Church Growth: Then & Now
7 Lasting Principles to
Maximize Your Ministry Today!
What you don’t know CAN hurt you!
Discover the Best Tactics, Strategies and Ideas from the Church Growth Movement that You Can Apply TODAY to Your Church
Get this BRAND NEW resource as a special introductory package –
Total Retail Value of $2,982.45 – Yours today for only $99!
Includes $2,682.50 in FREE Bonus Resources! You save over 89%!
Do you know . . .
Donald McGavran's homogeneous unit principle?
C. Peter Wagner's nine church diseases?
Win Arn's ratio's that matter?
William Carey's number one commitment?
John Wimber's influence on church planting?
And why Carl George's growth barriers and Elmer Towns' church growth principles are still relevant to your church?
Too many of us have been guilty of throwing the baby out with the bathwater when it comes to the Church Growth Movement. There’s a LOT that still matters.
Too many of today’s pastors and even seminary professors are ignorant of the “biblical” church growth principles that still apply today.
Yet the consequences of NOT knowing can be dangerous. Ignoring these principles will greatly limit your ministry and hinder your calling to fulfill The Great Commission!
From the conversation and controversy surrounding the church growth movement, church growth strategist Nelson Searcy extracts seven lasting principles that you can immediately apply to your church.
Join Nelson in an examination of the history of church growth and go in-depth into the most innovative and inspiring aspects of church growth with specific tactics that you can start using right now to maximize your ministry.
You’ll fully engage with this three-hour seminar as Nelson provides you with concrete applications to your church with each principle, consistently asking the question and challenging you to think about - “How do we apply that principle today?”
In this brand new resource, you will discover:
- Why growth should be the norm, not the exception for your church
- The 9 church diseases afflicting churches of all sizes and how to recognize them in your church
- The consequences of getting serious about church growth (hint: you will have detractors)
- Where should you start in your evangelism efforts (ask this question first)
- How to overcome inertia and avoid the laziness that can kill your ministry
- Practical ways to help your members double your church
- The five factors that affect the growth of the church (and which ones you can control)
- The 3 things a pastor must be willing to pay the price for in order to grow
- The surprising Assimilation statistic you should know and measure (and why your member’s friendships matter)
- The key service measurement you need to do now (because you may be severely hindering your church growth and not even realize it)
- The 6 must-haves for a pastor to be effective
- What McGavran had to say about your membership goals
- How many times people need to hear the gospel for it to resonate
- What are the visible areas of the church that you can measure – the key metrics - and should
- How deciding what to measure increases your success factor in that area
- The top 3 kinds of church growth (and which one The Great Commission requires)
- And much more!
As you can see this isn’t your ordinary history lesson.
You’ll uncover dozens of ideas that you can start using right now in your ministry to grow your church and fulfill The Great Commission championed by our founding fathers of church growth.
Recharge your ministry: Make an impact for the Kingdom today – and secure the future of your church for tomorrow.
Three Hours of Training broken down into 3 easy-to-manage one-hour segments on 3 MP3 files. You can transfer these to your iTunes, MP3 player or listen online.
CD buyers - You will also get a FREE download version so you can listen immediately!Complete Transcript of the three-hour training that you can save onto your computer or tablet and read in more depth after going through the audio training.
Student Guide with fill-in-the-blank notes in a convenient PDF format that you can print and use to follow along, or simply view on your computer or tablet for easy reference.
A Complete Leader's Guide so that you can take this workshop and train your staff, key leaders and volunteers. You'll have everything you need to lead this workshop in your church!
So as an introductory special - because I want to give you the greatest opportunity for success in growing your church through these lasting principles - today you can save over 89%! The total retail value of this package is $2,982.45 - but you can download everything for only $99 TODAY THROUGH MONDAY!

BONUS: Church Growth Champions Tele-Seminars – Total value of $1,192.00 – Yours FREE!
Get these Four Conversations on Four Church Growth Legends – with Bonus Files!
Those who don’t learn from history . . . well, you know the rest! Avoid mistakes in your church growth strategy by learning from these church growth pioneers. You will hear first-hand about their stories, examples, insights and perspectives - all of which have made huge contributions in growing the Kingdom.
Nelson’s Interview with Dr. Elmer Towns PLUS Bonus Documents - $298.00 value!

