Save Up to 65% in Nelson Searcy's Spring Sermon Sale!
Save Time & Increase Your Preaching Impact: Nelson Searcy's Spring Sermon Sale - Choose from 32 Powerful Complete Series with 3 Brand New Titles Added!
Each Sermon Series includes everything you need to teach the people of your church:
- Message MP3's
- Message Transcripts
- Message Notes
- Series Graphics
- Series Documents
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Trouble Makers Sermon Series
(Just $59 - Normally $169.95)
65% OFF Today!
A Trouble Maker (for Jesus) is someone willing to stand up for Jesus and boldly live out their faith. In this brand new, four-part series from Nelson Searcy and Kerrick Thomas, you will help your people threaten the status quo — even when it would be easier to be quiet and hide their faith.
You’ll share this important truth: If you aren’t creating at least a little bit of trouble of Jesus, you probably aren’t following Him. You’ll teach your people how to step away from being a lukewarm, do-nothing Christian — and step into an on-fire faith that makes an impact for Jesus.
You’ll also show your people examples from the Bible — the earliest Trouble Makers for Jesus from the New Testament, like Paul, Silas, John and Peter. Help your people step out of their comfort zone and let others know what they believe in and who they follow and why.
Through this series, your congregation will understand the eternal impact they can have in sharing their faith. By challenging them with practical, powerful ways to be bold, you will help them live a life of love and truth and character.
Messages Include:
- Don’t Keep Quiet
- Stay Strong in the Fight
- Never Deny Who Jesus Is
- Trust That Jesus is Always with Me
SAVE 62%
Escaping Temptation Sermon Series
(Just $74 - Normally $199.95)
62% OFF Today!
Life is full of landmines! But the Bible says that God ALWAYS provides us a way out of temptations we face...IF we’ll trust Him to help us.
In this brand new, five-part series from Nelson Searcy and Kerrick Thomas, you will help your people discover God’s BEST plan for escaping these persistent temptations — lust and desires, anxiety, anger, alcohol and any means of escape.
This series is not about guilt. It’s about finding freedom from temptations that so easily trip us up. Because every temptation has the potential to pull your people further and further from Jesus. You’ll share Biblical “Escaping Temptation” Principles that will help them navigate the minefields that have the potential to wreck their lives.
Your people will be encouraged by this series as they look to God for the strength to escape big temptations and the power to not keep falling into temptation. “…When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure.” (1 Corinthians 10:13 NLT)
Messages Includes:
- Escaping the Temptation of Lust
- Escaping the Temptation of Anxiety
- Escaping the Temptation of Anger
- Escaping the Temptation of Alcohol
- Finding Hope When I Don’t Always Escape
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Transitions Sermon Series
(Just $59 - Normally $169.95)
65% OFF Today!
Life is full of transitions. In this four-part series from Nelson Searcy and Kerrick Thomas, you will help your people manage unexpected changes — like a new job, a new baby, divorce, losing a loved one and more transitions.
Your people have experienced an unprecedented season of turmoil and change. They may feel adrift, uncertain how to get their feet back on solid ground. But through this series, they can discover God’s wisdom for navigating life’s many surprises…and opportunities.
You’ll share three biblical truths about change as you help your people get unstuck from less than God’s best for their lives. You’ll walk through how to make good Godly changes and how to grow through both the good and the difficult changes of life. And they will come away with a full understanding that though they may feel inadequate, God is always adequate for whatever challenges come into their lives.
Messages Include:
- How Do I Know I Need a Change?
- How Do I Make a Godly Change?
- How Do I Manage Unexpected Change?
- How Do I Grow Through Change?
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First: Modern Day Lessons from Jesus' First Disciples Sermon Series
(Just $59 - Normally $169.95)
65% OFF Today!
Being a disciple is the primary goal of the Christian life. In this four-part series from Nelson Searcy and Kerrick Thomas, you will bring your people face-to-face with the 12 disciples and share their experiences following Jesus. From these lessons, your people will see how they can follow Jesus as disciples, too.
Not only will you teach your people what it means to be a disciple — but they will get to meet some of Jesus’ first disciples up-close and personal. Through this study, they’ll discover how God used this unlikely group of misfits to change the world, and how God wants to use them, too!
You will share six dangerous times to not say “yes” to Jesus, how to trust God to provide enough, how God can use people to make an eternal impact, and how to pray in a way that draws them closer to God and has powerful results.
