Turn Up Your Evangelism Efforts like Never Before — Get the Completely Updated and Expanded Best-Selling Resource Proven to Help You Reach More People for Christ! Brand New – Now with Team Edition – Choose from Download, CD or DVD! SAVE 87%!
Attract More Unchurched and Mobilize Your People to Reach More People for Christ in this Brand New, In-Depth 6-Part Resource with Nelson Searcy
Bringing together EVERY key strategy and tool — Nelson Searcy presents his most powerful evangelism resource to date: The Completely UPDATED and EXPANDED Evangelism Seminar + Team Edition! This Proven, Step-by-Step Resource contains EVERYTHING you need to maximize the Evangelism System in YOUR church! Now available in DVD, Download and CD!
AND FOR THE FIRST TIME – Team Training DVD Option! Nelson will be on screen walking you and your team through each of the six sessions of training. Secure the resource option that best fits your Evangelism and training needs! And save 87%!
Plus Get Over $129.90 in New Release Bonuses! Exclusive Discounted Rates + Bonuses Available for a Limited Time!
Dear Pastor,
Dream with me for a minute.
Imagine if in a year:
You could dramatically improve the number of new believers inside your church
You could increase the number of people you baptize
You could attract more unchurched people through your doors each Sunday — making a much bigger impact
The members of your church are praying for the unchurched, and sharing their faith with the community
Your congregation is inviting their friends to come to church with them on a regular basis
All this IS possible, but it doesn’t happen by chance — only if you’re willing to do everything you can to cooperate with God to reach your church’s full redemptive potential.
Partnering with God
I’ve learned over the years that when you have a strong Evangelism System, God will bless your efforts. But He will not bless a church that is not prepared.
I remember in the early years of my ministry praying for God to give us the opportunities to reach more people for Christ. I prayed that one day we would see the same number of people on a Sunday that would normally match our attendance for the whole month!
It didn’t happen overnight. It took months of prayer and planning. I knew that if it was going to happen I would have to find a way to equip our people for evangelism and raise the evangelistic temperature of our church.
So I created a system to identify the four areas of evangelistic focus that exist in every church and a step-by-step plan to challenge our church to both:
How to attract a crowd to your worship service — particularly the unchurched
And how to mobilize your congregation to share their faith
Because there is no more important mission that we have as pastors than to reach more people for Christ. Period.
I’m reminded of this every day that I’m in ministry.
“The Gift of Evangelism” (My Story)
I actually came to Christ in 1989, and the very next year is when I felt called to ministry. Because I grew up outside of the church, I had a lot of friends who were unchurched. I was pretty unchurched myself until I came to faith in Christ. But I had a real desire from the very beginning to try to reach them.
Now back in those days I had no idea that that was called “evangelism.” I just wanted to get my friends to church. I wanted them to experience this life-changing power of Jesus Christ that I had experienced.
I remember, after I’d been going on my Christian walk and been in ministry for about three or four months, one of the pastors around me said, “Nelson, I think you have the gift of an evangelist.”
Again, I really didn’t know what that meant. At the time, the only evangelist I had ever heard of was Billy Graham. That’s all I could think of when they said being an “evangelist.”
What he really meant was —I was good at sharing my faith with other people.
Well, I thought if I have this gift then I want to explore it. From the mid 1990s up until today, I have been passionate about studying evangelism. In fact, if there’s been any thread in my ministry, it is that thread of evangelism. Everything that I do and everything that I teach is all about helping you reach more people for Christ.
Because of that, I’ve read every book I could get my hands on about evangelism. If you could come to my office you would see shelf after shelf of books on evangelism, because it’s been my focus. It’s been my focus in my academic work. It’s been a focus in our church.
At the Journey Church where I pastor, we basically tell new staff, “If you don’t love evangelism, you’re going to hate being on our staff because that’s what we’re about.” The single defining system in my opinion that has marked The Journey Church has been the Evangelism System.
If there’s something that gets me excited about our church, it is that we have a single focus on making evangelism a priority, and so because of that we see more and more people come to faith in Christ. In fact, in recent decades we baptized on average over 200 people a year. In doing that we’ve seen thousands of people come to faith in Christ and make that decision to follow Jesus as Lord and Savior.
Then somewhere along the way I started coaching other churches. I’ve coached over 2,000 churches mainly in the United States but also around the world and I’ve helped them strengthen their evangelism system.
Wherever you are on the spectrum, whether you’re a church that’s really healthy and growing, or you’re a church that feels stagnant — there is hope for you.
I want to help you realize your true evangelism potential as a pastor and as a church. So I went back into the studio and completely updated my best-selling Evangelism Seminar. All new learnings and strategies.
In this brand new resource, I bring to bear everything I’ve learned academically, everything I’ve learned as a pastor, and everything I’ve learned as a coach, to help you strengthen your evangelism system.
Introducing my most powerful, comprehensive
Evangelism resource to date!
