a pastor to be effective
- What McGavran had to say about your membership goals
- How many times people need to hear the gospel for it to resonate
- What are the visible areas of the church that you can measure – the key metrics - and should
- How deciding what to measure increases your success factor in that area
- The top 3 kinds of church growth (and which one The Great Commission requires)
- And much more!
As you can see this isn’t your ordinary history lesson.
You’ll uncover dozens of ideas that you can start using right now in your ministry to grow your church and fulfill The Great Commission championed by our founding fathers of church growth.
Recharge your ministry: Make an impact for the Kingdom today – and secure the future of your church for tomorrow.
Three Hours of Training broken down into 3 easy-to-manage one-hour segments on 3 MP3 files. You can transfer these to your iTunes, MP3 player or listen online.
CD buyers - You will also get a FREE download version so you can listen immediately!Complete Transcript of the three-hour training that you can save onto your computer or tablet and read in more depth after going through the audio training.
Student Guide with fill-in-the-blank notes in a convenient PDF format that you can print and use to follow along, or simply view on your computer or tablet for easy reference.
A Complete Leader’s Guide so that you can take this workshop and train your staff, key leaders and volunteers. You'll have everything you need to lead this workshop in your church!

Church Growth Champions Conversation with Dr. Elmer Towns Plus Bonus Documents – A $49.95 Value – Yours FREE!
In this exclusive interview between Nelson Searcy and Dr. Towns, you will hear first-hand stories, examples, insights and perspectives — and be inspired in your mission to grow the Kingdom. Includes: Complete audio file and bonuses like in-depth articles by and about Dr. Towns.
Special Resource Opportunity #5:
Get the Unedited Recordings from the Comprehensive 2-Day How to Write Your First Book Workshop with Nelson Searcy and Dr. Elmer Towns
Just $99 (Regularly $599.95) — You Save 83%!

Save 83% on the this complete writing workshop resource!
Elmer Towns has written over 300 books and was a driving factor and inspiration for Nelson's writing ministry. In this live workshop, Nelson reveals his proven process for writing your first book while also pastoring and leading a church full-time. You'll hear the complete strategy that he adapted from Dr. Towns, who also co-teaches this workshop with Nelson.
This includes EVERYTHING you need to know - all of Nelson's secrets for how to write and publish your book, including:
- Why you may want to self-publish your book instead of going to a traditional publisher.
- How to turn sermons series into books, audio into chapters and how to structure your writing time through deadlines and daily rituals.
- How to find a ghostwriter or someone in your church/marketplace to help you write your book.
- What's better to publish - a paperback book or an e-book?
- Ideal "trim size," format, word length, and number of pages for self-published paperbacks.
- How to use a "bounce back" offer to turn your book into an evangelism tool.
- Ideal number of books to produce in the first print run - and the approximate cost per copy.
- Promoting and selling your book on a book web site.
- Turn book readers into first-time guests at your church.
- Giving away free review copies - who gets them, how many do you distribute?
- How to leverage your book into establishing your reputation in your church’s community.
- The biggest headache self publishers face and how to overcome it.
- How to reduce your printing cost per copy up to 50% or more.
- And much, much more…

215-Page Course Pack PDF used During the Live Workshop – A $99.95 Value – Yours FREE!
And you'll also get the PDF file of the 215-page course pack used during the workshop! With this file format you can easily save, search and share the material as you move forward in the process. It's a comprehensive resource and this format will make it even more valuable as a reference tool.
Special Resource Opportunity #6:
Get the Ultimate Church Growth Resource — the Two-Day Church Growth & Evangelism A-Z Workshop by Nelson Searcy
Just $199 (Regularly $599.95) — You Save 67%!

Dr. Towns features prominently in Nelson's premier church growth resource. Learn EVERY church growth principle and practice from A to Z, plus practical next steps to lead and grow a healthy church. This is a virtual seminary course on church growth — at a fraction of the investment!
Nelson delivers a comprehensive training on the key principles, personalities, and effective practices from the last 2,000 years that you can use TODAY to lead and grow a healthy church.
He filters through over 5,000+ church growth books to give you just the best of the best most relevant information for today's church. You would normally invest years and tens of thousands of dollars doing this research yourself!
You’ll learn EVERYTHING about church growth, from A to Z: every key leader and every church principle (even those that didn’t work), plus practical next steps that you can implement in your church right away!
In this resource you will get:
- A virtual seminary course on Church Growth at a fraction of the investment!
- An encyclopedia of church growth principles that you can apply immediately.
- Practical tools to break through your church’s barrier to growth!
- New additions to your church growth strategy from some of the greatest minds in church growth history.
- 10 church-enhancing systems tactics just from the first day of the workshop!
- Biblically-sound teachings from over 37 different pioneers of church growth and evangelism.
- Your complete church growth bibliography - Over 249 church growth and evangelism book and resources to help you further your study.
If you are on this list, you will benefit from and be challenged by the wealth of content and practical application included in this new resource:
- Pastors
- Church Planters
- Executive Pastors
- Evangelism Pastors
- Seminary Students
- Skeptics of Church Growth
- Church Growth Junkies
- Seminary Professors
Full confession . . . this church growth resource is NOT for everyone. It's only for those who want to learn about what God has done through the church growth movement and those who seriously want to implement Biblically-based principles in your church. Honestly, this resource is probably never going to be the huge bestseller that some of Nelson's 'church systems' resources are, but for those who use it, it will help you GROW YOUR CHURCH!
Every key figure, concept and best practice in church growth is included!
- Two full days of audio training from the live workshop
- The complete 520-page Encyclopedia of Church Growth from the event – includes everything Nelson covered in the workshop, from A to Z! This custom-designed collection of articles, biographies, definitions and practices is unlike anything you have seen before on church growth!
- Plus surprise bonuses, including an exclusive personal interview with Nelson and Dr. Towns!
A little about Dr. Elmer Towns
Dr. Towns identifies himself as “an author-teacher who loves to study, share and teach.” And after more than 40 years of teaching and over 170 popular and scholarly works (as well as two encyclopedias), this college and seminary professor has educated, equipped and inspired spiritual leaders throughout the world. A champion of “spiritual breakthroughs,” Dr. Towns has established himself as a well-respected advocate for achieving church growth through effective organization and leadership. He’s most well known as the co-founder of Liberty University with his friend, Dr. Jerry Falwell. Towns currently holds visiting professorship at five seminaries and has written over 2,000 articles – most concerning church growth.