New Resources Added — Save Up to 94%!
CYBER MONDAY SALE: Choose from 56 Powerful Seminars, Sermon Series and Packages to Equip Your Church for Growth — as Low as $7!
SAVE 86%
Planning a One-Year Preaching Calendar
(Just $7 - Normally $49.95)
86% OFF Today!
Discover a proven preaching planning method that will reduce your stress AND maximize the effectiveness of your preaching! Plus learn practical ways to improve your preaching skills.
In this best-selling resource you will learn:
- The three steps to planning your preaching calendar
- How the seasons of the year can maximize your preaching
- Preaching for transformation vs. information
- The three temptations that hinder planning
- Effective message series development
- How to attract, grow and balance people through preaching
- Five ways to keep improving your preaching skills
- Plus much more!
SAVE 86%
Developing a One-Year Personal Growth Plan – Updated)
(Just $7 - Normally $49.95)
86% OFF Today!
Don't leave your personal growth to chance!.
In this best-selling 60-minute "nuts-and-bolts" resource, Nelson Searcy walks you through how to develop a one-year personal growth plan that will ensure that you are a better leader at the end of the year than when you began.
In this downloadable resource you will learn:
- The first event to plan each year (it's not what you think)
- The annual, monthly, weekly and daily priorities for personal growth
- How your personal growth will affect the growth of your church
- The ancient principles that will decrease your stress and increase your productivity
- The four key measurements of personal growth you must know to succeed
Don't waste another day. Develop a plan to grow into the leader God wants you to be...starting today!
SAVE 86%
Reaching Your Community Through Servant Evangelism – Updated & Expanded
(Just $7 - Normally $49.95)
86% OFF Today!
Mobilize your people with a step-by-step process to implement your own servant evangelism projects!
Nelson Searcy wants to help your church grow and reach more people for Christ through one of the most powerful tools at your disposal – Servant Evangelism. Discover how to use simple acts of service to spread the gospel in your community! He has completely updated & expanded this practical, 60-minute resource with the latest ideas and applications that you can start implementing right away.
Nelson has almost two decades of experience in leading people to engage in Servant Evangelism from both leading projects at The Journey Church and coaching other pastors on these principles to launch their own effective Servant Evangelism projects.
Through this 60-minute Updated & Expanded resource, you will discover:
- What is Servant Evangelism?
- How Servant Evangelism is part of a healthy evangelism system
- Why Servant Evangelism works
- How to get started doing Servant Evangelism
- Principles for effective Servant Evangelism
- 10 Servant Evangelism ideas
- BONUS - Sample PDF Invite Cards
- The biblical principles behind servant evangelism – and how Jesus modeled this
- How to integrate Servant Evangelism to grow other areas of your church – including small groups and ministry systems
- 12 proven, fun examples of effective Servant Evangelism projects
- 5 key things you need to launch successful Servant Evangelism in your church
- How Servant Evangelism impacts your reputation in the community
- Samples of invite cards and flyers you can use for your own Servant Evangelism projects
- And much more!
SAVE 94%
Time Management for Busy Pastors
(Just $17 - Normally $299.95)
94% OFF Today!
Discover 34 time-management principles that you can start applying right away to get the most out of your day.
Combined they could save you over 60 hours a month!
Imagine having 60 extra hours to focus on what's important instead of always operating under the stress of the "urgent."
You’ll cover important themes like doing extraordinary things through God, how Jesus provides a fresh start, how to share the Good News of Jesus, how to experience God’s peace, and more Biblical truths from each beloved Christmas carol!In this downloadable resource you will learn:
- What to schedule first in your calendar to maximize your time (Hint: It's not what you think!)
- How to live off-peak (This alone will save you hours each month)
- How to be efficient rather than busy
- How to automate important tasks so you accomplish them on time, every time, with NO EFFORT!
- How to live with the peace of mind that nothing will "slip through the cracks"
- How to increase your effectiveness as a leader by knowing when NOT to use technology
- How to identify and utilize several hours in your week that are currently "invisible"
- And much more!
Includes: Three hours of audio training, fill-in-the-blank listener’s guide, bonus audio teaching on what the Bible says about time management, bonus documents on time management principles and more.
SAVE 88%
Updated & Expanded: The Assimilation Seminar + Team Training
(Just $69 - Normally $599.95)
88% OFF Today!
10 Years in the Making – Nelson Searcy presents his most powerful resource to date: The Completely UPDATED and EXPANDED Assimilation Seminar + Team Edition! This Proven, Step-by-Step, “Done-for-You” Resource contains everything you need to implement the Assimilation System in YOUR church! Now Available in CD/Download or DVD!
Nothing impacts the growth of your church FASTER than Assimilation — the process of welcoming first-time guests, keeping them coming back and eventually moving them to membership. Nelson Searcy first developed this Assimilation process 10 years ago at The Journey Church and since then has implemented and improved these strategies with over 3,000 churches across all sizes and denominations.
- Updated with the latest learnings and strategies that have worked in Nelson's church and over 3,000 other churches across all sizes and denominations.
- Organized for team training with seven powerful sessions that you can go through at your own pace — easily one per week!
- Designed for easy implementation with your team. Everything is laid out for you in a logical step-by-step fashion to make it easy to get up and running quickly! Including the 91-page comprehensive Assimilation Strategy Editable Document and all the editable Assimilation documents used at The Journey Church and over 3,000 of Nelson's Coaching Alumni churches.
- AND FOR THE FIRST TIME – you have a Team Training DVD Option! Train your staff and key leaders — Nelson will be right there on screen walking you through each of the seven sessions of training.
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Updated & Expanded: The Evangelism Seminar + Team Training
(Just $69 - Normally $599.95)
88% OFF Today!
Bringing together EVERY key strategy and tool — Nelson Searcy presents his most powerful evangelism resource to date — Completely UPDATED and EXPANDED! This Proven, Step-by-Step Resource contains EVERYTHING you need to maximize the Evangelism System in YOUR church!
No matter what your church size or location, by making just a few small steps you can dramatically increase the number of unchurched you reach in your community.
Recorded LIVE with Nelson Searcy, this 3-hour seminar discusses practical steps that will help you draw first-time guests through your doors by creating a church-wide climate of evangelism and outreach.
You’ll discover numerous insights, such as:
- The three key elements of an Evangelism System that you need to master —and that will be covered in this seminar
- 6 key evangelism measurements you need to know and be tracking on a regular basis (and the ONE key indicator that matters the most)
- Special evangelistic events that you can use to mobilize your people to share their faith
- The main responsibility you have as lead pastor when it comes to evangelism (hint: it may involve some heat!)
- The fastest way to bring in more unchurched in your community
- The power of a personal invite (and how many would say YES if just asked!)
- The secret to how your church can truly DOUBLE in just one day
- 11 effective invite tools to make it easier for your people to share their faith!
- And much, much more!
Includes: Six sessions of audio training, fill-in-the-blank listener’s guide, leader’s guide, complete transcript, new believer follow-up letter and email samples, plus templates for newspaper ads and inserts, invite cards and additional promo materials and. evangelism documents!
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Updated & Expanded: The Stewardship Seminar + Team Training
(Just $69 - Normally $599.95)
88% OFF Today!
This brand-new, step-by- step, “done-for-you” resource contains everything you need to strengthen the Stewardship System in your church — because if your people aren’t giving, they’re not growing! Updated with completely new content, it’s designed for easy training and implementation with your team – featuring a new DVD option!
What would it look like if you had a fully resourced church? How many of your people — current members and first-time guests — would you like to grow spiritually through biblical stewardship?
Nelson wants to help you realize your church’s true giving potential and create a culture of consistent giving. So he went back into the studio and completely updated his best-selling Stewardship Seminar. All new learnings and strategies.
