7 Secrets to Effective Delegation:
Empowering Others to Share
in Your Ministry Growth
Your key skills to getting more done in less time, with less stress and with greater blessing!
Pick up this BRAND NEW resource, Secrets to Effective Delegation, AND over $309.65 in Bonuses for only $99 (regularly $299.95!) PLUS Receive TWO FREE MONTHS of The Renegade Pastors Network (additional $1,011.20 value!)
That’s a total retail value of $1,620.80! Yours for only $99!
From time to time, the overwhelming demands of ministry have led each of us to say: I just can't get it all done!
Well, guess what: YOU aren't supposed to be doing it all anyway!
That's right - God never expects you to get it all done...he wants you to get it done through others.
Learning to delegate is your key to getting more done in less time, with less stress and with greater blessing.
You ARE doing too much by yourself.
It's time for you to share the blessing and delegate effectively to others.
It's time for you to increase your impact by 2, by 4 or even by 10.
It's time for you to get home on time for dinner and still fulfill your calling!
Someone has said that “Delegation” is getting things done through others. Pastor and church growth strategist Nelson Searcy would suggest that “Delegation” is empowering others to share in the blessings of your ministry.
Delegation is one of the key skills that every pastor must learn...over and over and over. Unfortunately, they don't teach delegation in seminary.
You may be asking yourself . . .
- What does effective delegation in our ministry really look like?
- How can I delegate and not dump on my staff and volunteers?
- How can I delegate and still ensure that it gets done to my high standards?
- What does a biblical delegation process look like?
- What should I delegate and, more importantly, what shouldn't I delegate?
- How is my poor delegation keeping me from being the leader God wants me to be (and how can I fix!)?
In other words, what are the secrets of effective delegation?
For the last 25 years, Nelson has been learning, studying, agonizing over and coaching others about the secrets of effective delegation as a pastor. Recently, after coaching over 2,000 senior pastors, Nelson was asked by his highest-level coaching network to put all his delegation lessons together in one place.
The result – this brand new resource “Secrets of Effective Delegation: Strengthening a Pastor’s Achilles’ Heel in the Battle for Church Growth.” This resource is literally 25 years of lessons from the school of hard knocks, the Bible and Nelson’s own pastoral and coaching ministry.
This new resource is a power-packed 3-hour session where Nelson will teach you:
- The rules of delegation
- The Biblical basis for delegation
- The exact process he’s used effectively day in and day out with his ever-growing staff of pastors and top leaders
- PLUS all his insider power principles for effective delegation
Almost Three Hours of Training broken down into easy-to-manage segments on MP3 files. You can transfer these to your iTunes, MP3 player or listen online.
CD buyers - You will also get a FREE download version so you can listen immediately!Complete Transcript of the three-hour training that you can save onto your computer or tablet and read in more depth after going through the audio training.
Student Guide with fill-in-the-blank notes in a convenient PDF format that you can print and use to follow along, or simply view on your computer or tablet for easy reference.
A Complete Leader’s Guide so that you can take this workshop and train other pastors and key leaders on your team. You’ll have everything you need to lead this workshop in your church!
So as an introductory special – so you have the greatest opportunity for success in mastering delegation for greater church growth – today you can save over 82%! The total retail value of this package is $1,570.85– but you can download everything for only $99 TODAY THRU FRIDAY, JUNE 12th!
Through this new resource, you will discover:
- The 16 benefits of delegation (one of which is that delegation “improves morale.” It does! A pastor who knows how to delegate has a more enthusiastic staff and church!)
- The problems behind why we don't delegate, and how to identify them and overcome them.
- The barriers to delegation (Nelson shares the most common barriers he’s seen in coaching 2,000+ pastors - one is that some pastors are “glory hogs” and don't want to share the blessings. That’s not you, is it?).
- How to determine exactly what you can delegate [true to his nuts and bolts commitment of not just teaching theory, Nelson will walk you through exactly how to determine what YOU CAN delegate. Hint: some of the things you don't like doing, can be delegated immediately and the person you delegate to will thank you allowing them to do it (true!)]
- What you CANNOT delegate...ever. Period. (You must get this info or else it can kill your ministry.)
- How to delegate differently with your associates and your assistants (You do know the difference, right? You will after this training with Nelson.)
- How to “just get started” in delegating a small, short-term task (within 58 minutes of digging into this resource, you'll be ready to delegate your first project!).
- How to clarify step-by-step the delegation process and do it in a way that is painless to you and painless for the one receiving the delegation.
- The Holy Grail of Delegation (with apologies to Indiana Jones, it’s not a cup of a servant, but it is....well, you'll find out in the resource).
- Nelson’s top four delegation strategies and how you can use different strategies with different people for different tasks but always produce exceptional results!
- Why you always delegate by asking “What?” first and then “Who?”
- Determine who you can delegate to (even if you are a single staff church...God will provide the person but you have to do _________________ first. Nelson will teach you in the seminar).
- Nelson’s specific delegation worksheet that he uses daily at The Journey Church.
- The difference between a biblical delegator and a wimpy gopher or a ministry dumper (guess which one you want to be!).
- Nelson’s NINE-step strategy for delegation (these two pages in your workbook are worth the total investment in the seminar)
- The math of delegation (even if you failed algebra, you've got to learn that 1+1 doesn't always equal two. If delegation is done wrong, then 1+1 equals a lot less than two. But when its done right....).
- The four types of check-ins you must know and utilize in working with staff and volunteers. (If they “hate you” for checking in or have accused you of micromanaging, it’s because you don't know these different types of check-ins.)
- The final step in your delegation process must be CELEB_ _ _ _ _ _!
- You’ll learn this in a way that is customized to each person and sets them (and you) up for further future success.

