The Finishing Well Seminar:
7 Principles for a Ministry That Lasts!
Danger is lurking around the corner - Discover practical steps to minimize and overcome the hurdles and stumbling blocks that will keep you from finishing well.
Pick up this BRAND NEW resource, The Finishing Well Seminar, AND over $203.75 in Bonuses for only $99 (regularly $299.95)! PLUS Receive TWO FREE MONTHS of The Renegade Pastors Network (additional $1,011.20 value!)
That’s a total retail value of $1,514.90 – you save over 89%!
“Well done, my good and faithful servant.” (Matthew 25:21)
These encouraging words from Jesus are what every pastor wants to hear. Especially when the path we’re on seems long, treacherous and difficult to navigate. Still, in our mission to grow the Kingdom, we want to finish well, don’t we?
Isn’t this our goal, as Paul so vividly illustrates: “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, and I have remained faithful.” (2 Timothy 4:7)
Ministry can indeed be a challenging race, full of potential hurdles to overcome and stumbling blocks to avoid. Every day there is danger lurking around the corner — from the world, our own sinful nature and the Devil ¬— that threaten to derail your lasting ministry. All pastors are human and like all humans, we share a proclivity for failure.
In this three-hour resource, pastor and coach Nelson Searcy will help you clearly identify those hurdles and stumbling blocks so that you are never caught off guard. You’ll discover practical steps to minimize and overcome the very things that will keep you from finishing well.
In this brand new resource, you’ll discover:
- What failure really means for pastors (not the definition the rest of the world knows)
- The 6 barriers to finishing well
- The top two failures for pastors in the area of money (hint: greed is the center of all issues)
- Seven ways to avoid sexual landmines that could torpedo your life and ministry
- The four “subtle” sins that can slowly erode your life and ministry
- The single best way to circumvent sexual failure (it’s not what you think!)
- Five simple ways to nurture a “growth mindset” – and how this stops you from stumbling
- A 4-step approach to avoiding money failures
- How (___________) is behind all sin – and what you can do about it!
- The best way to start your day t o succeed in spiritual battle
- How your health matters in your war against failure – you can fail because you don’t (_______________)
- Eight areas for self-evaluation – and where you need to challenge yourself
- The pull in ministry to be average – and how to fight it with every ounce of your being
- And much more!
Nelson has committed his life to helping pastors succeed – and NOT fail. Nelson Searcy has personally coached over 2000 senior pastors. He’s worked up close and in the trenches with not only the pastors in his ever-growing church but also with thousands of pastors in the USA and around the world.
In his normal “no holds barred approach,” Nelson not only identifies the issues but challenges each of us to build defenses against each threat by:
- Revealing to you the visible AND hidden landmines that the world, the flesh and the Devil place in your path to keep you from succeeding.
- Discussing our own proclivity to sin and how we can stand strong in Christ.
- Equipping you with the tools you need to avoid these minefields and keep moving forward in ministry.
By the end of the resource you will have new insights to why and how to finish well and a restored commitment to hearing Jesus say, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”
Three Hours of Training broken down into easy-to-manage segments on MP3 files. You can transfer these to your iTunes, MP3 player or listen online.
CD buyers - You will also get a FREE download version so you can listen immediately!Complete Transcript of the three-hour training that you can save onto your computer or tablet and read in more depth after going through the audio training.
Student Guide with fill-in-the-blank notes in a convenient PDF format that you can print and use to follow along, or simply view on your computer or tablet for easy reference.
A Complete Leader’s Guide so that you can take this workshop and train other pastors and key leaders on your team. You’ll have everything you need to lead this workshop in your church!
So as an introductory special – so you have the greatest opportunity for success in defending your ministry against the most dangerous landmines – today you can save over 89%! the total retail value of this package is $1,514.90 – but you can download everything for only $89 TODAY $99 TODAY THROUGH FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18th!

A little about Nelson Searcy
Nelson Searcy is an experienced church planter, coach and church growth strategist, consulting with churches around the world, including many of the largest and fastest-growing ones. He’s also the Founding and Lead Pastor of The Journey Church in New York City. Started in 2002, this groundbreaking church sees the majority of its growth coming from new believers and currently meets in locations in Manhattan, Queens and Staten Island, as well as San Francisco and Boca Raton, FL. Nelson is the recipient of the prestigious 2013 Donald A. McGavran Award for Outstanding Leadership in Great Commission Research. He’s the author of over 80 church growth resources and 14 books, including
Building Emotional Health: Renegade Pastor Interview with "Replenish" author Lance Witt – A $49.95 Value – Yours FREE!
In this resource, Nelson Searcy interviews Lance Witt, pastor and author of Replenish: Leading from a Healthy Soul. Here he discusses the urgent need for "soul care" in the private lives of leaders. He talks about how to prioritize matters of the soul and develop healthy spiritual practices. Lance is committed to the church and passionately believes in the transformational power of Jesus through the local church. He has served for over 25 years as a local church pastor, 20 years as a senior pastor and as an executive pastor at Saddleback Church and has helped develop and lead the 40 Days of Purpose and 40 Days of Community campaigns.

