Your New Pastor’s Reading List for 2025? Check! FREE Report from Nelson Searcy
Leaders are Readers — Save Time and Get Nelson Searcy’s FREE Report on the Best Books of 2024 for Church Leaders! ($39.95 Value)
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Your New Reading Resource – the Top Leadership and Strategy Books Every Church Leader Should Read! A $39.95 Value – Yours FREE Today!
Don’t waste your time searching on Amazon to find out what you should be reading right now — Nelson has already done the work for you! These are the best of the best – out of hundreds of books that he’s read the past year.
It’s FREE for you — for a limited time!
Nelson loves putting together this list because leaders are readers — and pastor to pastor, he’s going to do everything he can to save you time and focus your attention where it needs to be for maximum growth and development.
Save yourself time, effort and money with this FREE list of the top leadership and ministry books that you should be adding to your reading list.
If the quality of the books released this past year are any indication, 2025 is going to be a banner year of learning, reading and growing for all of us. In this list you’ll find:
- Practical ways that churches today can model churches from the book of Acts, infused with the Holy Spirit — and lead their people to experience revival!
- The most important words Jesus ever spoke — and how they can shape your path
- Important insights into a teen epidemic that is affecting all communities around the world
- A timeless, inspirational message from the life of a ministry leader who emphasized personal evangelism
- Grounded solutions for pastors to manage unforeseen challenges and emergencies — while preserving the good standing of your church!
- An eye-opening account of modern theology that shows how Christians have made sense of their faith in light of cultural upheavals around them
- Tested methods from a visionary Christian mentor that will help you weather cultural storms and be more effective!
- A fresh portrait of Charles Spurgeon that will have you marveling at his genius, influence and leadership
- A step-by-step (surprising!) road map for escaping burnout while pursuing more meaningful accomplishment
- Game-changing advice to improve your economic security no matter what situation you are facing!
- Riveting accounts of the greatest Bible stories ever told — and how they can inspire and unite people all across the world
- How Christian music spurred evangelical activism in potent and lasting ways
- A biblical process for how to overcome your most difficult challenges
- And more!
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When you request your Best Books report below, you can also select a FREE $50 Gift Card that you can apply to any resources in our online store, including more sermon series, leadership seminars, systems trainings and more!

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