The Evangelism Seminar + Team Edition
Attracting the unchurched to your church and mobilizing your church for evangelism
Updated with the latest learnings and strategies that have worked in my church and over 2,000 other churches across all sizes and denominations. And, as the clever resource subtitle above implies, this seminar covers BOTH aspects of an evangelism system:
How to attract a crowd to your worship service — particularly the unchurched
And how to mobilize your congregation to share their faith
Organized for team training with six powerful sessions that you can go through at your own pace — easily one per week or even one per month!
Designed for easy implementation with your team. Everything is laid out for you in a logical step-by-step fashion to make it easy to get up and running quickly! Including all the editable Evangelism documents used at The Journey Church and over 2,000 of my Coaching Alumni churches.
AND FOR THE FIRST TIME – you will have a Team Training DVD Option! Train your staff and key leaders — I will be right there on screen walking you through each of the six sessions of training.
As you can see, this updated and expanded resource is comprehensive, but it’s also very manageable — you will get small steps that you can take little by little. You’ll be able to strengthen your evangelism system over time. I always boil it down to the key items you need to focus on each week that when implemented will add up to a BIG impact.
Because this is important work — and time is of the essence! God is giving us more time to work on our Evangelism System so that we can reach more people for Christ. He doesn’t want anyone to perish.
Are you ready to partner with God to truly reach the lost in your community?
Your partner in ministry,

Nelson Searcy
Each session will have specific action steps you can take so you are building your process each week in a repeatable, sustainable way for visible results:
In this foundational session, you will discover:
- Where Evangelism fits into the 8 Systems of a Healthy Church — and the question you need to ask yourself
- How to approach strengthening your Evangelism System (and why little steps are the key)
- The two sides of a thriving Evangelism System
- The five groups of people you must be influencing or mobilizing in order to reach people for Christ
- How to set your evangelism goals (measuring where you are and where you should strive to be)
- How evangelism is NOT a _______ problem, but rather an ________ problem
- The three key elements of an Evangelism System that you need to master — and that will be covered in this seminar
- An overview of the four areas of an effective Evangelism System
- Where the evangelism system really begins and ends in your church — and how to know when you’re maximizing it
This session will cover the first key area of evangelism and help you lead the way in your church. You will discover:
- An important evangelism metaphor for pastors to help you gauge the health of your system
- 6 key evangelism measurements you need to know and be tracking on a regular basis (and the ONE key indicator that matters the most)
- The main responsibility you have as lead pastor when it comes to evangelism (hint: it may involve some heat!)
- 3 ways you can raise the evangelistic temperature in your church
- How to manage the gap between those who come to faith in Christ and those who get baptized
- How to create a thriving evangelism-focused culture
- An effective way to track how many of your people are inviting their friends to church
- What you can’t afford to delegate in the Evangelism System
- Why just having the “gift of evangelism” doesn’t mean success — and what’s even more important as a pastor
- The link between evangelism and discipleship and how you should be challenging the leaders in your church
- The power of Easter Sunday and the ways you can challenge your people to really maximize this Big Day
- The preaching focus that will give a big boost to your Evangelism System
- 5 ways you can engage your staff or key lay leaders to be examples of evangelism
- How to incorporate stories and testimonies into your worship services
- Ways to intentionally structure your church for evangelism
- Why you need to plan “Big Days” and what a potential year-long calendar could look like
- Special evangelistic events that you can use to mobilize your people to share their faith
This session will cover the second key area of evangelism and help you mobilize your church to share their faith. You will discover:
- The fastest way to bring in more unchurched in your community
- What you must always include to help your people NOT put off inviting their friends
- The power of a personal invite (and how many would say YES if just asked!)
- The secret to how your church can truly DOUBLE in just one day
- The essential formula to follow in challenging your congregation to invite their friends
- How to keep the momentum of Easter evangelism going all year-round
- Proven training sessions you can lead your people through to help them alleviate any fears
- 11 effective invite tools to make it easier for your people to share their faith!
- 5 key principles to guide how you lead personal evangelism in your church
- Encouraging participation: Great ways you can reward your people for inviting their friends
- A simple method to mobilize your people to pray for the unchurched
- 4 measurements you can track and celebrate to encourage repeated activity
- When less is more in this important area of personal evangelism
- The events you’re already doing that offer big opportunities for personal evangelism
- Samples and methods to utilize invite cards and enhance your outreach efforts
- Effective ways your people can share their faith online and through social media
- A pastor exercise you should do TODAY to help you lead more people in reaching the unchurched
This session will cover the third key area of evangelism and help you attract more people from your community, sowing the seeds of invitation. You will discover:
- The promotional focus you must embrace and never see as a “dirty” word
- How to be strategic in pinpointing where to market your church — the areas where your invitation will have the biggest impact
- Your main mission with all your promotional efforts — and why you cannot be stingy in this area
- An in-depth look at scripture that will guide your marketing methods
- The 3 most common situations people will be in when they come looking for your church — and why you must examine these needs in your community
- Important questions to ask yourself during your strategic promotional planning time
- 8 proven tools to reach the maximum number of people possible in your community
- The key to greater returns on your promotional investment
- The surprisingly cheaper marketing method that you cannot afford to skip!