Messages Include:
- Say Yes When Jesus Speaks
- Never Tell God There’s Not Enough
- Even Me, God Can Use
- Talking Comfortably to God
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5 Prayers that God Always Answers Sermon Series
(Just $74 - Normally $199.95)
62% OFF Today!
In this best-selling five-part series from Nelson Searcy and Kerrick Thomas, you will help your people breathe new vitality into their prayer lives.
Sometimes it may feel like our prayers are going nowhere. But God always hears our prayers. Through this teaching series you’ll show your people that God does have a plan and purpose for their lives and He wants to bless them. You’ll also teach on the four ways that God answers our prayers, and how to pray in such a way that God hears and will answer.
You’ll share how to pray when you mess up in a big way, when you feel weak or overwhelmed in life, when you’re sick or injured, when you’re lost and need guidance and the most important prayer of salvation — where you commit to follow Christ!
Messages Include:
- The Eternal Prayer
- The Restoration Prayer
- The Power Prayer
- The GPS Prayer
- The Healing Prayer
SAVE 71%
In the Footsteps of Jesus Sermon Series
(Just $49 - Normally $169.95)
71% OFF Today!
In this best-selling, three-part series from Nelson Searcy and Kerrick Thomas, you will walk step-by-step through the last three locations that Jesus visited during the final moments of his life — from the Garden of Gethsemane, to Jesus’ arrest and trial, to Jesus’ crucifixion on the Cross at the hill of Golgotha.
And at each stop along the way, you will share three powerful characteristics that Jesus displayed, that God wants to develop in your people to grow them spiritually. You will guide your people through Scripture, retracing the steps of Jesus and sharing the application to their own lives.
Through this series, you will follow Jesus into the garden where He faced His troubles through prayer and ultimately submitted to God’s will. Share the moment of his betrayal and his arrest under the cover of darkness, followed by an unjust trial where Jesus is ultimately condemned to be crucified but where He exhibits great humility. Then finally you will help your people understand in vivid detail the pain and cruel punishment that Jesus experienced, sacrificing Himself for our sins. You will be able to guide your people to focus on the Cross and contemplate Jesus’ great love for them.
Messages Include:
- The Garden
- The Trial
- The Crucifixion
SAVE 59%
Follow Me Sermon Series
(Just $94 - Normally $229.95)
59% OFF Today!
(Jesus) “’Come, follow me, and I will show you how to fish for people!’ And they left their nets at once and followed him.” – Matthew 4:19:20
In this brand new eight-part series from Nelson Searcy and Kerrick Thomas, your people will deepen their faith through a study of Jesus’ most relatable (and misunderstood) disciple — Peter.
This unique series explores the inspiring journey of a simple fisherman who became a cornerstone of Christianity. Through captivating stories from the life of the disciple Peter, your congregation will discover how to overcome fear, develop strong faith in life’s storms, find redemption after failure and more!
They will identify with the man behind the apostle, with all his strengths, failings and human qualities. And they will find hope, strength and wisdom for their own struggles.
Includes designed Memory Verse Cards that can be printed and distributed each week during service.
Messages Include:
- On the Shore: A Story of Transformation
- Cast Your Nets: A Story of Provision
- In the Storm: A Story of Trusting
- She Was Sick: A Story of Compassion
- Who Am I: A Story of Commitment
- I Don’t Know Him: A Story of Failure
- By the Fire: A Story of Restoration
- Complete My Mission: A Story of Significance
SAVE 59%
The Generosity Secret Sermon Series
(Just $94 - Normally $229.95)
59% OFF Today!
“Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.” - 2 Corinthians 9:6 (NIV)
That’s the key memory verse in this powerful series from Nelson Searcy and Kerrick Thomas. Through this eight-part series, you will share God’s plan for your people to find financial freedom. At the heart of these messages is that God is so generous to us, so that we can live generous lives and bless others.
Your people will discover what most of the world — including most Christians — are missing out on. God wants them to experience the full power of His generosity so that they can see money as a blessing instead of a struggle, get out of debt, and understand real success in this life and eternity.
By unlocking the benefits of living a generous life, your congregation will exchange financial stress for financial freedom. The path you will reveal leaves a lasting impact, and leads to greater joy and fulfillment than the world’s constant pursuit of more!
