Attention Senior Pastors: Get your FREE Staffing Resources!
Avoid the Heartache of a Costly Staffing Mistake! Save Time and Money with these Step-by-Step Hiring – and De-Hiring Checklists – Developed in the School of Hard Knocks!

Nothing keeps us awake more than staffing issues. Having the right staff on board will either double the effectiveness of your church – or it will cut it in half.
My personal journey in leading The Journey is why I'm so passionate about helping you - I've made more than a few mistakes in the area of staffing and I want to help you avoid the same pain.
That’s why I’d like to give you a FREE Staffing Resource of your choice (each a $19.95 value). Choose one – or both (I suggest you get them both!).
I developed these Hiring and De-Hiring Checklists so that nothing is overlooked during either the critical hiring process or that important transition time when someone is leaving your church.
These lists are the result of hundreds of hours of hard-learned experience at my own church plus hours working with my coaching alumni. Each checklist is only one page but as tools for effective staff management they are priceless.
They are painfully practical, but each step on these checklists has the potential to save you and your church heartache in the long run!
Just complete the short from below and select your resources.
Please hurry, this giveaway is available this week only!
Click here to request your FREE staffing resources now!
- Nelson
Receive Your FREE Step-by-Step Staffing Resources NOW! Choose One – or Both – of these Priceless Checklists Below.
$19.95 value – Yours FREE! |
The Hiring ChecklistHow people start is how they stay. You want to start them with a checklist of things they have to get done as part of their “onboarding” process. Why? Because 90% of future staffing problems comes from a bad hiring process. For over a decade now, Nelson has been using and improving this checklist at The Journey to bring alignment and clarity with all new staff members. Miss any one step on this hiring checklist and you’ll regret it later – a bad hire can cost four times their annual salary! |
$19.95 value – Yours FREE! |
The De-Hiring ChecklistHandling the loss of a staff member is never easy – whether he or she is resigning, you need to “de-hire” someone or that very rare instance (hopefully!) where you need to fire a staff member. You may be asking, what is a “de-hire?” It’s like a guided resignation – reserved for employees who are disgruntled and who are no longer passionate about or able to do those expectations of the job they agreed to in the beginning. Whether it's a “good” resignation or a “not-so-good” one, it's always emotional. And it's easy to miss important steps in the process if you're not prepared ahead of time. Use this checklist to make sure nothing is forgotten in the transition that could come back to hurt the church, the remaining staff or the outgoing staffer. |
Don’t Be Caught Unprepared – Take a Moment Now to Grab Your FREE Checklists Below!
If you selected the $1.00 Test Drive, after your 60 day trial of the Renegade Pastors Network, you will be billed $99 and every 30 days after that. You can cancel at any time. Only submit the form once, otherwise more than one subscription may be charged to your account. Your statement will show the charge from the Nelson Searcy Company.
Your Renegade Pastor membership subscription is for ONE church. Please do not distribute these resources to any other church, organization, or individual. If you run a network, please contact us about network pricing. All materials are protected by federal copyright laws and cannot be distributed or reproduced without written consent.
If you have any questions about your membership, please contact Scott Whitaker at or by calling 800-264-5129 Ext 5.
Meet Dr. Nelson Searcy
Nelson Searcy is an experienced church growth strategist, pastor, church planter and coach, serving in ministry for more than 25 years and consulting with churches around the world. As founder of Church Leader Insights and the Renegade Pastors Network, he has personally trained more than 50,000 church leaders in over 45 denominations through live events, seminars and monthly coaching, helping them break common growth barriers like 125, 250, 500, 1000 and beyond, all while maintaining personal life and ministry balance. For more accelerated growth, pastors also participate in Nelson’s Senior Pastor, Evangelism, Stewardship, Assimilation and Advanced Coaching networks. Nelson is also the Founding and Lead Pastor of The Journey Church, with locations across New York City and in Boca Raton, FL. Nelson and his church routinely appear on lists such as “The 50 Most Influential Churches” and “The 25 Most Innovative Leaders.” He is the author of over 85 church growth resources and 15+ books, including The Renegade Pastor: Abandoning Average in Your Life and Ministry and The Difference Maker: Using Your Everyday Life for Eternal Impact. Nelson is the recipient of the prestigious Donald A. McGavran Award for Outstanding Leadership in Great Commission Research. His continued mission is to help church leaders around the world cooperate with God in creating healthy, thriving churches. He divides his time between NYC and South Florida. He and his wife, Kelley, have one son, Alexander.
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