You’ll discover numerous insights in this 9-part resource, such as:
- How to integrate giving into the life of your church so you can finally make decisions based on the Lord’s will — and NOT on finances!
- The keys to rapid discipleship development through stewardship
- The #1 way that people start giving — and how to master it!
- How to turn first-time givers into extravagant givers (so they can experience the full blessing of God in their lives)
- How to develop disciples rather than donors (after all, Stewardship is really Discipleship)
- How to create a culture of consistent giving (and avoid the up-and-down cycle that comes with holidays, natural disasters and tough economic times)
- How to create effective quarterly giving statements (and get people to open them!)
- How and when to preach on giving
- How to follow up effectively with those who give (you are following up, right?)
- How to identify and share powerful stories of giving from the people in your church and inspire others to give
- How to model generosity in your own life (and why it’s essential if you want to build a generous church)
- A BONUS session: Pastor to pastor — five stewardship decisions you need to make!
- And much, much more!
Includes: Nine sessions of audio training, fill-in-the-blank listener’s guide, leader’s guide, complete transcript, editable sample emails, follow-up docs, a proven offering envelope template and additional stewardship documents!
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SAVE 94%
The Power of a To Do List
(Just $17 - Normally $299.95)
94% OFF Today!
Use this simple but powerful tool to transform the effectiveness of your ministry!
As pastors we feel like we’re busier today than we’ve ever been. But being busy is especially not a bad thing — when you have the right tool.
In this practical seminar from Jason Hatley, you will discover how the right to-do list can transform the effectiveness of your Staff, Volunteers and Ministry!
In this powerful, easy-to-implement resource you will learn:
- How to be more productive and less ‘busy’... starting right now!
- How to sleep well tonight knowing that you got it all done today
- Three surprising benefits to busy seasons in ministry (I know it sounds crazy, but #2 is BIG)
- Five simple steps to create your own "holy smokes, I can't believe how much I get done every day" to-do list in less than 15 minutes
- Five traits of a "good to-do list"
- How to eliminate confusion, relieve stress and create cohesion with your staff and volunteers
- How to know exactly what your staff are working on every day of the week, even when you're not in the office
- Eight time management principles that will multiply the power of your to-do list
- And much more!
Includes: Three hours of audio training, complete transcript, fill-in-the-blank listener’s guide and leader's guide
SAVE 94%
The New Believer Seminar
(Just $17 - Normally $299.95)
94% OFF Today!
Don't let any of your new believers fall through the cracks!
How are you helping the people who make the most important decision of their life? Do you have an effective process that helps people move forward from their decision to becoming a fully-devoted follower of Christ?
In The New Believer Seminar, Nelson Searcy has developed a valuable system that will equip you to follow up with every new believer God brings to His church.
In this comprehensive resource, you will learn:
- How you can increase the number of people who indicate their decision for Christ (Hint: you probably have more people coming to Christ than you realize...they're just not telling you)
- How to ensure that every person is discipled and that "No New Believer Gets Left Behind"
- What to do and NOT do in the first hour after someone becomes a Christian and the four opportunities you have to follow up with new believers, and the importance of each opportunity
- Why your preaching calendar is crucial to your new believer follow-up
- The one thing you MUST do in order to see new believers grow
- How to cultivate the connection between prayer and new believers
- Plus much more!
Includes: Three hours of audio training, fill-in-the-blank listener’s guide, leader's guide, sample emails, letters, and a bonus video sermon from Nelson on "What it means to be a Christian"
SAVE 94%
Spiritual Warfare in the Battle for the Lost
(Just $17 - Normally $299.95)
94% OFF Today!
Get the Pastor's Guide to defeating the Enemy as you mobilize for evangelism!
Make no mistake — spiritual warfare is a very real threat to our ministries. And we as church leaders are a primary target. The Enemy is going to do everything he can do to stop you from evangelism.
For the past 20 years, Chuck Lawless has studied, written and taught about spiritual warfare. And now in this exclusive resource, you’ll hear directly from Dr. Lawless on how to fight against the number of ways that the Enemy strategically attacks us and our church growth.
In this practical toolkit, you will discover:
- Why the threat is constant and where we are most vulnerable to attack
- The ONE element that is critical to any effective evangelism strategy
- What the Bible says about spiritual warfare and what we are battling
- 4 strategies the Devil uses to take us down — and how to fight each one
- The multiple ways the Enemy keeps unbelievers in darkness — and how we are to reach them
- The most important tool in defeating the Enemy (Hint: it’s a Biblical truth)
- The only plan God has given us (understand this and you’ll understand why the Devil’s attack is constant)
- 4 ways that Satan attacks your new believers — and how you can protect them
- 5 reactions the Enemy seeks from you to distract from your mission (don’t fall for any of them!)
- What spiritual warfare is NOT about (the answer may surprise you!)
- The connection between spiritual warfare and discipleship
- How you may be leaving your new believers exposed (and how to properly arm them too for battle)
Includes: Two hours of audio training, transcript, fill-in-the-blank listener’s guide, complete leader’s guide and surprise bonuses!
SAVE 94%
Planning and Leading Effective Meetings
(Just $17 - Normally $299.95)
94% OFF Today!
Accomplish more in less time through the power of meetings!
There is no more powerful tool at your disposal that will help you lead, motivate and grow your staff and volunteers than the effective meeting. And in this best-selling resource from Kerrick Thomas, you will learn the secrets to leading meetings that are indispensable to the success of your church and to the moral and growth of your staff and volunteers.
In this powerful, easy-to-implement resource you will learn:
- How to become a better leader and manager by utilizing the power of effective meetings.
- How to make your meetings a playground for champions instead of the place your dreams go to die!
- The 3 big reasons your team wants to AVOID your meetings at all cost – and how to change that attitude.
- The 5 BIGGEST mistakes most pastors make in their meetings.
- How to make meetings shorter and to the point – so you don’t waste anyone’s time.
- Who should even be invited to a meeting and why.
- How to accomplish more in less time thru the power of FOCUS.
- How to prepare in advance for a meeting – so you don’t waste anyone’s time (including your own).
- The 4 things you should do AFTER every meeting.
- And much, much more!
Includes: Two hours of audio training, complete transcript, fill-in-the-blank listener’s guide, leader’s guide, plus surprise bonuses!
SAVE 94%
Secrets of Effective Delegation
(Just $17 - Normally $299.95)
94% OFF Today!
Empower others to share in your ministry growth!
Learning to delegate is your key to getting more done in less time, with less stress and greater blessing. This resource has literally 25 years of lessons from the school of hard knocks, the Bible and Nelson’s own pastoral and coaching ministry.
You'll learn the rules of delegation, the Biblical basis for delegation, the exact process Nelson has used effectively day in and day out with his ever-growing staff of pastors and top leaders, and all of Nelson's insider power principles for effective delegation.
In this powerful, easy-to-implement resource you will discover:
- The 16 benefits of delegation (one of which is that it improves morale)
- The problems behind why we don’t delegate, and how to identify and overcome them
- The barriers to delegation
- How to determine exactly what you can and can’t delegate
- How to get started in delegating a small, short-term task
- The “Holy Grail” of delegation
- How to delegate in a way that’s painless for you and for the person you’re delegating to
- Nelson’s top four delegation strategies
- How you can use different strategies with different people for different tasks but always produce exceptional results
- And much, much more!
Includes: Three hours of audio training, complete transcript, fill-in-the-blank listener’s guide, leader's guide and a bonus two-hour Q&A session with Nelson
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The Activate Seminar
(Just $17 - Normally $299.95)
94% OFF Today!