This series was developed as part of a Spiritual Growth Campaign and includes bonus Small Groups Leader Guides for the companion book, The Generosity Secret, also by Nelson Searcy. A great option for your church is to have your Small Groups study the book in conjunction with the sermon series. (Info on how to pick up the book at a discount is available with your series download today.)
Messages Include:
- The Heart of Generosity
- The Myths of Generosity
- Overcoming My Desire to Acquire
- Breaking Free from Debt Through Generosity
- How to Honor God with My Money
- Planning for My Financial Future
- Redefining Success in My Life
- Living the Generosity Secret
SAVE 65%
Building Blocks Sermon Series
(Just $59 - Normally $169.95)
65% OFF Today!
In this practical, four-part series from Nelson Searcy and Kerrick Thomas, you will help your people build an unshakable foundation for the great life that God wants for them, so that they can stand strong even during the difficult storms of life.
You can’t build a great building without a great foundation. That’s true when it comes to construction but it’s also true when it comes to life. You’ll guide your people to be like the person in Matthew 7:24-25 who builds a house on solid rock so that it won’t collapse when the rain and floodwaters and winds try to tear it down.
Throughout this series, you’ll look at three foundational Scriptures — three great statements from Jesus in which you can build a great life. You’ll ultimately help your people become great Christians, which starts with a great commitment. You’ll teach about the great commandments they must follow, how to make God first priority in their lives, and how to minister to God’s people and follow God’s mission for their lives.
Messages Include:
- The Building Block of Commitment
- The Building Block of Priority
- The Building Block of Compassion
- The Building Block of Mission
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All In Sermon Series
(Just $59 - Normally $169.95)
65% OFF Today!
In this exciting four-part sermon series from Nelson Searcy and Kerrick Thomas, you will teach your people how to live an "all in" life, with regards to church, city, service, and commitment.
Messages Include:
- All In with My Church
- All In with My City
- All In with My Service
- All In with My Commitment
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Best Relationships Ever Sermon Series
(Just $59 - Normally $169.95)
65% OFF Today!
In this exciting four-part sermon series from Nelson Searcy and Kerrick Thomas, you will teach your people how to apply Biblical values with dating, family, marriage and friendships. This series will show your church how to experience God’s power through their relationships.
Messages Include:
- Best Date Ever
- Best Family Ever
- Best Marriage Ever
- Best Friendship Ever
SAVE 62%
GO! Actions that Impact Eternity Sermon Series
(Just $74 - Normally $199.95)
62% OFF Today!
In this four-part sermon series from Nelson Searcy and Kerrick Thomas, you will teach your people how to live out The Great Commission to “go and make disciples.”
You’ll guide them to be more outspoken and share their faith with their friends, family and community. They’ll learn how to rely on prayer and God’s power to fulfill the mission Jesus has called them to — a mission that has eternal impact.
Series includes a bonus message from “Friend Day” with both the audio and video recording of the original teaching.
Messages Include:
- Go Powerfully!
- Go Publicly!
- Go Passionately!
- Go Prayerfully
- Bonus Message: Friend Day
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I Love My Church Sermon Series
(Just $59 - Normally $169.95)
65% OFF Today!
In this four-part teaching series from Nelson Searcy & Kerrick Thomas, you’ll teach on the foundation on which your church is built (hint: it’s not about us…it’s about Jesus!) and explore how, as a church and as individuals, they can best fulfill their destiny as the local body of Christ.
Your congregation will discover that their church is an amazing place — but, what exactly is the meaning of this word “church”? You can help your congregation better understand this meaning, and that the church isn’t just a building — it’s a people, an attitude, and a hope for the world.
Messages Include:
- Who is the Church?
- My Church Is A Place To Make A Difference
- My Church Is A Family
- My Church Is The Hope Of The World
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Core 4 Sermon Series
(Just $59 - Normally $169.95)
65% OFF Today!
In this best-selling four-part series from Nelson Searcy and Kerrick Thomas, you will share the Core 4 areas of faith to develop a rock-solid foundation for life.
In the same way that the core muscles in the human body keep one strong and stable physically, a person’s core faith keeps one strong and stable spiritually. If the core becomes weak, it negatively affects every area of life. In this series, you’ll help your people strengthen the core of their faith immensely.