- What’s even more important than creativity when it comes to your marketing and advertising (if you don’t have this, people will say NO)
- Tips for effective print and radio advertising
- How to set realistic goals and manage your progress without anxiety
- The critical perspective on promotion you must have to increase your effectiveness
- Why you MUST repeat your message multiple times with multiple methods to have an impact
- The 5 C’s you need to know and apply to your marketing materials
- What you may be doing (or NOT doing) that is sabotaging God’s blessing on your evangelism efforts
- The promotional side of servant evangelism
- The secret ingredient your promotional items will have that secular promotion won’t
This session will cover the fourth key area of evangelism and help you preserve the fruit you have worked so hard to get, to cultivate the new believers you reach. You will discover:
- How to examine what you are doing currently to preserve your new believers and help them develop as followers of Christ
- A 5-step new believer follow-up process — from the first hour someone makes a decision through the first month and beyond!
- A creative baptism tool you can use to inspire others to get baptized and celebrate those newly baptized
- The most important part of your entire evangelism system (you won’t have a healthy system if leave this out)
- 3 ways to celebrate your new believers with others in the church
- 4 essential elements in an effective system for tracking the people coming to faith in Christ
- How to maximize your Sunday services in both inviting people to say ‘yes’ to Jesus and recording those decisions.
- What kind of Bible you should have available for your new believers
- A practical, proven tool for bothcapturing new believer’s information and encouraging them to take next steps
- What you MUST prepare in advance to be truly ready for your new believers
- What the Law of Spiritual Readiness means for how you prepare for new believers — and fully cooperate with God
- A big action step you can take TODAY to strengthen your follow-up — and improve your entire Evangelism System
This session reviews the strategies and tools you have learned in previous sessions and provides encouragement to keep strengthening your Evangelism System. You will discover:
- An insightful review of the 4 areas of an effective Evangelism System
- Small steps you can take immediately to start strengthening your Evangelism System and attracting more unchurched people
- Highlights of the 3 key changes you should focus on for biggest results
- Reminders of important discussion items and next steps to accelerate your improvement
- 3 things a maximized church does that you can model in your development
- How to keep setting the vision for your church to DOUBLE your evangelistic effectiveness
- 3 powerful passages of scripture to encourage you in your evangelism efforts
Bonus #1: Evangelism Sermon Series ($99.95 value)
(available in all packages)
This collection of six sermons from the life of The Journey Church by Nelson Searcy is a great way to teach your people how to share their faith and to invite their friends to church. It includes messages that effectively challenge those not yet Christians to make a decision to follow Jesus.
Bonus #2: Prayerwalking Your Community ($59.95 value)
(available in all packages)
Prepare your community for evangelism. Designed for individual training or for use with a group, this exclusive DVD training gives you everything you need to start a prayerwalking ministry or conduct a widespread prayerwalk of your community.
Bonus #3: The Big Day ($49.95 value)
(available only in DVD select and DVD plus packages)
A Big Day is a proven way to cooperate with how God wants to grow your church. In this 75-minute audio resource, Nelson Searcy walks you through every step necessary to plan, implement and preserve the fruit of this powerful evangelism event.
Bonus #4: How to Do a 90-Minute Evangelistic Outreach ($29.95 value)
(available only in DVD select and DVD plus packages)
Mobilizing church members to do an entry-level evangelism project is one of the best ways to raise the evangelistic temperature of your church. This twenty-page document by Nelson Searcy will walk you through how to do a servant evangelism project from start to finish. It's the perfect tool to mobilize all ages.
Accelerate Your Evangelism Effectiveness with the DVD PLUS Package — Get One FREE Month of Coaching + Over $1,200.00 in Coaching Bonus Resources!
Fast-track your Evangelism training with the DVD Plus package — which includes twelve months of Evangelism Coaching with Nelson. You'll walk through each critical step of the process - Nelson is with you each step of the way! You'll receive twelve months of online, on-demand training proven to accelerate your evangelism progress. Plus, you will receive your first month FREE!
Here’s what you’ll receive in this new twelve-month network:
- Twelve monthly online sessions focused exclusively on evangelism
- Regular group Q-and-A calls with Nelson Searcy
- Over $1,200.00 in FREE resources from Church Leader Insights, plus special discounts on any new resources
- Unlimited email access to Nelson Searcy and the CLI team
- FREE attendance at many CLI (live to web) training events during your network (up to $729.00 value)
- Private evangelism documents and strategies not available elsewhere
Go IN-DEPTH on every key evangelism strategy and tool you need to raise the evangelistic temperature in your church and exponentially increase the unchurched you reach for Christ!
Over the course of your membership, you will receive exclusive bonus resources including:
- The New Believer Seminar ($299.95 value)
- The Ignite Seminar ($299.95 value)
- The Maximizing Baptism Seminar ($299.95 value)
- Reaching Your Community Through Servant Evangelism ($49.95 value)
- Planning a One-Year Preaching Calendar ($49.95 value)
You will join Nelson for this monthly training via a new on-demand, online module format, where you can participate anytime that is convenient for you! Your experience will be identical, no matter when you log in.