You Can Build a Small Groups Ministry with 100% Participation
Learn some unconventional, but practical strategies for making Small Groups work in your church. This 3 hour seminar will teach you all the basics you need to start or improve a semester-based small groups system in your church.
You will learn:
- How do I get 100% of my church involved in Small Groups?
- How do I recruit enough Small Group leaders?
- How do I train enough Small Group leaders?
- How long should a Small Group last?
- How big should a Small Group be?
- What is a good structure for Small Group ministry?
- How do I get Small Groups involved in serving and evangelism?
SAVE 94%
The Ministry Seminar
(Just $17 - Normally $299.95)
94% OFF Today!
Learn the Proven System to Double Your Volunteers
What impact could your church have if everyone was serving in significant ministry in your church? In this seminar, Nelson Searcy will teach you how to have the maximum number of people involved in serving.
You will learn:
- How to have an abundance of volunteers, and not just the minimum needed
- How to recruit new volunteers
- How to double your volunteers in a day
- How to treat volunteers (it's not the way you think)
- How to "fire" a volunteer
- How to train volunteers (and how not to over-train them)
- How to keep volunteers motivated
- How to recruit volunteers in areas "where no one wants to serve"
SAVE 94%
Leadership Skills for a Growing Church
(Just $17 - Normally $299.95)
94% OFF Today!
You Can Develop the Six Secret Skills to Lead at a Higher Level
This nuts-and-bolts, 3 hour seminar by Nelson Searcy will help you develop the skills necessary to maximize your leadership for the sake of the Kingdom.
In this downloadable resource you will learn:
- How to keep growing as a leader
- How to manage your ever-increasing time demands
- How to maximize your staff and volunteers
- How to anticipate the future
- How to reproduce other leaders
- How to do it all while maintaining a sustainable pace over the long haul
SAVE 94%
Why People Leave (And What You Can Do About It)
(Just $17 - Normally $299.95)
94% OFF Today!
Decrease the number of people who leave your church — and be content with those who do!
Let's face it: it often hurts when someone leaves your church. We're often left wondering if there's something we could have done differently. In this 2-hour resource, you'll get equipped by Nelson Searcy, to face these challenges head-on.
In this downloadable resource you will learn:
- The TOP SIX REASONS people leave your church, and what you can do about it
- How THREE of these reasons are impossible to correct after the fact — but you can prevent them before they happen
- How THREE of these reasons give you an opportunity for greater ministry
- How to reduce the impact of all SIX reasons people leave
- The BIGGEST MISTAKE you can make when someone leaves your church
- How to make sure you don't lose FOCUS when someone leaves
- What growing churches do differently when it comes to people leaving church
- What ONE THING will kill the chances of someone ever returning
- Why you should NEVER chase someone who leaves
And much more! Including a 30-minute Bonus UNSCRIPTED Q-and-A with Nelson on why people leave and how it has impacted his leadership.
SAVE 94%
10 Keys to Winning Worship Services
(Just $17 - Normally $299.95)
94% OFF Today!
Get practical tips and tools to make next Sunday run more smoothly and with greater impact than ever before!
Stop the week-to-week insanity and approach every Sunday as an opportunity to communicate the amazing, life-transforming and timeless truths of God's Word in fresh, new and creative ways!
You'll understand your role in cooperating with God to truly maximize your worship services — facing those common challenges head-on, every week.
In this downloadable resource you will discover 10 practical (yet always overlooked) keys to having a winning worship service, including:
- How to win the “battle” of worship (personally and as a church)
- How to maximize the witness of your worship services
- The three principles of worship planning that will make or break your weekly services
- How to work with your pastor or worship pastor to develop the disciplines of advanced planning
- The importance of having the "right" people on your team
- A simple six-step process for unleashing creativity and maximizing your worship services
- The power of a clearly-dened worship plan
- Six key communication points for every pastor and worship pastor
- The BIG mistakes The Journey has made in their worship services — and how to avoid them
- The ONE thing you must do this week to save time and maximize impact in your service
- And much, much more!
Includes: Two hours of audio training, complete transcript, fill-in-the-blank listener’s guide, leader’s guide, plus strategies, checklists and documents that you can immediately use to maximize your worship service.
SAVE 91%
How to Conduct a Tithe Challenge
(Just $27 - Normally $299.95)
91% OFF Today!
Step up your stewardship and double your tithers (because God deserves our best, not our leftovers)!
Imagine if you could double — or even quadruple — your budget for the year?
Don't miss this opportunity to both guide your people to a life of blessing AND kick-start your stewardship system to do greater things for God's kingdom! Nelson Searcy will show you how to communicate what the Bible says about tithing and making those eternal truths relevant to your attenders and their lives.
In this proven resource, you’ll discover:
- How to double the number of tithers in your church!
- The nuts and bolts of implementing a successful tithe challenge
- How to increase the obedience level of your congregation
- How to conduct each stage of a Tithe Challenge — from preparation to communication to follow-up
- What timeframe works best for a successful challenge
- How to implement the challenge from the stage and through small groups
- How a Tithe Challenge impacts every one of the 8 systems of a healthy church
- How to measure the success of your Tithe Challenge
- And much, much more!
Includes: Three hours of audio training, complete transcript, fill-in-the-blank listener’s guide, leader’s guide, sample emails, letters, documents, Tithe Challenge sermon and the Tithe Challenge Strategy Checklist (this one document alone is worth the investment!)
SAVE 91%
Shepherding Your Staff and Volunteers
(Just $27 - Normally $299.95)
91% OFF Today!
Ensure the spiritual health of those you lead!
More time. Fewer dropped balls. Focused purpose. Happier and more motivated staff. It’s what we’re looking for – right?
We love, motivate and train our staff and volunteers . . . but what about our shepherding responsibility? You owe it to your staff and volunteers to shepherd them.
After debating this issue for many years in his coaching networks — evaluating his own management of staff and key volunteers, while pulling lessons from his most successful coaching alumni — Nelson Searcy has now put it all together in one place.
This resource is packed with proven principles to strengthen your ministry team, including:
- Exactly what it means to Shepherd your staff and volunteers (it’s different than how you shepherd the rest of your staff)
- The three things you must first do with your staff and volunteers to effectively shepherd them. You can’t shepherd them without these three things.
- The truth about the pervasive teaching of ‘get people on the bus and then get them in the right seat’ and why this MYTH will destroy your staff (this one teaching is worth the total investment of the resource).
- The one thing you MUST do for your staff (if you have staff, you can’t delegate this . . . you must do it. Good news: it probably will take less than 60 seconds).
- How to lower your stress and the headaches that come from staff and volunteer management. Get the pastor/shepherding side right and you will have LESS PROBLEMS.
- How to appropriately praise your staff and volunteers (most of us are doing it wrong).
- Why you can’t force your staff to grow spiritually . . . but there are things you can do and must do.
- How to talk effectively with your staff & volunteers about their spiritual growth. Sometimes we let them get so busy that we never stop and have this conversation (shame on us).
- And much more!
Includes: Two hours of audio training, complete transcript, fill-in-the-blank listener’s guide, leader's guide, plus bonus 30-minute Q&A session with Nelson!
SAVE 91%
The Evangelism Magic Bullet
(Just $27 - Normally $299.95)
91% OFF Today!
Discover the Hidden Secret to Exponential Evangelistic Growth!
What if you could double, or even triple, the number of people you reach for Christ? In this best-selling new resource, Nelson Searcy reveals the surprising Evangelism Magic Bullet used among the fastest growing churches — and requiring little time, cost and resources to implement!
Join Nelson Searcy for a very practical evangelism guide packed with new tools and strategies to help you reach more people for Christ!
You will discover:
- The common denominator in fast-growing churches — the answer may surprise you!