They will discover that growing in these critical four areas will positively affect every area of their lives, from health to relationships to finances to overall happiness. You’ll explore the 4 commitments they need to make to follow Jesus more closely. As well as a healthy “theology of the body” and concrete steps to strengthen the physical body.
You’ll also teach on eternal truths from God’s Word to build an unshakable life on. Plus how to be a godly friend and some Biblical steps to make sure your people have more godly friends in their lives.
Your people will be able to stand strong and walk closer with God than ever before!
Messages Include:
- Strengthening My Walk with God
- Strengthening My Physical Body for God
- Strengthening My Pursuit of Godly Wisdom
- Strengthening My Godly Relationships with Others
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Stronger Faith Sermon Series
(Just $59 - Normally $169.95)
65% OFF Today!
We all want stronger faith. But how do you get it? In this powerful four-part teaching series from Nelson Searcy, Kerrick Thomas & Jason Hatley, you will explore the lives of four giants of faith from the book of Genesis. Then, you can pass on the lessons learned from those lives to your church.
Your church will discover how Noah obeyed God, even when he didn’t understand, how God used an imperfect man like Jacob to accomplish great things, how Joseph didn’t avoid trials, but moved through them and came out the other side — and SO much more!
Messages Include:
- Noah: A Faith That Obeys
- Abraham: A Faith That Trusts
- Jacob: A Faith That Perseveres
- Joseph: A Faith That Overcomes
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This Is Jesus Sermon Series
(Just $74 - Normally $199.95)
62% OFF Today!
So how do you move someone from not growing to moving Forward in Faith?
In this exciting six-part sermon series from Nelson Searcy and Kerrick Thomas, you will teach your people the true identity of Jesus. You will look at how Jesus forgives (sin), meets our needs, understands what we go through (temptations), calms our fears, directs our paths and secures our eternity.
Messages Include:
- Jesus Secures My Eternity
- Jesus Directs My Path
- Jesus Calms My Fears
- Jesus Understands My Temptations
- Jesus Meets My Needs
- Jesus Forgives My Sins
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Bod 4 God Sermon Series
(Just $59 - Normally $169.95)
65% OFF Today!
Are you ready to help the people of your church become healthier physically, even as you encourage them spiritually?
Bod 4 God is a four-week sermon series that will help you teach your people to honor God with their bodies – and understand how physical health is connected to spiritual health!
This series specifically addresses the importance of dedication, inspiration, eating, exercise and teamwork - but also teaches the sound Biblical principles that will help your people get fit, and stay fit for life!
Messages Include:
- Honoring God With My Body: Dedication
- Motivating Myself For Change: Inspiration
- Managing My Lifestyle Habits: Eating And Exercise
- Making My Bod 4 God Stick: Building My Team
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Deeper Connections Sermon Series
(Just $59 - Normally $169.95)
65% OFF Today!
In this four-part sermon series from Nelson Searcy and Kerrick Thomas, you will show your people how to experience more of God’s power in their lives by deepening their connection to Him — a connection so strong that it will not be severed by the storms of life. These Biblical teachings can mean the difference between stale faith and a vibrant faith that helps them thrive no matter what they are going through.
You’ll explore the story of Daniel and how he pursued a deeper connection with God through practicing spiritual disciplines. Share the story of Job and how God can use pain to draw us closer to him rather than pushing us away. Help them discover God’s plan for purity in the Song of Songs. And finally delve into how God used the prophets to call people to put God first — a choice that leads to God’s blessing in our lives.
Messages Include:
- Deeper Through Pursuit
- Deeper Through Pain
- Deeper Through Purity
- Deeper Through Priority
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Living By the Book Sermon Series
(Just $74 - Normally $199.95)
62% OFF Today!
In this five-part series from Nelson Searcy and Kerrick Thomas, you will help your people better engage with God’s word and use the Bible as the guidebook for their lives.
It’s impossible to grow and mature spiritually without living the Book. So in this series, you’ll equip your people with best practices for Bible reading no matter their current level of Bible engagement. You’ll be able to show them how the Bible can have a greater impact on their lives — including tangible benefits like reducing loneliness, anger, bitterness and more!
Throughout the series, you’ll help your practice creative ways of memorizing Scripture, break through any obstacles they have to connecting with the Bible, learn key things to ask God to reveal to them through Scripture and be encouraged through a guide to Scripture promises.