How to Face Criticism E-book –
A $23.95 Value – Yours FREE!
There are two types of church leaders: those who are dealing with criticism right now and those who will. Facing criticism is a fact of life for pastors, so the question isn't "will it come?" The question for us is "how will I respond?"
In this e-book, Nelson Searcy shares time-tested insights for handling criticism in a healthy and God-honoring manner.

Nelson’s Top 10 Health & Wellness Tips – 82-minute Audio Recording –
A $49.95 value –Yours FREE!
Join Nelson in an 82-minute talk on the “little BIG things” that will exponentially impact your health and wellness. Recorded live at the recent Renegade Pastors Conference, these TIPS – to insure proper success – will help you have success in this important area of your ministry. Any one of these little things will help change direction – and discover what it means to be a healthy renegade pastor!
Debt-Free Pastor – Free Yourself to Lead Your Church –
A $39.95 Value – Yours FREE!
Dealing with debt can be a major drain on your energy. Nelson and Kelley Searcy discovered that when planting a new church in Manhattan, one of the most expensive places to live in the world. As they surveyed the task of starting a church and looked at their personal finances, they were surprised to learn that they were thousands of dollars in debt. But God had a plan for them to live debt-free, and they realized that for Him to bless their church, they needed to honor God with their finances. In this resource you will learn a step-by-step approach to eliminating debt, and how to prioritize your personal finances so God can bless your church finances (note: the two are linked).
Fasting for Spiritual Breakthrough – A $39.95 Value – Yours FREE!
Fasting is one of our most powerful spiritual activities, so why is it so rarely practiced? Learn the misconceptions of fasting and how to do it effectively with Nelson Searcy. Includes the primary purpose of fasting, guidelines for beginning a fast, and the nuts and bolts of fasting.
Special Bonus – Includes a Study Guide from Dr. Elmer Towns on a Guide to Nine Biblical Fasts – $29.95 value alone!
A Renegade Pastor is someone who has abandoned "average" and is pursuing God's highest and best for their life, their ministry and their church.
Your membership benefits include:
- A Monthly Leadership & Strategy Briefing call with me where you'll be challenged and guided to maximize your ministry each month
- Monthly Equipping Interview Call where I interview other leading authors - past interviews include Steve Stroope, Patrick Lencioni, Bill Easum and Gary McIntosh
- MP3 and CD recordings of both the briefing and interview calls each month - don't worry if you can't make the live calls, you won't miss a thing
- Members-Only Online Hub where you can access your files, resources and recordings at all times
- Continually Updated Renegade Pastors Documents and Directory
- 30% Off Discount on all Church Leader Insights resources for the duration of your membership
- And much more!
EVEN MORE BONUSES - As a new member of the Renegade Pastors Network, you'll immediately receive these Bonus Resources ($813.20 Value):
- Improve the Financial Fitness of Your Church ($99.95 value)
- The Strategy Seminar ($99.95 value)
- From Stress to Rest Sermon Series ($99.95 value)
- Forgiveness: The Real F Word Sermon Series ($99.95 value)
- Relationship Rescue Sermon Series ($99.95 value)
- Introduction to Church Systems Webinar ($49.95 value)
- Improve the Financial Fitness of Your Church Webinar ($49.95 value)
- Managing the Stress of Ministry ($29.95 value)
- Debt-Free Pastor ($29.95 value)
- Fasting For Spiritual Breakthrough ($29.95 value)
- Maximizing Summer E-book ($23.95 value)
- The Thursday Midnight Rule ($19.95 value)
- What Gets Measured ($19.95 value)
- Personal Growth Tips ($19.95 value)
- The Power of a Combined Service ($19.95 value)
- The Decision Dilemma ($19.95 value)
Your monthly membership in the NEW Renegade Pastors Network will help you achieve personal growth, ministry-life balance and accomplish great things for God's Kingdom.
Get this BRAND NEW resource as a special introductory package –
Total Retail Value of $1,514.90
Yours for only $99! Includes $1,214.95 in FREE Bonus Resources – You save over 89%!

If you listen to and apply the lessons from this resource and you still do not believe you have discovered 7 proven principles for building a ministry that lasts, just return it ANYTIME WITHIN THE NEXT YEAR for a full no-hassle, no questions asked refund.
After your 60 day trial of the Renegade Pastors Network, you will be billed $99 and every 30 days after that. You can cancel at any time. Only submit the form once, otherwise more than one subscription may be charged to your account. Your statement will show the charge from the Nelson Searcy Company.
Your Renegade Pastor membership subscription is for ONE church. Please do not distribute these resources to any other church, organization, or individual. If you run a network, please contact us about network pricing. All materials are protected by federal copyright laws and cannot be distributed or reproduced without written consent.
If you have any questions about your membership, please contact Scott Whitaker at or by calling 561-921-8488 ext 5.