Elmer Towns
Dr. Towns has authored popular and scholarly works (as well as edited two encyclopedias) and is a college and seminary professor whose studies and teachings center on Church Growth. He has currently published over 100 books, seven of which are listed on the Christian Booksellers Best Selling List. Towns currently holds visiting professorship at five seminaries and has written over 2,000 reference – most concerning church growth.
Includes: Complete audio file and bonuses like Dr. Towns’ Fasting for Spiritual Breakthrough Audio Book, and other in-depth articles by and about Dr. Towns
Nelson’s Interview with Dr. Charles “Chip” Arn on Win Arn PLUS Bonus Documents - $298.00 value!

Chip Arn

Win Arn
Dr. Arn shares stories and insights about his father, Win Arn, the Promoter of the Church Growth Movement throughout America. Charles “Chip” Arn became involved in ministry a result of the influence of his father. Drawing on the ideas established by Donald McGavran, Win Arn devoted the next 20 years of his life to disseminating these ideas all over North America through films, books, seminars, workshops, audiotapes and a semimonthly magazine called Church Growth: America. When Charles Arn finished his doctoral work, he began to work with his father at Church Growth, Inc and took over as president in 1989 when Win Arn retired. Charles Arn has expounded upon the ideas of his father and created 14 different training seminars for evangelism and is considered one of the leading authorities in church growth today.
Includes: Complete audio file and bonuses like several volumes of the Win Arn Growth Reports on subjects like “Know Your Ratios” and “Church Growth Development Scale”
Nelson’s Interview with Dr. C. Peter Wagner PLUS Bonus Documents - $298.00 value!

C. Peter Wagner
Wagner delved into the theology of church growth. A leading Church Growth strategist, Wagner is the senior consultant and board member of Pasadena’s Fuller Evangelistic Association and associate professor of Church Growth at Fuller Theological Seminary. Wagner has worked with notable other strategists over the year, such as Dr. Donald McGavran, to apply the overseas Church Growth philosophy to American churches. His work also focuses on church growth through the church working as a homogeneous-unit. His latest books have included work on his ideas of spiritual warfare.
Includes: Complete audio file and bonuses like additional lectures from and about Wagner
Nelson’s Interview with Dr. Gary McIntosh on Donald McGavran PLUS Bonus Documents - $298.00 value!

Gary McIntosh

Donald McGavran
McIntosh is the President of the Church Growth Network and Professor of Christian Ministry and Leadership at Talbot School of Theology. McIntosh currently conducts workshops and seminars (often on church growth) and has authored 18 books on church growth. His studies often draw on the works of Donald McGavran who is considered to be the founder of the modern-day Church Growth Movement. McGavran’s work identified the major barriers to the spread of Christianity and changed the methods by which missionaries identify and prioritize groups of people for missionary work.

Includes: Complete audio file and bonuses like additional articles on McGavran and the complete 204-page electronic book Church Growth: State of the Art written by C. Peter Wagner with Win Arn and Elmer Towns

BONUS: 3-Part Interview Series with Church Growth Expert Bill Easum Total Value of $149.85 - Yours FREE!
Recorded LIVE at a private event with Nelson’s Renegade Pastors Network.
Part 1: The Truth About Church Growth
A discussion on church growth, church health and church leadership.
Part 2: The Fastest Way to Grow a Church
A conversation on the Homogeneous Principle and its impact on your weekend Worship Services.
Part 3: The Vital Role of the Pastor
An examination of the pastor’s role and the numerous leadership challenges that pastors face at each level of growth.

