Exclusive New Leadership Resource from Nelson Searcy
Save Over 80% - Ends Tuesday, February 28th!

Brand New Powerful Training for Senior Pastors
Exclusive New Leadership Resource from Nelson Searcy
Save Over 80% - Ends Tuesday, February 28th!
Brand New Powerful Training for Senior Pastors
Secure your copy now and save over 80%!
Nelson Searcy
Lead Pastor
The Journey Church
Dear Pastor,
Have you heard this story before: In the middle of a sermon, the usher hands the pastor a note from an unknown party. The note says just one word — “Fool.”
The pastor proceeds to open the note, read the note and then replies, “I’ve heard of people who wrote letters and forgot to sign their names, but until now I have never seen one who signed his name but forgot to write the letter!”
I love that joke for so many reasons but mainly because it reminds me that you and I are not exempt from criticism. Ever.
You’re just never going to please everyone all of the time. Even if you deliver the most impactful sermon of your ministry, and see many people getting saved, there will be someone with a negative word to say.
Dealing with criticism and difficult people is a very real issue for pastors. In fact, the average pastor leaves the church because they can’t stand the criticism of between 5 and 7 people.
You are not alone — every pastor faces criticism. And there is only one sure-fire way to avoid it:
Do nothing, say nothing or be nothing.
In other words, criticism is unavoidable. And because criticism is unavoidable as pastors, we must learn to manage it — or risk fulfilling our calling.
As a pastor who is a daily target for criticism, just like you, I’ve developed Biblical methods for managing and responding to criticism. Formed over my 25 years in ministry, these hard lessons learned from my experience, and the experience of other church leaders, will not only stop criticism from derailing your mission — they will help strengthen it.
I want to share them with you today in a brand new resource that will encourage you with powerful reminders and tools based in Biblical wisdom.
You’ll learn a 9-step system for managing criticism that will radically improve your daily work in ministry. Through this resource, by learning to face criticism head-on, instead of falling victim to it, you have an opportunity to grow as a leader and be even stronger for it.
Complete Pastor’s Kit including Audio Training, Leader’s Guide, Listener’s Guide, Transcript and More!
In this extremely practical resource for dealing with criticism, you will discover:
No one is immune from the pain of criticism — it can cut right through you and threaten your effectiveness. Whether you’re wrestling with this pain right now or some day soon, don’t let it derail your ministry.
Let’s overcome this challenge together and strengthen your systems — you can take measures today to safeguard your church leadership from the daily threat of criticism!
Your partner in ministry,
Nelson Searcy
Plus when you pick up this resource by Tuesday, Feb. 28th you will also immediately receive these bonus resources:
The Stress Management Seminar - $299.95 Value – Yours FREE!
Pastor and church growth strategist Nelson Searcy experiences the stresses of ministry first-hand - and wants to help you take control TODAY through 10 best practices that he uses in daily ministry. You'll fully engage with this three-hour seminar as Nelson shares his secrets of stress management with practical steps and insights that you can start implementing immediately
Developing a One-Year Personal Growth Plan - $39.95 Value – Yours FREE!
In this updated 60-minute "nuts-and-bolts" resource, Nelson Searcy walks you though how to develop a one-year personal growth plan that will ensure that you are a better leader at end of the year than when you began
Building Emotional Health – Renegade Pastor Interview with Lance Witt - $39.95 Value – Yours FREE!
In this powerful audio resource, Nelson Searcy interviews Replenish author and pastor Lance Witt. Lance has been called a “Pastor’s Pastor.” He is committed to the church and passionately believes in the transformational power of Jesus through the local church. He has served for over 25 years as a local church pastor, 20 years as a senior pastor, and as an executive pastor at Saddleback Church.
Almost 2 Hours of Audio Training on MP3 that you can transfer to your iTunes, MP3 player or listen online.
FREE download with every CD order so you can listen immediately!
Complete Transcript of the training that you can save onto your computer or tablet and read in more depth after going through the audio training.
Student Guide with fill-in-the-blank notes
in a convenient PDF format that you can print and use to follow along, or simply view on your computer or tablet for easy reference.
A Complete Leader's Guide so that you can take this workshop and train your staff, key leaders and volunteers. You'll have everything you need to lead this workshop in your church!
The Renegade Pastors Network is about a comprehensive approach to life and ministry. As a member, Nelson will help you stay one step ahead of the calendar, make the most of your time and resources and fulfill your calling for the sake of the Kingdom.