Originally launched during the holiday season but applicable at any time of year.
Messages Include:
- Maturity Through Scripture Reading
- Maturity Through Scripture Memorization
- Maturity Through Scripture Application
- Maturity Through Scripture Promises
- What Will Mature My Faith?
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Wise Living Sermon Series
(Just $59 - Normally $169.95)
65% OFF Today!
In this powerful four-part sermon series from Nelson Searcy and Kerrick Thomas, you will share Biblical tools from the Book of Proverbs with your people to help them make wise decisions in every area of their lives.
Teach them how to apply this timeless wisdom to the daily challenges of their career, family and more! Over the four weeks of this series, you will share a Biblical decision-making grid, seven lessons for success at work, a guide to using words wisely every day, and seven Proverbs for a wise family.
Includes a bonus 31-day Proverbs reading plan that you can share with your people — helping them grow wiser by reading just one chapter of Proverbs a day!
Messages Include:
- Biblical Wisdom for My Decisions
- Biblical Wisdom for My Work
- Biblical Wisdom for My Words
- Biblical Wisdom for My Home Life
SAVE 62%
Game On Sermon Series
(Just $74 - Normally $199.95)
62% OFF Today!
In this five-part sermon series from Nelson Searcy, you will teach your people the central idea that “God wants to use you.” You will challenge them to ask God to use them and, in doing so, fulfill a 2,000-year-old prayer that Jesus prayed.
They will learn how to fulfill God’s mission for their lives by serving others and giving their lives to something bigger than just themselves. Through this series, you will show them how to make a difference in their family, their community, their church and in the world.
This powerful series specifically addresses areas like how God uses us, how to activate our gifts, how to break free from selfishness and how to ask God to use them to fulfill His mission for a more fulfilling life.
Messages Include:
- It’s Time to Ask God to Use Me
- It’s Time to Activate My Gifts
- It’s Time to Open My Heart to Those in Need
- It’s Time to Break Free of Selfishness
- It’s Time to Walk Across the Room
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Courageous Living Sermon Series
(Just $74 - Normally $199.95)
62% OFF Today!
In this five-part series from Nelson Searcy and Kerrick Thomas, you’ll share with your people, from some of the biggest Bible stories, God’s promises for defeating fear, worry, stress and anxiety.
You’ll walk through five incredible stories of courage from the Old Testament (found in Joshua, Ruth, Esther). These are five stories from regular people, showcasing five promises from God to help your people live strong and courageous. As you dive into God’s word, you’ll share His solutions for some of the biggest fears that are hurting us in life.
Messages Include:
- The Promise of Power
- The Promise of Provision
- The Promise of Presence
- The Promise of Purpose
- The Promise of Protection
SAVE 62%
Impact Sermon Series
(Just $74 - Normally $199.95)
62% OFF Today!
In this exciting five-part sermon series from Nelson Searcy & Kerrick Thomas, you will teach your people to realize the full potential God has given them to make a difference. This series will show your church how to experience God’s power working through us to make a substantial impact.
They will learn how to make sure that our deepest beliefs are informed and solidified by scripture alone, what it looks like to live with compassion towards those that are in need around us, how we can use what God has given us in order to live a more generous and fulfilling life, what to look for in key relationships, how a life of impact is not an inwardly focused or self-centered life, but a life concerned for the spiritual state of others.
Messages Includes:
- The Power of Belief
- The Power of Compassion
- The Power of Generosity
- The Power of Team
- The Power of Influence
SAVE 65%
Things I’ve Learned About God Sermon Series
(Just $59 - Normally $169.95)
65% OFF Today!
In this four-part teaching series from Nelson Searcy, Kerrick Thomas & Jason Hatley, you will discover some of the most important lessons that you will ever learn about God. You’re aware from childhood that God loves you — but why do you forget this as you get older?
With this teaching series, your church will discover that God loves them (and WHY He loves them), that He has a specific plan for them, that He is always with them, and SO much more!
Messages Include:
- God Loves Me
- God Has A Plan
- God Is With Me
- God Is In Control
SAVE 61%
Good News Sermon Series
(Just $89 - Normally $229.95)
61% OFF Today!
In this eight-part series from Nelson Searcy and Kerrick Thomas, you will guide your people through an engaging study of the New Testament to find hope and the “rich and satisfying life” Jesus promises to those who follow Him. They will discover that the Good News we receive through Jesus also means a call to a higher way of living.