BONUS: Complete Church Growth Champions Newsletter Library –
A $329.45 value - Yours FREE!
Go further in your knowledge of church growth history and application! Access a complete library of newsletters on different pioneers of church growth and evangelism - from Win Arn to George Whitefield. You’ll even learn a few “fun facts” on each of these church growth legends.
($198.00 VALUE)
Your membership in the Renegade Pastors Network includes:
The Renegade Pastors Network is about a comprehensive approach to life and ministry. As a member, I'll help you stay one step ahead of the calendar, make the most of your time and resources and fulfill your calling for the sake of the Kingdom.
Together we'll focus on:
- Personal and Professional Growth
- Church Health and Growth
- Advanced Planning
- Healthy Church Systems
- Becoming a Better Spouse and Parent
- Fulfilling Your Calling as a Minister
- Stress Management and Emotional Strength
- And much more!
Here are just some of the Bonus Resources that You Receive with this opportunity:
- Improve the Financial Fitness of Your Church ($99.95 value)
- The Strategy Seminar ($99.95 value)
- From Stress to Rest sermon series ($99.95 value)
- Introduction to Church Systems Webinar ($49.95 value)
- Fasting For Spiritual Breakthrough ($29.95 value)
- The Thursday Midnight Rule ($19.95 value)
- What Gets Measured ($19.95 value)
- Personal Growth Tips ($19.95 value)
- Forgiveness: The Real F Word sermon series ($99.95 value)
- Relationship Rescue sermon series ($99.95 value)
- Improve the Financial Fitness of Your Church webinar ($49.95 value)
- Managing the Stress of Ministry ($29.95 value)
- Debt-Free Pastor ($29.95 value)
- The Power of a Combined Service ($19.95 value)
- The Decision Dilemma ($19.95 value)
- Maximizing Summer E-book ($23.95 value)
The Renegade Pastors Network is a monthly subscription MEMBERSHIP program that includes:
- The Renegade Pastors LIVE MONTHLY UPDATE AND LEADERSHIP BRIEFING. At the heart of the network is a monthly update and briefing from Nelson via LIVE Conference Call. This monthly "pastor to pastor" call (which will be recorded on MP3 for your library) will be personal, practical, packed with content and slightly irreverent (but in a good way) training where Nelson will challenge you, enlighten you, equip you and guide you to maximize your next season of ministry.
With the Renegade Pastors Monthly Update and Briefing, you'll always be one step ahead in your planning and fully inspired and equipped to stay the course of the renegade lifestyle ($199.00 per month value).
Includes a FREE Renegade Pastors T-shirt ($19.95 value)
- Two practical, nuts-and-bolts CD's sent directly to your mailbox each month. Even if you can't make the live briefing or equipping calls - we'll be sure you don't miss a thing each month.
- Monthly bonus mail package to help you stay on track and ahead of the calendar. This monthly kit will be mailed to you, including recordings, transcripts, members-only opportunities, event invitations and more!
- Private Call-In-Hours where you can talk directly to Nelson ($295.00 per month value).
- FREE Church Growth Champions newsletter, featuring pioneers of church growth and evangelism to inspire you and your ministry
Monthly Book Summaries for the duration of your membership. Your Renegade Pastors Network membership includes a complimentary subscription to the leading executive summary service for pastors for no extra charge - that's 30 book summaries per year ($379.00 per year value).
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- Continually Updated RENEGADE PASTORS RESOURCE DOCUMENTS AND DIRECTORY ($399.00 per month value). If there's a document that we use at The Journey or that is shared by someone else in the network (and I think it's helpful) Nelson will share it with you.
- Members-Only 30% DISCOUNT on all Church Leader Insights Resources ($245.00 value).
- FREE Webinar Access to all Church Leader Insights Webinars ($197.00 per month value).
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- Lowest Event Registration Rate for all Church Leader Insights Events ($100.00 per month value), including upcoming Renegade Pastors Conferences and Church Systems Bootcamps.
- $595.00 SHOPPING SPREE Gift Certificate upon completion of your sixth month in the Network ($99.00 per month value).
- $813.20 in immediate FREE Resources when you join today! These resources are waiting for you in your Renegade Pastors Network Online Hub - you can start taking advantage of these resources immediately!
Get this BRAND NEW resource as a special introductory package – Total Retail Value of $2,982.45
Yours today for only $99!
Includes $2,682.50 in FREE Bonus Resources - You save over 89%!

If you listen to and apply the lessons from this resource and you still do not believe you have learned seven principles of church growth that you can immediately apply to your church, just return it ANYTIME WITHIN THE NEXT YEAR for a full no-hassle, no questions asked refund.
After your 60 day trial of the Renegade Pastors Network, you will be billed $99 and every 30 days after that. You can cancel at any time. Only submit the form once, otherwise more than one subscription may be charged to your account. Your statement will show the charge from the Nelson Searcy Company.
Your Renegade Pastor membership subscription is for ONE church. Please do not distribute these resources to any other church, organization, or individual. If you run a network, please contact us about network pricing. All materials are protected by federal copyright laws and cannot be distributed or reproduced without written consent.
If you have any questions about your membership, please contact Scott Whitaker at or by calling 561-921-8488 ext 5.