- The evangelism tool you’re not using — yet 95% of your people are receptive to it
- How the Evangelism Magic Bullet helps you, your team and your entire congregation to live out the Great Commission
- How easy it is to get started immediately in jump-starting your evangelism culture
- Biblical insights on how the Evangelism Magic Bullet helps you cooperate with God to fulfill your calling
- A proven, step-by-step process for implementing the Magic Bullet in your church
- How this evangelism practice correlates directly with your number of new believers and baptisms (you will see results!)
- And much, much more!
Includes: Three hours of audio training, transcript, fill-in-the-blank listener’s guide, complete leader’s guide and over $229.85 in bonus resources including over two dozen FREE tools to train your people to share their faith!
SAVE 94%
10 Advanced Strategic Concepts
(Just $17 - Normally $299.95)
94% OFF Today!
Apply the best strategies from the Bible, history, philosophy and business to your ministry!
Join proven church growth strategist Nelson Searcy on a detailed tour through 10 advanced strategic concepts that promise to give you more time, energy and attention – with a whole lot less stress!
Nelson dives into all 10 concepts in great detail and explains specifically how you can apply each concept to your ministry. He is a master at using just the right strategic concept for each situation you’re in. Whether it’s issues with your worship planning, systems, staffing, sermon development or volunteers – you’ll have new tools to tackle some of the most common challenges you face every day.
In this comprehensive resource, you will learn:
- How to improve your productivity and efficiency by a factor of five
- The powerful connection between these strategic concepts and your church growth and health
- The Japanese concept — that’s also really fun to say — that can show you a system for continuous improvement
- What are the 7 dangers of moving slow — and how to do the opposite!
- Which principle allows you to focus on your strengths – and how to apply it to your current programs and systems
- Attention problem-solvers: what Socrates had to say that will affect how many steps are in your next big operation
- The principle illustrated best by Mongolian warrior Genghis Kahn that will maximize growth in your ministry!
- How to apply at least 5 key strategic concepts from the Bible
- How to make incremental improvements for maximum results
- How to perform a KWIKN Analysis on your budgeting, staff and priorities
- How to simplify your systems, sermons, staff meetings and schedules
Includes: Three hours of audio training, transcript, fill-in-the-blank listener’s guide, complete leader’s guide and surprise bonuses!
SAVE 94%
10 Ways to Increase Your Ministry Influence
(Just $17 - Normally $299.95)
94% OFF Today!
Get a biblically-based blueprint to expand your leadership!
No matter what size your church, where you are located, what your goals are for church growth, it’s possible for you to multiply your influence — even exponentially!
Join Nelson Searcy and get a powerful blueprint to maximize your leadership and fulfill your calling. In this best-selling resource, you’ll discover 10 proven, specific ways to increase your ministry influence!
In this proven resource, you’ll discover:
- 3 important truths about influence
- The 3 BEST investments that you can make in yourself
- The 3 WORST investments you can make in yourself
- How to use meetings as a powerful tool for influence
- The myth of multi-tasking, and what you SHOULD be mastering instead
- The single greatest multiplier of influence (you may be surprised!)
- What you MUST do with your influence in order for God to grow it (this one teaching is worth the total investment of the resource)
- How to protect your ministry for long-term impact
- What God has given us that allows us to do his Kingdom work
- How celebrity should or shouldn’t be used
- And much, much more!
Includes: Three hours of audio training, complete transcript, fill-in-the-blank listener’s guide, leader’s guide, plus surprise bonuses!
The Systems Seminar Package
(Just $499 - Normally $3,399.95)
85% OFF Today!
All 8 Core Systems – Normally over $3,399.95, Yours for Only $499!
A healthy church depends on eight systems operating at maximum performance. Build the critical processes you need to reach and disciple more people.
You'll save over 80% on all 8 resources in this high-value package. Includes the updated and expanded Assimilation, Evangelism and Stewardship Seminars!
You'll get all 8 systems seminars:
- The Updated & Expanded Assimilation Seminar — Turn first-time guests into full-engaged members of your church
- The Updated & Expanded Stewardship Seminar — Discover how to grow first-time givers into extravagant givers
- The Updated & Expanded Evangelism Seminar — Reach more people in your community!
- The Ministry Seminar — Double and grow your volunteer team
- The Worship Planning Seminar — Plan, implement and evaluate life-transforming worship services every week
- The Small Groups Seminar — Learn how to get 100% participation in your small groups
- Leadership Skills for a Growing Church — Develop your leadership skills
- The Strategy Seminar — Discover the steps that move you from where you are to where God wants you to be!
Each resource includes: Hours of audio training, fill-in-the-blank listener’s guide, complete leader’s guide, samples and documents plus surprise bonuses!
SAVE 89% ON 26 RESOURCES (OVER $8,859.95 VALUE!)
The Essential Nelson Searcy Collection
89% OFF Today!
26 Resources – Normally over $8,859.95, Yours for Only $999!
Whether you are new to the pastorate or looking to jump-start your ministry, this is the most comprehensive package you can get!
Includes everything from the Systems Seminar Package plus 18 more resources! You will get a complete 26-resource package — the best of Nelson's most powerful resources to help you maximize your ministry and accelerate your church growth!
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Plus These New and Best-selling Sermon Series:
SAVE 74%
Pray Like This Sermon Series
(Just $44 - Normally $169.95)
74% OFF Today!
Go deeper with God through a study of The Lord's Prayer.
In this brand new, four-part series from Nelson Searcy and Kerrick Thomas, you'll help your people unlock the secrets of God's power, provision and purpose for their lives by learning to pray like Jesus.
Over the four weeks, you’ll walk through every part of The Lord’s Prayer — the prayer that Jesus taught His disciples and the prayer that He models for us so that we may have a personal conversation with God. But they will understand that in The Lord’s Prayer, Jesus is not teaching us what to pray; He’s teaching us how to pray.
Through this study, you’ll share how to pray in a very personal and powerful way. Your congregation will discover how to prioritize their relationship with God, how to talk to God about their needs, how to pray for God’s forgiveness and how to experience God’s protection every day.
Ignite their prayer life — through Jesus’ teachings you’ll show your people how to experience God’s peace, presence and power every time they pray!
Messages Include:
- Father I Come...The Prayer of Priority
- Father I Need...The Prayer of Provision
- Father Forgive Me...The Prayer of Pardon
- Father Guide Me...The Prayer of Protection
SAVE 74%
Success Secrets Sermon Series
(Just $44 - Normally $169.95)
74% OFF Today!
Share with your people ancient wisdom for modern life.
God's definition of success is vastly different from the world's. In this brand new, four-part series from Nelson Searcy and Kerrick Thomas, you'll reveal that eye-opening definition and help your people discover the path, attitude, skills and words that lead to true success!
In our modern age, many of God’s principles have been discarded. This series reintroduces your people to ancient Biblical wisdom that will lead to success in their work, finances, relationships and especially their faith.
Steer your congregation down a Godly path, instead of one paved with dissatisfaction and disillusionment. They will discover the 10 commandments of Biblical success, the 5 attitudes that never fail, the 5 secret skills for Godly success, and the words of success that matter most.
Messages Include:
- The Secret Path of Success
- The Secret Attitude of Success
- The Secret Skills of Success
- The Secret Words of Success
SAVE 70%
I Need a Miracle Sermon Series
(Just $59 - Normally $199.95)
70% OFF Today!
Help your people experience the extraordinary power of Jesus.
In this brand new six-part series from Nelson Searcy and Kerrick Thomas, you will help your people discover the miracles of Jesus and how God can work a miracle in their lives, too! Because though the challenges may feel overwhelming, God still works miracles.
Your people may feel lost or without any purpose, or even just stuck in life. But they will find encouragement and direction through this series. They will realize why it’s not too late for their miracles and how to remain faithful, no matter their current situations.