You’ll help them learn the most important first steps of obedience, how to fully commit to Jesus and really experience spiritual growth, how to live lives of radical generosity, how to love like Jesus, how to find joy in every day of their lives, and how to find hope when it feels like all is lost. Plus, why and how they can share this radical Good News with others!
Messages Include:
- I Will Receive Freely
- I Follow Closely
- I Commit Completely
- I Give Generously
- I Live Joyfully
- I Hope Confidently
- I Love Outrageously
- I Share Intentionally
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Experiencing God Sermon Series
(Just $89 - Normally $229.95)
61% OFF Today!
In this eight-part sermon series from Nelson Searcy, Kerrick Thomas & Jason Hatley, you will teach your people that God is at work all around us, all the time. Your church will discover that God’s will is not hidden and that they can experience him daily in extraordinary ways that can transform their lives. Help your congregation fully understand God’s constant workings in their lives, how to recognize His plans for them, and grow in deeper relationship with Him in order to better fulfill His will for their lives.
Messages Includes:
- How to Know and Do the Will of God
- Discovering Where God is at Work Around Me
- Deepening My Relationship With God
- Accepting God's Invitation
- Listening When God Speaks
- Navigating My Crisis of Belief
- Adjusting My Life to God's Will
- Experiencing God in My Daily Life
SAVE 61%
Financial Freedom Full Church Campaign Kit
(Just $89 - Normally $229.95)
61% OFF Today!
With the current economic climate, the need in our communities for honest and applicable financial advice has never been greater.
Thankfully for us, the Bible is far from silent on the issue of money, and this brand-new Full Church Campaign is designed to help you teach your people how to honor God and succeed in the area of money.
Originally used at The Journey Church in New York City, this fully downloadable, eight-week campaign kit includes everything you need to move your people down the road towards Financial Freedom.
This Full Church Campaign Kit includes:
- How Do I Find Financial Peace?
- How Do I Overcome the Desire for More?
- How Do I Get Out of Debt?
- How Do I Save in this Economy?
- How Do I Manage Wealth?
- How Do I Make Wise Financial Decisions?
- How Do I Honor God with My Finances?
- How Do I Live Like No One Else?
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The Life of Paul Sermon Series
(Just $89 - Normally $229.95)
61% OFF Today!
“Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.”
Those are the words of Paul from 1 Corinthians 11 telling the young believers in Corinth to model their faith on his life and example — just as he closely followed the model and example of Jesus Himself.
In this powerful, eight-part series from Nelson Searcy and Kerrick Thomas, you will help your people grow spiritually by developing the Godly characteristics that helped the Apostle Paul model such a strong, passionate and unshakable faith.
Other than Jesus, the Apostle Paul is the greatest example from the New Testament of how we should live our lives as Christians. In Paul’s life and writings, we find essential qualities for the Christian life that help us not just survive but live the most effective and fulfilling lives possible.
Help your people find the hope and strength they need as they study the life of Paul and learn to develop those qualities of surrender, grit, joy, boldness, leadership, generosity, self-discipline and hope. They will grow stronger for the season they are in today, and find wisdom and power for the seasons ahead!
Messages Include:
- The Essential Quality of Surrender
- The Essential Quality of Grit
- The Essential Quality of Joy
- The Essential Quality of Boldness
- The Essential Quality of Leadership
- The Essential Quality of Generosity
- The Essential Quality of Self Discipline
- The Essential Quality of Hope
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Strength for the Seasons of Life Sermon Series
(Just $89 - Normally $229.95)
61% OFF Today!
In this powerful, eight-part series from Nelson Searcy and Kerrick Thomas, you will share Biblical tools from the Book of Psalms to remind your people that all of life is under God’s control and that He blesses us when we follow His path.
Every season of life comes with unique opportunities and challenges to face. Just as nature has seasons, you will walk through the seasons of life, including Winter (Waiting/Deepening), Spring (Renewal/Beginning), Summer (Maturing/Enjoying) and Fall (Growing/Preparing).
Whatever season of life you are in, there is a Psalm for that. Your people will find strength in the Psalms no matter what the circumstances — during tough transitions, periods of doubt, times of grief, and days of blessings. You’ll help them remember God’s promises through Biblical practices that grow their spiritual health for all seasons.