Learning to delegate won't mean you'll get everything done - ministry never stops - but it does mean you'll get more done - in a healthier, more effective, God-honoring way!
Learning effective delegation means..
...You'll help more people.
...You'll serve more people.
...You'll be a better steward of your own time and the time given by your staff and volunteers
Delegation is a Kingdom skill that you owe it to yourself to learn, relearn and keep learning. School is never out for the effective minister!

Delegation Expert Donna Genett Equipping Interview - A $49.95 Value - Yours FREE!
The perfect accompaniment to the resource, continue your education on delegation with this recent exclusive interview with delegation expert Donna Genett, Ph.D. You'll receive the full one-hour interview recording plus transcript PDF. Author of the best-selling book If You Want It Done Right, You Don't Have to Do It Yourself, in this interview Dr. Genett discusses in-depth the six steps of effective delegation from her acclaimed book that has already been translated into sixteen languages!

2-Hour Q&A with Nelson Searcy – A $99.95 value – Yours FREE!
Nelson answers questions from his Advanced Coaching Network, going deeper into the subject of effective delegation.
The First 90 Days: Welcoming a New Staff Member –
A $29.95 value – Yours FREE!
How do you follow up with new staff to make sure that they are fully integrating into your workplace and achieving the goals that will allow them to continue to thrive in their new positions? Join Nelson Searcy as he discusses what a church can to do to set up their new hires for success.
Conducting a Year-End Review – A $29.95 value – Yours FREE!
This resource will help you create feedback from you to your staff AND from your staff back to you. You will be able to help your staff create goals and recognize their accomplishments and continue to challenge them in their call to ministry. Also includes the actual 26-Question Worksheet that is given to every Journey Staff Member for their Year-End Review.
Managing the Stress of Ministry – A $39.95 value – Yours FREE!
Every pastor knows that ministry is both immensely rewarding and highly stressful. Stress can wear you down physically, mentally and spiritually.
We all live with stress in ministry and wish we didn't, but now you can learn how to manage your stress while becoming more effective and productive.
In this 75-minute resource, you will learn from Nelson Searcy how to free yourself from the potentially paralyzing effects of stress.
New Staff Hiring Checklist – A $29.95 value – Yours FREE
The vast majority of staffing problems can be avoided with a healthy hiring process. For over a decade now, Nelson has been using and improving this checklist at The Journey Church to bring alignment and clarity with all new staff members. You’ll find this document to be tremendously valuable when you’re hiring, to give your hire the best opportunity to succeed at your church
Staff Resignation Checklist – A $29.95 value – Yours FREE!
When someone resigns is NOT the time to start thinking about what needs to be done. Be ready to respond with this proven checklist – prepare yourself and protect your church should the need arise. Miss any step on the checklist and you’ll regret it later (the consequences can be painful and costly to you and your church)!
Receive TWO FREE MONTHS of the Renegade Pastors Network with any order and receive over $1011.20 in additional resources and bonuses!
Are you a Pastor who is ready to abandon "average" and is pursuing God's highest best for your life, your ministry and your church?
Join this ongoing membership program focused on the life and ministry of the pastor. Each month you'll join Nelson for a leadership and strategy briefing, and he'll help you stay a step ahead by looking at what's next on the calendar. And receive $813.20 in Free Bonus Resources when you join!
Get this BRAND NEW resource as a special introductory package – Total Retail Value of $1,620.80
Yours for only $99! Includes $1,320.85 in FREE Bonus Resources – You save over 82%!

If you listen to and apply the lessons from this resource and you still do not believe you have learned the keys to effectively delegate to get more done with less stress, just return it ANYTIME WITHIN THE NEXT YEAR for a full no-hassle, no questions asked refund.
After your 60 day trial of the Renegade Pastors Network, you will be billed $99 and every 30 days after that. You can cancel at any time. Only submit the form once, otherwise more than one subscription may be charged to your account. Your statement will show the charge from the Nelson Searcy Company.
Your Renegade Pastor membership subscription is for ONE church. Please do not distribute these resources to any other church, organization, or individual. If you run a network, please contact us about network pricing. All materials are protected by federal copyright laws and cannot be distributed or reproduced without written consent.
If you have any questions about your membership, please contact Scott Whitaker at or by calling 561-921-8488 ext 5.