Throughout this series, you’ll reveal Jesus’ most incredible miracles from the Bible that apply to the most hopeless of situations. Miracles like Jesus healing a blind man and others, walking on water, feeding the 5,000 and of course the Resurrection.
With each miracle you’ll also share practical Biblical insights that will help your people receive God’s peace, trust in His plan, never give up, receive forgiveness and much more. They will embrace the promises of Jesus and that He is the one who brings hope out of despair!
Messages Include:
- It's Not Too Late for a Miracle
- When I Feel Like I'm Sinking
- When I Can't See My Way
- When I Feel Stuck
- When I Feel Abandoned
- When I'm Running Out of Everything
SAVE 74%
Pray4 Sermon Series
(Just $44 - Normally $169.95)
74% OFF Today!
Help your people discover the power of prayer.
In this brand new, four-part series from Nelson Searcy and Kerrick Thomas, you'll show your people how to connect with God in a deeper way through prayer.
Help them unleash the power of prayer in their own lives and grow in their walk with God. They will understand how prayer connects them with God’s power and direction for their lives.
They will also discover ways to pray for their church family — and the importance of that family. And then, expanding that circle, how to pray urgently for friends and family who don’t go to church. You’ll guide them in making a plan to pray for the salvation of others.
And finally your people will learn how to pray for the entire world, in a way that’s not overwhelming at all. In fact, they’ll learn 5 powerful prayers that impact the entire globe.
As they become better at talking with God, your congregation will experience God’s peace and unlock the power of God’s strength!
Messages Include:
- How to Pray4 Myself
- How to Pray4 My Church Family
- How to Pray4 My Unchurched Friends & Neighbors
- How to Pray4 My World
SAVE 74%
And It Was Good Sermon Series
(Just $44 - Normally $169.95)
74% OFF Today!
Reveal God's plan for sex in a broken world.
God created sex...and it was good. But sex has been distorted in our broken world. In this brand new, four-part series from Nelson Searcy and Kerrick Thomas, you'll help your people escape the pain of the world's way and enjoy the blessing of God's original design for sex, marriage and dating.
More people than ever before are disillusioned and lonely, feeling empty and unfulfilled in their relationships. Throughout this series you’ll challenge the current worldviews around sex, especially in light of disturbing research on divorce, pornography and broken families.
You’ll share a better path for your people — God’s original design for our sex lives and relationships. Walk through God’s plan for dating, how to experience God’s blessing in their marriage, and how to escape temptation when Satan tries to push them off of God’s path.
Help your people commit to God’s plan for sex, marriage and dating — which leads to the most health, the most happiness and the most fulfillment!
Messages Include:
- Sex...and It Was Good
- Marriage...and the Two are United Into One
- Dating...Male and Female He Created Them
- Temptation...the Fruit Looks So Fresh and Delicious
SAVE 70%
The Hope of Heaven Sermon Series
(Just $59 - Normally $199.95)
70% OFF Today!
Help your people see Christmas in light of eternity.
Through this fascinating, brand new five-part series from Nelson Searcy and Kerrick Thomas, you'll show your people that without Christmas, there is no hope of heaven. At Christmas, Jesus stepped into the messiness of our world to give us hope not just for today, but for eternity.
This unique series answers some of the biggest questions that exist about heaven…and how your people can really secure their place there for all eternity. Your congregation will walk away with a deeper understanding of what heaven is really like based on Biblical accounts as you separate fact from fiction.
You’ll debunk 6 myths about their eternal destination (Does everyone go to heaven? Is heaven boring? Is hell real?). You’ll also share 10 questions about heaven answered in the Bible, and how to live today if heaven is their home. Plus a bonus message about why Jesus was born at Christmas.
From the truths revealed in this series, your people will experience greater joy for this life and greater anticipation for what God has prepared for them in heaven — if they trust in Jesus!
Messages Include:
- Is Heaven My Default Destination?
- What Will Heaven Really Be Like?
- Questions I've Always Had About Heaven
- Seeing Heaven as My Home
- Why Did Jesus Come at Christmas?
SAVE 74%
Trouble Makers Sermon Series
(Just $44 - Normally $169.95)
74% OFF Today!
Guide your people to boldly live out their faith to make an impact for Jesus!
A Trouble Maker (for Jesus) is someone willing to stand up for Jesus and boldly live out their faith. In this best-selling, four-part series from Nelson Searcy and Kerrick Thomas, you will help your people threaten the status quo — even when it would be easier to be quiet and hide their faith.
You’ll share this important truth: If you aren’t creating at least a little bit of trouble of Jesus, you probably aren’t following Him. You’ll teach your people how to step away from being a lukewarm, do-nothing Christian — and step into an on-fire faith that makes an impact for Jesus.
You’ll also show your people examples from the Bible — the earliest Trouble Makers for Jesus from the New Testament, like Paul, Silas, John and Peter. Help your people step out of their comfort zone and let others know what they believe in and who they follow and why.
Through this series, your congregation will understand the eternal impact they can have in sharing their faith. By challenging them with practical, powerful ways to be bold, you will help them live a life of love and truth and character.
Messages Include:
- Don’t Keep Quiet
- Stay Strong in the Fight
- Never Deny Who Jesus Is
- Trust That Jesus is Always with Me
SAVE 70%
Escaping Temptation Sermon Series
(Just $59 - Normally $199.95)
70% OFF Today!
Share God’s battle plan for our persistent temptations.
Life is full of landmines! But the Bible says that God ALWAYS provides us a way out of temptations we face...IF we’ll trust Him to help us.
In this best-selling, five-part series from Nelson Searcy and Kerrick Thomas, you will help your people discover God’s BEST plan for escaping these persistent temptations — lust and desires, anxiety, anger, alcohol and any means of escape.
This series is not about guilt. It’s about finding freedom from temptations that so easily trip us up. Because every temptation has the potential to pull your people further and further from Jesus. You’ll share Biblical “Escaping Temptation” Principles that will help them navigate the minefields that have the potential to wreck their lives.
Your people will be encouraged by this series as they look to God for the strength to escape big temptations and the power to not keep falling into temptation. “…When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure.” (1 Corinthians 10:13 NLT)
Messages Includes:
- Escaping the Temptation of Lust
- Escaping the Temptation of Anxiety
- Escaping the Temptation of Anger
- Escaping the Temptation of Alcohol
- Finding Hope When I Don’t Always Escape
SAVE 70%
Christmas Carols Sermon Series (Part 1)
(Just $59 - Normally $199.95)
70% OFF Today!
Help your people remember the meaning of the seasons as you explore several famous Christmas carols and focus on the true meaning behind the carols.
In this best-selling five-part sermon series (Part 1 of a 2-Part Christmas Carols collection) from Nelson Searcy and Kerrick Thomas, you will teach your people to appreciate the true meaning of Christmas as you take a closer look at famous Christmas carols and the truths they reveal about Jesus. This series will show your church how to experience God’s power and love during the Christmas season.
Messages Include:
- O Come Emmanuel
- O Holy Night
- O Come All Ye Faithful
- Away in a Manger
- Silent Night / Joy to the World
SAVE 70%
Christmas Carols Sermon Series (Part 2)
(Just $59 - Normally $199.95)
70% OFF Today!
Help your people celebrate the joy of the season as you explore several famous Christmas carols and focus on the true meaning behind the carols.
In this five-part series (Part 2 of a 2-Part Christmas Carols collection) from Nelson Searcy and Kerrick Thomas, you will teach your people to appreciate the true meaning of Christmas as you take a closer look at famous Christmas carols and the truths they reveal about Jesus.