FREE with your membership - Nelson's NEW book, The Renegade Pastor ($19.95 value!)
1. The Renegade Pastors Monthly LIVE Leadership Briefing Call with LIVE Q&A. At the heart of the network is a monthly update and briefing from Nelson via LIVE Conference Call. This monthly "pastor to pastor" call (which will be recorded on MP3 for your library) will be personal, practical, packed with content and slightly irreverent (but in a good way) training where Nelson will challenge you, enlighten you, equip you and guide you to maximize your next season of ministry. He will often bring in guest speakers as well.
With the Renegade Pastors Monthly Briefing Call, you'll always be one step ahead in your planning and fully inspired and equipped to stay the course of the Renegade lifestyle.
Don’t worry if you can’t make the live call – you’ll receive an MP3 recording in your Online Private Membership Hub to access anytime.
2. Equipping Interview Call. The week following our Leadership Call, Nelson will do a second call where he interviews other leading authors and church growth experts. On these calls, he goes in-depth on the topic of their latest book, their background, and insights and tips for pastors and churches. Past interviews include Thom Rainer, Gary McIntosh, Chuck Lawless, Warren Bird, Steve Stroope, Patrick Lencioni, Bill Easum, and Larry Osborne, among many others.
Plus don’t worry if you can’t make the live call – you’ll receive an MP3 recording in your Online Private Membership Hub to access anytime.
3. Membership Welcome Kit Upon Joining. When you join the network today, you will be welcomed to the Renegade lifestyle with resources and bonuses so you can immediately start abandoning average! You’ll have access to the following:
- Immediate Coaching Hub access with 3 months archive of recent training calls, newsletter, book summaries, special welcome bonuses and more.
- Welcome phone call conversation with Renegade Pastors staff
- 7 Day Renegade Reflections e-mails to quick-start your membership
- Priority Mail Package including the following:
- 7 Commitments of a Renegade Pastor CD case plus first two CDs (5 more mailed monthly to complete the kit)
- Two classic Church Growth Champions reports
- Selected book by Nelson Searcy
- Renegade Pastor wristband
- 7 Commitments of a Renegade Pastor pocket card
- Plus surprises!
4. Bonus Renegade Pastors T-shirt. Wear it proudly; remember, you are now part of a community of like-minded pastors committed to abandoning average!
Includes a FREE Renegade Pastors T-shirt ($19.95 value)
5. Online Private Membership Hub Access. In your password-protected membership site, you'll have instant access to Renegade Pastor benefits including recordings of the monthly calls (3-month archive), exclusive Renegade Pastor online events, purchased resources, Renegade Pastors in-depth book summaries (3-month archive), monthly members update (3-month archive), and Church Growth Champions Audio training from Elmer Towns, Chip Arn, Peter Wagner and Gary McIntosh.
6. Mailed Monthly Members Update. You’ll receive a large packet each month that’s packed with content that you receive only as a Renegade Pastor. These monthly mailings contain a 24+ page printed Renegade Pastors Insider, 6x per year Church Growth Champions biographical report (more on that below), 6x per year Renegade Pastors in-depth book summaries (more details below), Growth Points feature with Dr. Gary McIntosh and more!
7. FREE Church Growth Champions
biographical report.
Each report (6 per year) features a different pioneer of church growth and evangelism to inspire you and your ministry. Past champions include Donald
McGavran, Billy Graham, Charles Spurgeon and John Wesley, all available in your Hub as well.
8. Leadership Book Summaries. You will have exclusive access to these book summaries (6 per year) for the duration of your membership. Includes the “Renegade” perspective with how you can apply the learnings in your church.
9. Q&A with Nelson on each Leadership Briefing Call. At the end of the call, Nelson opens it up for “pastor to pastor” question-and-answer time. You’ll have a chance to discuss with Nelson what’s going on in your church and get direction on next steps. Even if you’re not the one asking a question, you get to hear from other pastors and learn from their situations.
10. Members Only Online Webinars and LIVE Events – like the Annual 3-Day Renegade Pastors Conference. This private event is completely focused on equipping members to abandon average. Members enjoy three days with their fellow Renegades just full of encouragement, fellowship and eye-opening training!
Secure your copy now and save over 80%!
If you listen to and apply the lessons from this resource and you still do not believe you have learned an effective Biblical process to manage criticism, just return it ANYTIME WITHIN THE NEXT YEAR for a full no-hassle, no questions asked refund.
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Boxed CD Set Only $89! (Save $20.00)
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