Includes designed Memory Verse Cards that can be printed and distributed each week during service.
Messages Include:
- Strength for the Difficult Season
- Strength for the Transition Season
- Strength for the Grinding Season
- Strength for the Doubting Season
- Strength for the Waiting Season
- Strength for the Dry Season
- Strength for the Grieving Season
- Strength for the Winning
SAVE 61%
The Greatest Stories Ever Told Sermon Series
(Just $89 - Normally $229.95)
61% OFF Today!
In this eight-part series from Nelson Searcy and Kerrick Thomas, you will explore the parables that Jesus used to illustrate eternal principles. These are the stories that will change their perspective and give them a window into a higher way of living.
Your people will learn how they can apply the timeless wisdom that Jesus taught to their lives today. You’ll guide them in unpacking the parables to learn how to forgive others, live wisely, find true success, love others, show real compassion, and more!
Messages Include:
- Great Stories about God’s Kingdom
- Great Stories about God’s Love
- Great Stories about Money & Possessions
- Great Stories about Unconditional Forgiveness
- Great Stories about Prayer
- Great Stories about Radical Compassion
- Great Stories about Wise Living
- Great Stories about Eternal Living
SAVE 63%
Father, Son & Holy Spirit: How the Trinity Deepens My Faith Sermon Series
(Just $94 - Normally $259.95)
63% OFF Today!
In this powerful, nine-part series from Nelson Searcy and Kerrick Thomas, you will guide your people to a deeper understanding of the Biblical doctrine of the Trinity, that God is one God in three persons — Father, Son and Holy Spirit. They will walk away with less confusion and a greater appreciation of the significance of the Trinity and its impact on their lives.
It's true that our finite minds will never be able to fully comprehend an infinite God. But you can explore the truths of the Trinity in a fun, engaging way that will help your people grow closer to God. They will be encouraged as they grow in their knowledge of who God is and how they can trust in Him completely.
In this comprehensive series, you will share practical applications of more maturity in faith as you equip your people to face the storms of life. This includes two weeks examining the Nine Fruits of the Spirit — the nine character traits that the Holy Spirit develops in you.
Originally launched as an Easter series but applicable at any time of the year.
Messages Include:
- Son - Deeper with Jesus as Savior
- Son - Deeper with Jesus as Lord
- Son - Deeper with Jesus as Fully God
- Father - Deeper with My Omnipotent Father
- Father - Deeper with My Omniscient Father
- Father - Deeper with My Omnipresent Father
- Holy Spirit - Deeper with the Holy Spirit Directing Me
- Holy Spirit - Deeper with the Holy Spirit Developing Me, Part 1
- Holy Spirit - Deeper with the Holy Spirit Developing Me, Part 2
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The 10 Commandments Sermon Series
(Just $104 - Normally $259.95)
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In this riveting ten-part sermon series from Nelson Searcy and Kerrick Thomas, you will walk through each of the 10 Commandments and why they still matter to our lives today.
You’ll share how God’s instructions are the foundation of a life well-lived — not meant to restrict our freedom but to enhance our happiness. These are guidelines to get the most out of life. Though this in-depth series, you’ll dive into what the 10 Commandments really mean, why God gave them to us over 3,000 years ago and how they are more relevant today than they’ve ever been!
Messages Include:
- Commandment #1: Who Needs Them
- Commandment #2: I'm Just Never Satisfied
- Commandment #3: It's Only a Name
- Commandment #4: Working Myself to Death
- Commandment #5: You Don't Get to Choose Your Parents
- Commandment #6: Getting Away with Murder
- Commandment #7: Safe Sex?
- Commandment #8: Taking What's Not Yours
- Commandment #9: Living a Lie
- Commandment #10: Wanting What Others Have
You Will Receive:
- 10 Message Audio Files
- 10 Sets of Message Notes
- 10 Message Transcripts
- More than 50 Graphics & Documents
- Everything you need to teach this series to the people of your church
Each Sermon Series includes everything you need to teach the people of your church:
- Message MP3's
- Message Transcripts
- Message Notes
- Series Graphics
- Series Documents

We are so certain that these resources will benefit you and your church that we will give you a 365 day no-hassle guarantee. Take your time to listen and implement the resources you purchased and if at any time you are not fully satisfied, then you can receive a prompt and courteous refund.