This series will show your church how to experience God’s power and love during the Christmas season. They will discover the extraordinary stories behind some of their favorite Christmas carols in a way that deepens their faith and enjoyment of the season.
You’ll cover important themes like doing extraordinary things through God, how Jesus provides a fresh start, how to share the Good News of Jesus, how to experience God’s peace, and more Biblical truths from each beloved Christmas carol!
Messages Includes:
- Go Tell it on the Mountain
- O Little Town of Bethlehem
- Hark the Herald Angels Sing
- I Hear the Bells on Christmas Day
- Silent Night
SAVE 74%
First: Modern Day Lessons from Jesus' First Disciples Sermon Series
(Just $44 - Normally $169.95)
74% OFF Today!
Share modern day lessons from Jesus’ first 12 disciples to help your people follow Jesus more closely.
Being a disciple is the primary goal of the Christian life. In this four-part series from Nelson Searcy and Kerrick Thomas, you will bring your people face-to-face with the 12 disciples and share their experiences following Jesus. From these lessons, your people will see how they can follow Jesus as disciples, too.
Not only will you teach your people what it means to be a disciple — but they will get to meet some of Jesus’ first disciples up-close and personal. Through this study, they’ll discover how God used this unlikely group of misfits to change the world, and how God wants to use them, too!
You will share six dangerous times to not say “yes” to Jesus, how to trust God to provide enough, how God can use people to make an eternal impact, and how to pray in a way that draws them closer to God and has powerful results.
Messages Include:
- Say Yes When Jesus Speaks
- Never Tell God There’s Not Enough
- Even Me, God Can Use
- Talking Comfortably to God
SAVE 70%
Living By the Book Sermon Series
(Just $59 - Normally $199.95)
70% OFF Today!
Guide your people to grow deeper in God’s word.
In this five-part series from Nelson Searcy and Kerrick Thomas, you will help your people better engage with God’s word and use the Bible as the guidebook for their lives.
It’s impossible to grow and mature spiritually without living the Book. So in this series, you’ll equip your people with best practices for Bible reading no matter their current level of Bible engagement. You’ll be able to show them how the Bible can have a greater impact on their lives — including tangible benefits like reducing loneliness, anger, bitterness and more!
Throughout the series, you’ll help your practice creative ways of memorizing Scripture, break through any obstacles they have to connecting with the Bible, learn key things to ask God to reveal to them through Scripture and be encouraged through a guide to Scripture promises.
Originally launched during the holiday season but applicable at any time of year.
Messages Include:
- Maturity Through Scripture Reading
- Maturity Through Scripture Memorization
- Maturity Through Scripture Application
- Maturity Through Scripture Promises
- What Will Mature My Faith?
SAVE 74%
Core 4 Sermon Series
(Just $44 - Normally $169.95)
74% OFF Today!
Help your people strengthen the foundations of their faith.
In this best-selling four-part series from Nelson Searcy and Kerrick Thomas, you will share the Core 4 areas of faith to develop a rock-solid foundation for life.
In the same way that the core muscles in the human body keep one strong and stable physically, a person’s core faith keeps one strong and stable spiritually. If the core becomes weak, it negatively affects every area of life. In this series, you’ll help your people strengthen the core of their faith immensely.
They will discover that growing in these critical four areas will positively affect every area of their lives, from health to relationships to finances to overall happiness. You’ll explore the 4 commitments they need to make to follow Jesus more closely. As well as a healthy “theology of the body” and concrete steps to strengthen the physical body.
You’ll also teach on eternal truths from God’s Word to build an unshakable life on. Plus how to be a godly friend and some Biblical steps to make sure your people have more godly friends in their lives.
Your people will be able to stand strong and walk closer with God than ever before!
Messages Include:
- Strengthening My Walk with God
- Strengthening My Physical Body for God
- Strengthening My Pursuit of Godly Wisdom
- Strengthening My Godly Relationships with Others
SAVE 74%
Transitions Sermon Series
(Just $44 - Normally $169.95)
74% OFF Today!
Guide your people to make sense of life’s changes.
Life is full of transitions. In this four-part series from Nelson Searcy and Kerrick Thomas, you will help your people manage unexpected changes — like a new job, a new baby, divorce, losing a loved one and more transitions.
Your people have experienced an unprecedented season of turmoil and change. They may feel adrift, uncertain how to get their feet back on solid ground. But through this series, they can discover God’s wisdom for navigating life’s many surprises…and opportunities.
You’ll share three biblical truths about change as you help your people get unstuck from less than God’s best for their lives. You’ll walk through how to make good Godly changes and how to grow through both the good and the difficult changes of life. And they will come away with a full understanding that though they may feel inadequate, God is always adequate for whatever challenges come into their lives.
Messages Include:
- How Do I Know I Need a Change?
- How Do I Make a Godly Change?
- How Do I Manage Unexpected Change?
- How Do I Grow Through Change?
SAVE 66%
Follow Me Sermon Series
(Just $79 - Normally $229.95)
66% OFF Today!
Help your people follow Jesus more closely by learning invaluable lessons from the life of Peter.
(Jesus) “’Come, follow me, and I will show you how to fish for people!’ And they left their nets at once and followed him.” – Matthew 4:19:20
In this best-selling, eight-part series from Nelson Searcy and Kerrick Thomas, your people will deepen their faith through a study of Jesus’ most relatable (and misunderstood) disciple — Peter.
This unique series explores the inspiring journey of a simple fisherman who became a cornerstone of Christianity. Through captivating stories from the life of the disciple Peter, your congregation will discover how to overcome fear, develop strong faith in life’s storms, find redemption after failure and more!
They will identify with the man behind the apostle, with all his strengths, failings and human qualities. And they will find hope, strength and wisdom for their own struggles.
Includes designed Memory Verse Cards that can be printed and distributed each week during service.
Messages Include:
- On the Shore: A Story of Transformation
- Cast Your Nets: A Story of Provision
- In the Storm: A Story of Trusting
- She Was Sick: A Story of Compassion
- Who Am I: A Story of Commitment
- I Don’t Know Him: A Story of Failure
- By the Fire: A Story of Restoration
- Complete My Mission: A Story of Significance
SAVE 70%
The New You Sermon Series
(Just $59 - Normally $199.95)
70% OFF Today!
Help your people develop an intentional plan for their spiritual, physical, emotional, financial AND relational health.
In this engaging five-part sermon series from Nelson Searcy and Kerrick Thomas, you will teach your people how to trade in unhealthy drifting for an intentional approach to health and wellness.
This teaching series is based on the principles from the book, The New You, by Nelson Searcy and Jennifer Dykes Henson. This series will help your church take a holistic view of health that encompasses the spiritual, physical, emotional, financial and relational areas of their lives. They’ll come away with specific strategies to connect with God, lose weight, lower stress, get more sleep, nurture better relationships, honor God in their finances and much more!
Messages Include:
- The New You Spiritually
- The New You Physically
- The New You Emotionally
- The New You Financially
- The New You Relationally
You Will Also Get These Exclusive "The New You" Bonuses:
- Bonus Study Guide to Use with Your Small Groups
- Over 3 Hours of Additional Sermons on Forgiveness
- Bonus Audio Message About Breaking Free from Gluttony
- Resources on How to Say Yes to Jesus, including video of a sermon message from Nelson on "What Does It Mean to Be a Christian?"
SAVE 79%
Christmas Traditions Sermon Series
(Just $34 - Normally $169.95)
79% OFF Today!
Help your congregation experience the truth behind the traditions that will make Christmas a life-changing experience at your church with this three-part sermon series, Christmas Traditions: The Traditions That Reveal the Real Jesus.
Messages Include:
- The Tradition of Purification
- The Tradition of Redemption
- The Tradition of Celebration
SAVE 79%
The Grinch: Enlarging My Heart Sermon Series
(Just $34 - Normally $169.95)
79% OFF Today!
This four-part sermon series by Nelson Searcy is based on the "heart" verses of the Old Testament, with emphasis on Proverbs 4:23 ("Above all else, guard your heart, for it affects everything you do.").
Messages Include:
- Developing a Pure Heart
- Developing a Passionate Heart
- Developing a Patient Heart
- Developing a Peaceful Heart
SAVE 68%
The Generosity Secret Sermon Series
(Just $74 - Normally $229.95)
68% OFF Today!
Help your people experience the blessing of generosity.
“Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.” - 2 Corinthians 9:6 (NIV)
That’s the key memory verse in this powerful series from Nelson Searcy and Kerrick Thomas. Through this eight-part series, you will share God’s plan for your people to find financial freedom. At the heart of these messages is that God is so generous to us, so that we can live generous lives and bless others.
Your people will discover what most of the world — including most Christians — are missing out on. God wants them to experience the full power of His generosity so that they can see money as a blessing instead of a struggle, get out of debt, and understand real success in this life and eternity.
By unlocking the benefits of living a generous life, your congregation will exchange financial stress for financial freedom. The path you will reveal leaves a lasting impact, and leads to greater joy and fulfillment than the world’s constant pursuit of more!
This series was developed as part of a Spiritual Growth Campaign and includes bonus Small Groups Leader Guides for the companion book, The Generosity Secret, also by Nelson Searcy. A great option for your church is to have your Small Groups study the book in conjunction with the sermon series. (Info on how to pick up the book at a discount is available with your series download today.)
Messages Include:
- The Heart of Generosity
- The Myths of Generosity
- Overcoming My Desire to Acquire
- Breaking Free from Debt Through Generosity
- How to Honor God with My Money
- Planning for My Financial Future
- Redefining Success in My Life
- Living the Generosity Secret
SAVE 68%
The Life of Paul Sermon Series
(Just $74 - Normally $229.95)
68% OFF Today!
Guide your people through a study of the essential qualities for following Jesus.
“Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.”
Those are the words of Paul from 1 Corinthians 11 telling the young believers in Corinth to model their faith on his life and example — just as he closely followed the model and example of Jesus Himself.
In this powerful, eight-part series from Nelson Searcy and Kerrick Thomas, you will help your people grow spiritually by developing the Godly characteristics that helped the Apostle Paul model such a strong, passionate and unshakable faith.
Other than Jesus, the Apostle Paul is the greatest example from the New Testament of how we should live our lives as Christians. In Paul’s life and writings, we find essential qualities for the Christian life that help us not just survive but live the most effective and fulfilling lives possible.
Help your people find the hope and strength they need as they study the life of Paul and learn to develop those qualities of surrender, grit, joy, boldness, leadership, generosity, self-discipline and hope. They will grow stronger for the season they are in today, and find wisdom and power for the seasons ahead!
Messages Include:
- The Essential Quality of Surrender
- The Essential Quality of Grit
- The Essential Quality of Joy
- The Essential Quality of Boldness
- The Essential Quality of Leadership
- The Essential Quality of Generosity
- The Essential Quality of Self Discipline
- The Essential Quality of Hope
SAVE 74%
Building Blocks Sermon Series
(Just $44 - Normally $169.95)
74% OFF Today!
Help your people discover the Biblical foundations of a great life.
In this practical, four-part series from Nelson Searcy and Kerrick Thomas, you will help your people build an unshakable foundation for the great life that God wants for them, so that they can stand strong even during the difficult storms of life.
You can’t build a great building without a great foundation. That’s true when it comes to construction but it’s also true when it comes to life. You’ll guide your people to be like the person in Matthew 7:24-25 who builds a house on solid rock so that it won’t collapse when the rain and floodwaters and winds try to tear it down.
Throughout this series, you’ll look at three foundational Scriptures — three great statements from Jesus in which you can build a great life. You’ll ultimately help your people become great Christians, which starts with a great commitment. You’ll teach about the great commandments they must follow, how to make God first priority in their lives, and how to minister to God’s people and follow God’s mission for their lives.
Messages Include:
- The Building Block of Commitment
- The Building Block of Priority
- The Building Block of Compassion
- The Building Block of Mission
SAVE 70%
5 Prayers that God Always Answers Sermon Series
(Just $59 - Normally $199.95)
70% OFF Today!
Guide your people to pray the 5 prayers that God has promised and will answer every time.
In this best-selling five-part series from Nelson Searcy and Kerrick Thomas, you will help your people breathe new vitality into their prayer lives.
Sometimes it may feel like our prayers are going nowhere. But God always hears our prayers. Through this teaching series you’ll show your people that God does have a plan and purpose for their lives and He wants to bless them. You’ll also teach on the four ways that God answers our prayers, and how to pray in such a way that God hears and will answer.
You’ll share how to pray when you mess up in a big way, when you feel weak or overwhelmed in life, when you’re sick or injured, when you’re lost and need guidance and the most important prayer of salvation — where you commit to follow Christ!
Messages Include:
- The Eternal Prayer
- The Restoration Prayer
- The Power Prayer
- The GPS Prayer
- The Healing Prayer
SAVE 74%
I Love My Church Sermon Series
(Just $44 - Normally $169.95)
74% OFF Today!
Help your people better understand that their church is an amazing place!
In this four-part teaching series from Nelson Searcy & Kerrick Thomas, you’ll teach on the foundation on which your church is built (hint: it’s not about us…it’s about Jesus!) and explore how, as a church and as individuals, they can best fulfill their destiny as the local body of Christ.
Your congregation will discover that their church is an amazing place — but, what exactly is the meaning of this word “church”? You can help your congregation better understand this meaning, and that the church isn’t just a building — it’s a people, an attitude, and a hope for the world.
Messages Include:
- Who is the Church?
- My Church Is A Place To Make A Difference
- My Church Is A Family
- My Church Is The Hope Of The World
SAVE 70%
GO! Actions that Impact Eternity Sermon Series
(Just $59 - Normally $199.95)
70% OFF Today!
In this four-part sermon series from Nelson Searcy and Kerrick Thomas, you will teach your people how to live out The Great Commission to “go and make disciples.”
You’ll guide them to be more outspoken and share their faith with their friends, family and community. They’ll learn how to rely on prayer and God’s power to fulfill the mission Jesus has called them to — a mission that has eternal impact.
Series includes a bonus message from “Friend Day” with both the audio and video recording of the original teaching.
Messages Include:
- Go Powerfully!
- Go Publicly!
- Go Passionately!
- Go Prayerfully
- Bonus Message: Friend Day
SAVE 70%
This Is Jesus Sermon Series
(Just $59 - Normally $199.95)
70% OFF Today!
Help your people understand the true identity of Jesus.
In this best-selling six-part sermon series from Nelson Searcy and Kerrick Thomas, you will teach your people the true identity of Jesus. You will look at how Jesus forgives (sin), meets our needs, understands what we go through (temptations), calms our fears, directs our paths and secures our eternity.
Messages Include:
- Jesus Secures My Eternity
- Jesus Directs My Path
- Jesus Calms My Fears
- Jesus Understands My Temptations
- Jesus Meets My Needs
- Jesus Forgives My Sins
SAVE 74%
Wise Living Sermon Series
(Just $44 - Normally $169.95)
74% OFF Today!
Help your people apply Biblical wisdom from the Book of Proverbs to life’s daily challenges.
In this best-selling, four-part sermon series from Nelson Searcy and Kerrick Thomas, you will share Biblical tools from the Book of Proverbs with your people to help them make wise decisions in every area of their lives.
Teach them how to apply this timeless wisdom to the daily challenges of their career, family and more! Over the four weeks of this series, you will share a Biblical decision-making grid, seven lessons for success at work, a guide to using words wisely every day, and seven Proverbs for a wise family.
Includes a bonus 31-day Proverbs reading plan that you can share with your people — helping them grow wiser by reading just one chapter of Proverbs a day!
Messages Include:
- Biblical Wisdom for My Decisions
- Biblical Wisdom for My Work
- Biblical Wisdom for My Words
- Biblical Wisdom for My Home Life
SAVE 70%
It is Finished Sermon Series
(Just $59 - Normally $199.95)
70% OFF Today!
Help your people understand and learn from the final words of Christ on the cross.
In this powerful six-part series from Nelson Searcy and Kerrick Thomas, you will teach on the six profound statements that Jesus made while on the cross that will help your people understand who He is, why he died on the cross and the depths of God’s love for us.
The Bible says that Jesus was crucified at 9am on Good Friday morning, and that He hung on the cross for six excruciating hours with nails driven through His wrists and feet until He breathed His last breath at 3pm that afternoon. During those six hours, the Gospels record six incredible statements that Jesus made from the cross that still have a powerful impact on our lives today.
You will teach many important lessons that we can learn from Jesus’ words on the cross, including the forgiveness that Jesus modeled, the salvation promised to us, the humanity of Jesus, and how in your darkest hour you too can entrust God with your life.
Your people will walk away with a deeper understanding of who Jesus is and what He did for us on the cross in restoring all that was lost in the Fall.
Messages Include:
- Father, Forgive Them
- Today You Will Be with Me in Paradise
- Why Have You Abandoned Me?
- I Am Thirsty
- It is Finished
- Into Your Hands I Commit My Spirit
SAVE 68%
Financial Freedom Full Church Campaign Kit
(Just $74 - Normally $229.95)
68% OFF Today!
Help your people learn how to have Financial Freedom with best Biblical principles and practices.
In this comprehensive eight-part sermon series from Nelson Searcy, you will practically equip the people of your congregation and community with a solid, Biblical plan for financial success.
This Full Church Campaign Kit includes:
- How Do I Find Financial Peace?
- How Do I Overcome the Desire for More?
- How Do I Get Out of Debt?
- How Do I Save in this Economy?
- How Do I Manage Wealth?
- How Do I Make Wise Financial Decisions?
- How Do I Honor God with My Finances?
- How Do I Live Like No One Else?
SAVE 68%
Strength for the Seasons of Life Sermon Series
(Just $74 - Normally $229.95)
68% OFF Today!
Guide your people through the Book of Psalms to experience God’s strength during both the challenging and the winning seasons of life.
In this powerful, eight-part series from Nelson Searcy and Kerrick Thomas, you will share Biblical tools from the Book of Psalms to remind your people that all of life is under God’s control and that He blesses us when we follow His path.
Every season of life comes with unique opportunities and challenges to face. Just as nature has seasons, you will walk through the seasons of life, including Winter (Waiting/Deepening), Spring (Renewal/Beginning), Summer (Maturing/Enjoying) and Fall (Growing/Preparing).
Whatever season of life you are in, there is a Psalm for that. Your people will find strength in the Psalms no matter what the circumstances — during tough transitions, periods of doubt, times of grief, and days of blessings. You’ll help them remember God’s promises through Biblical practices that grow their spiritual health for all seasons.
Includes designed Memory Verse Cards that can be printed and distributed each week during service.
Messages Include:
- Strength for the Difficult Season
- Strength for the Transition Season
- Strength for the Grinding Season
- Strength for the Doubting Season
- Strength for the Waiting Season
- Strength for the Dry Season
- Strength for the Grieving Season
- Strength for the Winning
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The Greatest Stories Ever Told Sermon Series
(Just $74 - Normally $229.95)
68% OFF Today!
In this eight-part series from Nelson Searcy and Kerrick Thomas, you will explore the parables that Jesus used to illustrate eternal principles. These are the stories that will change their perspective and give them a window into a higher way of living.
Your people will learn how they can apply the timeless wisdom that Jesus taught to their lives today. You’ll guide them in unpacking the parables to learn how to forgive others, live wisely, find true success, love others, show real compassion, and more!
Messages Include:
- Great Stories about God’s Kingdom
- Great Stories about God’s Love
- Great Stories about Money & Possessions
- Great Stories about Unconditional Forgiveness
- Great Stories about Prayer
- Great Stories about Radical Compassion
- Great Stories about Wise Living
- Great Stories about Eternal Living
SAVE 70%
Father, Son & Holy Spirit: How the Trinity Deepens My Faith Sermon Series
(Just $79 - Normally $259.95)
70% OFF Today!
Unpack the Biblical doctrine of the Trinity to help your people go deeper in their faith than ever before!
In this powerful, nine-part series from Nelson Searcy and Kerrick Thomas, you will guide your people to a deeper understanding of the Biblical doctrine of the Trinity, that God is one God in three persons — Father, Son and Holy Spirit. They will walk away with less confusion and a greater appreciation of the significance of the Trinity and its impact on their lives.
It's true that our finite minds will never be able to fully comprehend an infinite God. But you can explore the truths of the Trinity in a fun, engaging way that will help your people grow closer to God. They will be encouraged as they grow in their knowledge of who God is and how they can trust in Him completely.
In this comprehensive series, you will share practical applications of more maturity in faith as you equip your people to face the storms of life. This includes two weeks examining the Nine Fruits of the Spirit — the nine character traits that the Holy Spirit develops in you.
Originally launched as an Easter series but applicable at any time of the year.
Messages Include:
- Son - Deeper with Jesus as Savior
- Son - Deeper with Jesus as Lord
- Son - Deeper with Jesus as Fully God
- Father - Deeper with My Omnipotent Father
- Father - Deeper with My Omniscient Father
- Father - Deeper with My Omnipresent Father
- Holy Spirit - Deeper with the Holy Spirit Directing Me
- Holy Spirit - Deeper with the Holy Spirit Developing Me, Part 1
- Holy Spirit - Deeper with the Holy Spirit Developing Me, Part 2
SAVE 65%
The 10 Commandments Sermon Series
(Just $89 - Normally $259.95)
65% OFF Today!
Teach your people God’s guide to the extraordinary life He created us to live.
In this riveting ten-part sermon series from Nelson Searcy and Kerrick Thomas, you will walk through each of the 10 Commandments and why they still matter to our lives today.
You’ll share how God’s instructions are the foundation of a life well-lived — not meant to restrict our freedom but to enhance our happiness. These are guidelines to get the most out of life. Though this in-depth series, you’ll dive into what the 10 Commandments really mean, why God gave them to us over 3,000 years ago and how they are more relevant today than they’ve ever been!
Messages Include:
- Commandment #1: Who Needs Them
- Commandment #2: I'm Just Never Satisfied
- Commandment #3: It's Only a Name
- Commandment #4: Working Myself to Death
- Commandment #5: You Don't Get to Choose Your Parents
- Commandment #6: Getting Away with Murder
- Commandment #7: Safe Sex?
- Commandment #8: Taking What's Not Yours
- Commandment #9: Living a Lie
- Commandment #10: Wanting What Others Have
You Will Receive:
- 10 Message Audio Files
- 10 Sets of Message Notes
- 10 Message Transcripts
- More than 50 Graphics & Documents
- Everything you need to teach this series to the people of your church
Each Sermon Series includes everything you need to teach the people of your church:
- Message MP3's
- Message Transcripts
- Message Notes
- Series Graphics
- Series Documents

We are so certain that these resources will benefit you and your church that we will give you a 365 day no-hassle guarantee. Take your time to listen and implement the resources you purchased and if at any time you are not fully satisfied, then you can receive a prompt and courteous refund.